Transcription is the translation of speech from audio or video into text.

There are many professions that only a few have heard of. Few can tell what a transcriptor does. This gap can be filled in by the article below. She will be interesting to everyone who wants to find an easy remote work.

transcription is

What it is?

Transcription is the translation of speech from audio or video format to text. In other words, this is the name of the creation of printed, logically related text suitable for subsequent editing from audio or video recordings. By the way, everyone is familiar with examples of transcription. Surely everyone at least once saw the video, accompanied by subtitles.

The main thing that is required for those who have decided to earn money by transcribing is a good ear, which allows them to clearly understand Russian or foreign speech. In addition, you need the ability to type on a computer keyboard. Thus, in order to provide the services of “decryption” of audio or video files, no special skills and knowledge are required, especially when it comes to working with material in the native language.

The only thing that can interfere with making money by providing transcription services is slow typing. Remember that speed and skill quickly come with practice.

Transcribing Audio to Text: Benefits

This occupation is chosen if there is a need to earn extra money, but there is no way to get a suitable job, and there is also no education. In addition, transcription helps:

  • learn to type faster on a keyboard blindly;
  • develop memory, as you have to memorize large audio fragments for a short time;
  • become more attentive, assiduous, patient;
  • learn to write correctly.

Another plus that is inherent in transcription is the ability to work remotely, that is, at a time convenient for you and without the need to go to work daily, spending money and time on the road. It is the latter circumstance that makes this occupation extremely attractive for moms on maternity leave and for full-time students.

transcription of audio to text


The main disadvantage of working as a transcriber is the relatively low cost of the service. However, in any case, with a serious approach, you can get good money, given that you do not have to work outside the home.

The disadvantages include the need for a long time to sit in one place and the fact that in such an activity there is no place for creativity.

Who orders

Transcribing audio to text is usually chosen by those who interview, organize conferences, call clients, information business, and more. At the same time, the quality of audio or video recording at the customer can be either good or very poor quality.

Transcription is required for audio recordings made during:

  • telephone conversations;
  • seminars / webinars;
  • interview;
  • audio podcasts;
  • TV shows.

In addition, there are many people of different professions who find it easier to record thoughts on the recorder, and then ask the transcriber to make an article or book out of the audio.

transcription program

What do customers want?

Those who need transcription of conversations, lectures or other audio into text may have different requirements, depending on the tasks assigned to them.

In the simplest case, you need to type the phrases you hear, breaking the text into sentences, correctly placing punctuation marks.

If a dialogue or conversation of several people is transcribed, it will be necessary to indicate who is speaking. Usually this is done by putting notes like “first (second) vote”, “man”, “woman” and others.

If the text is being prepared for publication, then it will need to be adjusted. Typically, in such cases, customers require that parasite words be removed from it. Sometimes you need to edit the text, removing clumsy phrases from the record.

Where can I find customers?

If you are interested in earning money on transcription, then freelance exchanges are the best place to look for work. There almost daily there are orders to translate video and audio files into text.

And a novice freelancer can post ads on the Internet on themed sites on the Internet. This is not the fastest way, but perhaps this way you will be able to get customers for permanent work. The most important thing is not to write in the announcement that you are working at a bargain price. It is better to clearly indicate what services you are ready to provide and their cost.

Over time, you can turn to special companies and offer them your services. If you suit them, you will no longer need to look for orders. In addition, in such companies, prices are usually even higher than the cost of services ordered through freelance exchanges.

transcription of conversations

How much can you earn?

Without straining, you can transcribe 2 hours of audio per day, even if it is of the worst quality. At the moment, in the freelance services market, the average price of 1 minute of translating sound into text is about 10 rubles.

With large order volumes, experienced transformers are advised to accept a lower rate. Eight rubles per 1 minute of audio processing with constant work is perfectly acceptable. However, orders below this price level should not be taken, since the amount received will not be able to recoup the time spent.

Suppose you find a regular customer. Then your earnings, even at a price of 8 rubles per minute of transcription, are about 1000 rubles per day, if you work only 2 hours. And this is not bad at all, especially for the residents of the province.

What determines the price

The cost of an audio transcription order will be higher than usual if:

  • very poor recording quality and interference;
  • it is necessary to “decipher” the conversation of several people, and it is difficult to understand who is speaking;
  • phrases are long and there are terms that are difficult to parse for an uninitiated person;
  • it is necessary to “decipher” the text in a foreign language without or simultaneously with its translation (in the latter case, the payment is quite high);
  • it is required to fill out the text in a special way (arrange time codes, make a literal translation, and more);
  • need to do the work urgently.

transcription examples

How to avoid becoming a victim of dishonest customers

The main risk of transcribing is unscrupulous customers.

Unfortunately, at all times there were scammers who wanted to take advantage of the fruits of other people's labor for free. Especially a lot of them divorced on the Internet, where it is easy to "get lost" as soon as the freelancer sends the order.

It is quite difficult to identify such customers-fraudsters, as they are extremely courteous and do not make excessive demands. The main sign of a “freeloader” is the high price and recent registration on the freelance exchange.

The fact is that unfortunate customers like to create accounts for 1-2 fraudulent orders that are never used again. What to do? Work only with those clients who have been on the freelance exchange for a long time, do not hesitate to ask for an advance payment. You can also send the order in parts, with a separate payment for each of them. In some cases, it is better to do the following: the transcriber first sends the customer a screenshot of the resulting text, and the text itself only after receiving the payment.

We recommend that you invite the customer to first check and pay for a screen of text, after which you will send him a ready-made text document.

Who is suitable for

First of all, transcription is a good option for beginner freelancers. This type of online earnings is ideal for students and schoolchildren who do not have anything else. It does not require investments and allows you to quickly start earning.

earnings on transcription

Programs for transcription

Of course, you can start working as a transcriptor using any Word media player or text editor. However, as already mentioned, your income will be directly related to the speed of order completion, therefore it is recommended to use special programs, such as Express Scribe. Although it does not have a Russian-language version, anyone who has the most primitive skills in working with computer software can deal with the interface.

Key benefits of Express Scribe include:

  • the presence of a field for typing, which eliminates the need to constantly switch between the player window and a text document;
  • the ability to change the playback speed of the audio file;
  • the presence of customizable hot keys to stop, play and rewind audio.
  • adaptability to work with the office Word editor.

express scribe

Good results can be achieved if you use LossPlay. This program, like the previous transcription software, can be downloaded for free. Its advantages are almost the same as those of Express Scribe, but sometimes you have to switch between windows, which is not always convenient.

Now you know what transcription is, and understand the features of this type of freelance.


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