Common Goldenrod: medicinal properties and contraindications

It is truly a β€œgolden” plant, a simple wildflower, Goldenrod common. Useful properties are unusually wide. In folk medicine, goldenrod has been used for centuries. Why is he so remarkable? What is his strength? Most often, inflorescences, seeds and stems are used in the treatment of this herb. How to properly prepare them, and how to make drugs from them, we will now tell you in detail.

The healing properties of the plant

This flower is considered effective in traditional medicine and homeopathic purposes. This culture is popular in medicinal recipes of Tibet, China, Bulgaria, Belarus, Siberia, Komi and the Caucasus.

What is the use of common goldenrod? The healing properties of the plant are as follows:

  • relieves inflammatory processes;
  • has an antimicrobial effect;
  • has diuretic properties;
  • reduces the level of ammonia in the blood by stimulating copious urine formation ;
  • resolves oxalate and urate stones, and also provokes the production of renal secretion;
  • increases urinary pH;
  • considered a natural antiseptic;
  • can relieve pain syndromes;
  • promotes active regeneration of the skin;
  • seeds have the ability to thin the blood;
  • helps with a complex form of diarrhea;
  • restores failures in critical days in women;
  • balances the balance in the exchange between water and salt in the body;
  • treats abscesses;
  • removes or reduces puffiness.

common goldenrod medicinal properties

Harvesting plants

To prepare quality medicines, you need to properly prepare the main ingredient - dried inflorescences. To be able to accurately recognize him among the herbs, we give a photo of the common goldenrod. The medicinal properties of the plant will have the maximum effect, subject to the rules of collection and harvesting:

  • plants are cut in early August, when the inflorescences are still very small, only formed;
  • small bunches are formed from the obtained raw material, tied with a thread and hung to dry in a dark place with inflorescences down;
  • if the roots of the goldenrod are needed for the medicine, they are dug up only closer to the end of autumn.

Young flowers contain the maximum amount of nutrients, which is why they are a value for traditional medicine.

Indications for use

In what cases can goldenrod be used? Many diseases are treated with a plant, so it is included in various herbal preparations. The composition of this plant is so rich in nutrients that it can overcome the following ailments:

  • urolithiasis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • male impotence;
  • many external skin diseases;
  • diseases of the oral cavity of a dental nature;
  • mechanical damage and injury;
  • purulent inflammation;
  • colds infections;
  • some pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • the presence of toxic substances in the body;
  • urological diseases;
  • swelling
  • tuberculosis.

However, all these pathologies are very serious, so alternative methods should be combined with drugs and recommendations indicated by the attending physician.

common goldenrod medicinal properties and application

Cooking methods

From the prepared dried goldenrod, several types of medicines are made, each of which is useful in a certain disease. At home, decoctions, teas, alcohol tinctures, water infusions and even honey are brewed from it.

Cooking broth

A tablespoon of this herb is placed in a glass of boiling water and set to warm up in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. Then they are removed from the fire and sent to insist in the dark for at least three hours. After this time, the broth can be used. The healing properties of goldenrod in decoctions are as follows:

  • with internal consumption, they drink a fifth cup of the prepared medicine per day (it removes stones and salts, and is also useful for jade and other deviations in the functioning of the kidneys);
  • external compresses from this plant are considered effective in many skin diseases, including eczema psoriasis.

goldenrod ordinary photo and medicinal properties

Preparing Goldenrod Tea

A cup of warm water is placed near a teaspoon of dried inflorescences, then put on a stove and wait for the mixture to boil. Give a little insist, no more than three minutes. Use with caution, three cups per day are considered the limit.

The healing properties of goldenrod in teas:

  • relieves pain and inflammation in the throat;
  • exhibits antioxidant properties;
  • lowers acidity in the body;
  • promotes the removal of sputum from the lungs;
  • is a preventive measure of inflammation and various colds;
  • it is better to limit yourself to one cup of tea per day for people suffering from any heart pathologies.

