Irregular verb run in different tenses

Knowledge of the English language requires almost every area of ​​the modern world. For intermediate language speakers, sooner or later the question arises of using verbs in different tense forms. This object of study can cause difficulties and confusion. But in reality it is only necessary to remember the basic signs of regular and irregular verbs. For example, the irregular verb run is required.

Distinctive features of regular and irregular verbs

The words for actions in English have their own classification. Some of them may change appearance depending on the time of use. Others, by contrast, only add to the word the ending traditional for the time. For example, for the past tense, a characteristic feature is the addition of -ed to the verb . And in perfect form, an auxiliary one is added in front of the main semantic verb. Such an additional word is not translated, but only serves as part of the design for the formation of perfect time.

The irregular verb run is just in the first group. That is, with a change in the narrative time, the whole basis of the verb changes. But a similar phenomenon does not always occur. Irregular verbs exist that preserve the same infinitive form at different times.

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Meaning of the verb to run in all common dictionaries

The verb translates as "work," "run," "manage." In addition to the commonly used meanings of run, there are also slang, or those that are inherent in certain segments of the population. Such translation options include:

  • food poisoning or diarrhea, in the sense of the inability to catch the toilet;
  • a point or point in baseball that brought the team victory;
  • own a thing or something abstract;
  • commit theft or robbery;
  • chasing someone for the purpose of superiority (used in sports terms).

Also in English there are phrasal verbs. A feature of these phrases is the indirect meaning. When the preposition is next to the verb, the translation of the whole statement can be completely different in meaning. For instance:

  1. Run away. Literally, the phrase translates as "run away." But there are other meanings, namely, "problems with driving a car" and "a waste of something." For example, forces or financial resources.
  2. Run into. This combination can indicate the direction of the place and answer the questions "where" and "where." But also there is the meaning of "run into someone," "run into someone."
  3. Run off. The meanings of this phrase are also diverse: “run away”, “write something on the go”, “print something with an indication of circulation”.
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How to recognize the irregular verb run and how to find it?

As mentioned above, the run verb is irregular. This means that the change of the word in temporary forms does not occur according to the generally accepted pattern. All irregular verbs are exceptions to the rules. These words must be memorized. As a rule, irregular verbs are located at the end of each explanatory dictionary of the English language and in each methodological textbook.

Verb change in different tenses

The forms of the verb run do not change. In the past, it remains in its original form - run. In perfect, which indicates the connection between the perfect action and its visible effect in the present, it also remains in the infinitive - run.

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Thus, we can conclude that the irregular verb run in all tense forms retains its original form, that is, it duplicates the verb from the present tense. That is why there is no confusion with him, since run remains unchanged. But when forming perfect tense, one should not forget about the established rules and the combination of an irregular verb with an auxiliary one.


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