Union - part of the official speech

The topic "Parts of speech" is considered in detail in the elementary grades of high school. Indeed, without knowledge of what groups of words exist in the Russian language, it is rather difficult to study a subject with a similar name. In this regard, we decided to devote this article to this very topic, and more precisely, to the official parts of speech.

union part of speech

general information

Parts of speech are called groups of words that are combined based on common features. It should also be noted that all words of the Russian language are divided into non-judgmental words and interjections. By the latter we mean unchanging expressions that mean emotions (oh, damn it, alas), will (bast, stop) or are formulas for simple speech communication (hello, thanks).

As for non-juggernauts, they are divided into official and independent. In this article we will talk in detail about the first parts of the speech. Indeed, it is thanks to them that we can beautifully build written sentences and spoken language. Moreover, without them, the Russian language would not be so rich and beautiful.

Service parts of speech

Office - these are parts of speech, without which independents could never be lined up in sentences and serve to connect individual units, as well as to express any shades of meaning.

So, this category includes:

  • pretext;
  • particle;
  • union.

Part of speech is an excuse

Prepositions express the dependence of the numeral, pronoun and noun on the remaining words that are in the sentence or phrase. It should be noted that this part of speech cannot be changed in any way. In addition, prepositions are never any member of a sentence. However, they can be non-derivative (along, on the contrary, thanks, due to) and derivatives (up, from, s, k, from, s, by, in, etc.).

union as an official part of speech


Surely each of us at least once in his life confused an excuse, a particle and a union. Part of the speech, the particle differs from the rest in that it introduces various shades into sentences, and also serves for word formation (well, come on, come on, come on). It is impossible not to say that this part of the speech never changes, and also does not act as any member of the sentence.


The union as a service part of speech can bind homogeneous members that are part of a simple sentence, or part of a complex. Like the preposition with a particle, the presented part of speech does not change.

Types of education unions

By their origin, unions are of the following types:

  • Non-derivatives. What kind of union is this? The part of speech that falls under this kind is not related in any way to other parts of speech. Such alliances include the following: but, yes, and, a, or etc.
  • Derivatives. Such unions are formed from other parts of speech (though, for now, to).

Types of construction unions

The Union as an official part of speech can be divided into the following types:

  • Plain. Such unions are written without spaces, that is, in one word (for example, because, but, etc.).
  • Composite. Such unions are written with one or several spaces (for example, while, since, etc.).
    Russian language service parts of speech

Varieties of compound unions

Compound unions may be as follows:

  • Double or bicomponent. Such unions are located at some distance from their second part (for example, when ... then, not so much ... how much, if ... then, not only ... but, hardly ... how).
  • Repetitive. Such unions consist of identical parts (for example, either ... or, then ... then, neither ... nor).

The main types of unions

What other types is the union divided into? The part of the speech that we are talking about in this section of the article, by the nature of its syntactic relations, is divided into subordinate and composing. Let's consider them in more detail.

Composing Unions

Such unions connect words with equal meanings, that is, they act as a link between homogeneous members of a sentence. It should be noted that by value, composing unions are divided into the following categories:

  • separation (used in the meaning of "or this, or that");
  • connecting (used in the meaning of "and this, and that");
  • nasty (used in the meaning of "not this, but that");
  • gradational (used in the meaning of "not so much ... how much", "not only ... but also", "not so much ... a");
  • connecting (include the following unions: too, and, also, moreover);
  • explanatory (include the following unions: namely, that is).
    subject of speech

Subordinate Unions

Such unions combine words that are unequal in meaning, and also indicate the dependence of one of them on the other. As a rule, such parts of speech are connected by complex sentences. Although they can also be used in simple (for the connection of heterogeneous and homogeneous members).

Like composing unions, subordinate unions are also subdivided into several categories (by their significance):

  • temporary (hardly, when, only, yet);
  • causal (because, because, for);
  • conditional (if, if);
  • targeted (in order to);
  • concessive (despite the fact that, though);
  • comparative (as if, exactly, as if by what);
  • consequences (so, therefore);
  • explanatory (to, like, what).

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C45598/

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