"Infinity": the meaning of the word and its translation

Of course, now that we hear the word "infinity" (the meaning of the word has nothing to do with it), the car is immediately remembered. But English teachers, and generally people who know English, have different associations. Let's talk today about the translation of the word and implicit or explicit associations that arise when some product promises to be “infinite”.


Lilac Infinity Sign

In English, the meaning of the word "infinity" is infinity. It is written like this: Infinity. And manufacturers of famous cars use a word that is consonant with, but does not completely repeat, an English noun. In the name of the line of famous cars, instead of the letter "Y" at the end, the letter "I". On the one hand, there is nothing to complain about, but on the other, apparent homonymy plays a role in attracting customers. So, let's say you would refuse to buy an “endless” phone or vacuum cleaner? Of course not. Each consumer wants to spend money once and forget that he needs to think about updating the model in five years. But no matter what the manufacturers promise, trading doesn't work like that. The sphere itself and the people employed in it benefit from constant commodity circulation. One way or another, we have made out the translation of the word "infinity".


Endless sea surface

Since we understood how to translate an overseas word into our language, let's also clarify the meaning of the word "infinity", according to the explanatory dictionary. In the latter, as we see, there are three integer values:

  1. Lack of end and limit.
  2. A space that has no visible boundaries.
  3. Same as infinite.

The last adjective, in turn, has two more meanings that can saturate infinity as a concept with a new meaning:

  1. Excessively long.
  2. Extraordinary in power of manifestation.

Examples are pretty easy. Since the first meaning of the word "infinity", that is, "infinity", is rather negatively colored, an example is: "endless discussion." And the second meaning, of course, has a positive meaning, so the phrase “infinite love” perfectly reflects the content of the concept.

Someone may say that the lexical meaning of "infinity" is completely redundant here. But we cannot agree with this in any way, because the better we understand the true meaning of the Russian analogue of the considered English noun, the more we will be imbued with respect for the far-sighted and wise Japanese who use not only the conscious attitudes of customers, but also their unconscious aspirations.

Thus, all this is directly related to the meaning of the word "infinity." We hope that now there will be no translation difficulties.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C45604/

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