Sesa hair oil: reviews how to use

Oriental women have always been famous for their thick long hair. What is the secret of their beauty? They use cosmetics exclusively from natural ingredients. Reviews about Sesa hair oil from Indian ladies are only positive, women claim that Sesa has an almost thousand-year history. This tool is really time-tested. Each of us dreams of a thick shiny hair. But due to poor ecology, stress, and in the cold season, the hair grow dull and begin to fall out. The situation is exacerbated by drying with a hairdryer, painting and hot styling. How to put your hair in order in a short time, saturate it with vitamins and give a lively shine?

Hair health oil "Sesa"

At home, you can prepare a nutritious oil-based mask yourself, or you can trust professional brands, one of which is the Indian brand Sesa. Indian Sesa oils are known in many countries of the world, and all thanks to a unique formula and a stunning effect. The tool is made according to the ancient recipe of Indian healers, contains more than a dozen medicinal herbs, enriched with vitamins. Recommended for those with dull and brittle hair, prone to dryness. The product is suitable for curly and fair hair. Reviews about Sesa hair oil are more than positive from European women. After a month's course, many notice that new hairs appeared, and those that were, revived and became stronger than before using the product. Curls stopped falling out. The tool strengthens them along the entire length, starting with the roots.

Indian women have always been famous for their beauty

Benefits of Sesa Oil

  • The tool restores damaged hair from roots to ends.
  • They begin to grow better, break less.
  • Thanks to vitamins, curls become strong and stop falling out.
  • Dandruff and itching disappear.
  • The product heals the scalp, the hair becomes strong, shiny and silky.
  • The oil protects the hair from ultraviolet radiation.
Sesa Oil

What is made of

Sesa Hair Oil contains only natural ingredients.

  • Bringraj - a plant used since ancient times in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine, accelerates hair growth and heals them from the inside.
  • Brami. Indian healers claim that brahmi improves blood circulation and brain activity.
  • Jasmine has a calming effect, rejuvenates, helps get rid of pain.
  • Licorice has a positive effect on the skin, eliminates inflammation and itching.
  • Datura indian. Thanks to him, the oil smells of spice.
  • Cardamom. Spice, which is also used in cooking. Used as a flavoring.
  • Indigofer. On the basis of the leaves of this plant make basma, which is famous for its healing and firming properties. Also from indigophera get blue paint.
  • Colontsin is an antiseptic. Promotes healing of wounds, calms.
  • Jatamansi - a natural tonic, nourishes brain cells, positively affects the nervous system.
  • Pongamia moisturizes and nourishes, has antiseptic properties.
  • It calms the skin, prone to dryness, restores its normal condition.
  • Henna strengthens hair from the very roots, preserves the natural color.
  • Iron lactate protects hair from the negative effects of the environment.
  • Milk extract nourishes the scalp.
  • Wheat germ oil promotes the removal of toxins from the skin.
  • Air marsh restores the structure from root to tip.
  • Lemon oil eliminates dandruff.
  • Triphala promotes active hair growth and rejuvenates them from the inside.
  • Nilibringradi oil prevents gray hair and dandruff.
  • Turmeric acts just like ginger root: enhances blood flow to the hair follicles.
  • Sesame oil warms, promotes the healing of damaged skin.
  • Sandalwood soothes, eliminates itching.
  • Coconut oil nourishes, gives the hair shine and silkiness.
one of the best Ayurvedic oils

Mode of application

To achieve a good result, the oil must be used regularly at least once or twice a week. Using a comb, distribute the product along its entire length and allow it to soak. Then just wash your hair in the usual way. The hair will acquire a pleasant smell, gloss and smoothness. In the summer heat, oil will protect your hair from the scorching sun.

Customer opinion

Reviews about Sesa hair oil on the Internet are the most enthusiastic. Those who at first did not believe in the miraculous power of the elixir changed their mind after several uses. The quality of the hair has changed for the better, they have become obedient and easy to comb, a shine has appeared. Reviews of Sesa hair oil for those who used this drug to combat dandruff are also positive. The condition of the scalp returned to normal, itching and redness disappeared. Some note that oil helps get rid of headaches.

Sesa hair oil


By carrying out a fairly simple procedure before bedtime every day, you can make your hair healthy, restore its structure from root to tip, and protect it from bad ecology. In addition, the use of oil promotes relaxation, calms the whole body as a whole. With regular use of the Indian brand Sesa, dandruff, itching, fungal infections will be a thing of the past, and dust particles and germs will not penetrate the skin, as it creates a protective layer. And most importantly, the oil can be used not only by the fair sex, but also by men who are prone to baldness.


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