How to strengthen hair so that it does not fall out

how to strengthen hair so that it does not fall out
Which of the women does not dream of lush hair? It is a pity that not everyone gets thick curls from nature. But if you look after them correctly, you can achieve very good results. Let's talk about how to strengthen the hair so that it does not fall out and does not split.

As always, folk remedies will help as well as possible. They are not only composed of natural products, but environmentally friendly, non-toxic and safe for health. Moreover, homemade masks, decoctions and shampoos will significantly save your budget, in contrast to cosmetics purchased in the store.

We so badly bleached our hair with dyes, shampoos and other scalp care products that they simply yearned for nutritious masks and vitamins. How to strengthen hair so that even the most exhausted curls do not fall out? You need to start with nutritious masks. It is very good for such purposes to use chicken eggs, avocado, brown bread, as well as various essential

decoctions for strengthening hair
oils. Some ingredients can be combined and mixed, but we would advise you to make different moisturizing masks with a frequency of at least two times a week. Instead of rinse, try using decoctions to strengthen hair from nettles, chamomiles, burdock roots. Although these herbs are sold in any pharmacy, it is strongly recommended that you prepare them yourself, especially since in the summer season this is especially easy. Pour boiling water over several branches of fresh nettle and a handful of chamomile flowers and let it brew under a closed lid for about an hour. To stock up on a medicinal decoction for the winter, dry these herbs in a dry place and store in a paper bag.

Surely your grandmother from childhood remembers how to strengthen her hair. So that lifeless locks did not fall out, they were washed with a solution of liquor or mustard powder. The latter is sold at most grocery stores and costs mere pennies. He grabs it for a very long time, because it is spent very sparingly: two teaspoons dissolve in half a glass of water. The resulting mixture of liquid sour cream consistency is applied to the scalp, massaged and washed off after it starts to bake a little. After such a shampoo mask, you don’t need to wash your hair anymore, because mustard copes well with these functions, perfectly absorbing excess fat. Lye can also be prepared at home using ordinary ash, which is mixed with water and left for several days. When the solution becomes soapy, it must be filtered and diluted strongly with water. It can also replace shampoo.

hair masks
Hair masks - the most effective way to quickly grow hair, as well as giving them shine and vitality. Of course, such procedures take up a lot of free time, because you need to go with them for at least an hour before rinsing. But, as you know, beauty requires sacrifice, and in this case they are very pleasant. So why not arrange relaxing treatments right at home?

How to strengthen hair so that it does not fall out completely, even the weakest and most hopeless fluff? The best folk remedy for hair loss is onions. Shampoos and conditioners can be enriched with its juice, and if you regularly make masks, hair loss will be noticeably reduced.

Provided that you will regularly engage in yourself, you can again get shiny and healthy curls.


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