This drink is endowed with pleasant taste and gives a good aroma.

common goldenrod

Cooking tincture

The tincture is prepared in the following proportions - one hundred grams of dried goldenrod goes half a liter of vodka. This mixture tightly twists and is placed in a dark shelter. The product can be used in about a month. Drinks fifteen grams mixed with water. The medicinal properties of goldenrod in tinctures are as follows:

  • helps with impaired blood circulation;
  • contributes to the rapid healing of fractures, as well as facilitates the general condition for joint diseases;
  • treatment of external skin pathologies is recommended;
  • improves diarrhea.

Cooking infusion

A couple of tablespoons of goldenrod flowers are mixed with a glass of clean water and infused for about five hours in a dark, cool place. There are two options for preparing the infusion - this is the use of room temperature water or boiling water.

The healing properties of goldenrod in infusion without boiling:

  • restores the proper functioning of the stomach and intestines;
  • normalizes the activity of the kidneys;
  • treats gout;
  • copes with male abnormalities - prostatitis and adenoma.

Effect on the body in the second case:

  • aims at eliminating dental diseases;
  • relieves sore throat.

common goldenrod planting and care

Cooking honey from goldenrod

The direct preparation of honey from goldenrod, like any other honey, occurs using the activity of bees. They do not mind eating the nectar of this plant, so getting the right product is not difficult.

The effect on the body of the external use of this drug:

  • local compresses are applied to get rid of skin diseases;
  • relieves excess puffiness.

Effect on the body of internal use:

  • indicated for angina;
  • copes with sinusitis;
  • eliminates a runny nose, even chronic;
  • recommended for meningitis;
  • Do not use for allergies and people with inflammation of the stomach or intestines.

common goldenrod medicinal properties and contraindications


Not only does goldenrod have medicinal properties. Contraindications are also available. Goldenrod has some toxic properties, therefore, treatment with this herb is not suitable for everyone. Before using it as a medicine, it is necessary to study all the available contraindications:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • age restriction; the use of goldenrod preparations is not allowed for children under the age of fourteen;
  • acute renal disease and renal failure;
  • diabetes mellitus, insulin dependence;
  • acute inflammation in the stomach;
  • allergy to this plant;
  • high blood pressure
  • edema caused by abnormalities in the heart;

Particular attention should be paid to the dosage, because its excess can lead to such serious consequences as the destruction of kidney tissue, provoke the ingress of protein or blood into the urine.

common goldenrod medicinal properties of the plant

Goldenrod ordinary: planting and care

Goldenrod does not cause much difficulty when grown. However, it has its own characteristics regarding planting, further germination and reproduction:

  • this culture easily takes root in the area filled with light rays;
  • He loves loose soil, full of fertility, although it can grow on depleted lands;
  • sow it in late spring or closer to summer at a stable temperature above twenty degrees of heat;
  • three weeks after planting, you can find small sprouts, however, full-fledged inflorescences can actually be obtained only after a year;
  • adult plants are able to reproduce independently, without human help;
  • if seedlings are planted, they pay special attention to its quality, make sure that the goldenrod has a strong, branched stem with large, clean leaves;
  • Another method of propagation is the artificial separation of the bush (in this case, the new plant will have all the properties that were assigned to the mother, this procedure is carried out in spring or autumn);
  • cuttings are also used in the cultivation of goldenrod (cut off either root shoots or young tops and root them in a pot filled with a mixture of sand and peat).

Goldenrod care

The healing properties and use of the common goldenrod are very wide, and the plant does not require special care, since it is completely unpretentious. But in order for this plant to grow and bloom in time, to have a healthy appearance, it’s worth some effort:

  • if the weather turned out to be arid, then the culture needs to be watered from time to time;
  • high stems are tied to a support so that they do not break;
  • so that the goldenrod does not capture the entire land, after withering, all inflorescences are immediately removed, until the seeds have matured and spread;
  • additional fertilizing is not required, it is good if the soil is fertile in itself;
  • trimming stems by a few centimeters helps to combat frost;
  • if there were traces of powdery mildew on the leaves, then treatment with horsetail decoction will help overcome this disease.

The goldenrod will not only help to heal many ailments, but will also become a wonderful decoration of the garden, you just need to monitor its growth and carry out simple care measures.


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