Design, construction and operation of gas and oil pipelines and gas and oil storage facilities

Gas and oil spheres have always been relevant areas. Many young people are trying to get settled in these areas, as they are quite highly paid and prestigious. What specific specialties exist in the field of construction of gas and oil installations? What are their features? This will be discussed in this article.

General information about the specialty

Oil and gas are the main raw materials in the Russian Federation. For successful extraction, processing and transportation of these materials, the state and various private enterprises need to build high-tech systems and stations that allow optimal work with resources. The specialty "construction and operation of gas and oil pipelines and gas and oil storage facilities" is just such a line of activity. Representatives of this specialty are involved in the planning, construction and repair of all gas and oil systems. This also includes operations.

And what does the profession include? The construction and operation of oil pipelines and gas and oil storage facilities distinguishes the following working objects:

  • oil and gas fields;
  • apparatuses, technical devices and other equipment for oil and gas production;
  • transport systems;
  • distribution circuits and networks and much more.


The professional field of "construction and operation of gas and oil pipelines and gas and oil storage facilities" is incredibly extensive.

construction and operation of gas and oil pipelines and gas and oil storage facilities
It includes a large number of a wide variety of activities and work. Among them are:

  • operation of the gas and oil pipeline and timely monitoring of it;
  • conducting timely discipline checks;
  • establishing the causes of various kinds of problems, malfunctions and shortcomings;
  • analysis of the state and production dynamics of the enterprise;
  • development of projects and plans relating to oil and gas facilities;
  • estimation of production costs;
  • environmental control;
  • and many other, various activities.

The sphere of "construction and operation of gas and oil pipelines and gas and oil storage facilities" is incredibly diverse. There is always work here.

Quality required for work

“The construction and operation of gas and oil pipelines and gas and oil storage facilities” is also a very responsible area.

construction and operation of gas and oil pipelines and gas and oil storage
It is because of this that this specialty has long been considered so prestigious and important. It is definitely worth highlighting some basic qualities and character traits that an employee of the gas and oil sector should possess:

  • Technical and mathematical abilities. There is nothing to add here - the specialty in question is purely technical, and therefore it is necessary to have good knowledge in the field of exact sciences.
  • Good memory, the ability to memorize a large amount of information.
  • Analyzer functions. It is worth noting that the ability to correctly analyze should be inherent in every qualified specialist.
  • Ability to both mental and physical stress and much more.

Education for work

Where can I get the necessary education for the profession? Immediately it is worth noting that only universities will help to master the profession. "The construction and operation of gas and oil pipelines and gas and oil storage facilities" is a very prestigious and demanded specialty, and therefore it is very difficult to master it.

construction and operation of gas and oil pipelines and gas and oil storage facilities

In the educational institution in the desired specialty, lectures will be given in the following disciplines:

  • basics of heat engineering;
  • fundamentals of technical hydrodynamics;
  • hydraulic automation;
  • environmental science;
  • pump equipment;
  • fundamentals of the mechanics of gases and liquids;
  • pipeline transport and some other scientific disciplines.

Getting the right education is usually 4 years, less often - 5 years. To enter the university you must pass the state exams in mathematics, the Russian language and physics. “The construction and operation of gas and oil pipelines and gas and oil storage facilities” is a rather popular specialty, and therefore the competition for it is large.

Where can I work?

The professional field in question is incredibly vast and complex. This is a whole system with many professions, services and organizations.

design construction and operation of gas and oil pipelines and gas and oil storage facilities
It is worth highlighting the most basic and famous places where you can get a job after graduation in the desired specialty:

  • drilling department;
  • well repair organizations;
  • enterprises directly involved in oil and gas production;
  • services whose competence includes the diagnosis and repair of pipeline systems;
  • Ministry of Emergencies;
  • environmental units;
  • scientific institutes;
  • design organizations and many other enterprises, organizations and services.

A person who has firmly decided for himself to engage in gas and oil refining will definitely have to think about where it is better to get settled. The main thing is to enter a university with a degree in "design, construction and operation of gas and oil pipelines and gas and oil storage facilities."

Specialist Requirements

It is worth talking about the requirements for a specialist engineer. Here is what the state standard prescribes:

  • the engineer must know all the necessary socio-economic and human sciences;
  • must be capable of a qualitative and competent analysis of the problems and processes identified for him;
  • obliged to have an understanding of legal and ethical standards;
  • must know everything necessary about animate and inanimate nature;
  • able to competently organize his work;
  • obliged to understand the essence and, most important, the importance of his profession;
  • must clearly state the goal and achieve it in competent ways;
  • must be prepared for cooperation with other employees.

Of course, this is not the whole list of what an employee should know, do and be able to do in the field of gas and oil refining. Nevertheless, all the points listed above give a complete and broad picture of how a specialist should arrange his work activities.

Skills required for work

Much attention is paid to professional skills in the field of "construction and operation of gas and oil pipelines and gas and oil storage facilities." Work requires special efforts, and therefore it is worth talking about the skills that should be inherent in an employee in this field.

design construction and operation of gas and oil pipelines and gas and oil storage facilities
Among them:

  • construction and operation of gas and oil pipelines and gas and oil storage facilities;
  • work with tools that determine the state of the environment;
  • implementation of geodetic survey;
  • high-quality control of various machines, assemblies, vehicles, etc .;
  • organization of effective work in the labor collective;
  • discipline control: financial, technical, labor, etc.

Advantages and disadvantages of the specialty

In conclusion, it is worth telling about the pros and cons of the profession "construction and operation of gas and oil pipelines and gas and oil storage facilities." It is worth starting with the main disadvantages.

profession construction and operation of gas and oil pipelines and gas and oil storage facilities
These include:

  • The difficulty of obtaining the necessary profession. It will not be so easy to enter the university for the specialty in question - the competition is too big. However, you should not think that it will be easy to learn: a large number of truly complex scientific disciplines will not only be able to master qualitatively.
  • Great responsibility. The field of gas and oil refining has always been incredibly complex and responsible. Only truly educated, physically and mentally strong people can work here.

However, it is worth paying attention to the main advantages of the specialty. These include:

  • high profit payment;
  • all career opportunities;
  • a large number of different areas where you can get settled - there are plenty to choose from;
  • prestige.

Thus, the profession has much more advantages. And this is not at all surprising.


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