Improving the competitiveness of the enterprise: quality as the main factor

The country's economy operates in conditions of unlimited competition with maximum efficiency. The competitiveness of the enterprise is its capabilities, potential, as well as the dynamism of adaptation to market relations. Ways to increase the competitiveness of the enterprise in these conditions are determined only by improving the quality of products, lowering prices for goods and services, introducing innovative technological processes, and searching for new opportunities.

The level of enterprise competitiveness is an indicator that depends on a number of factors. Indicators of enterprise competitiveness are factors that include: the competitiveness of goods or services in the markets (external and internal); market capacity (characterizing the volume of annual sales); type of product or service; the ability to access the market; market positions of competing enterprises; market uniformity; competitiveness of the industry as a whole; the possibility of introducing innovations; competitiveness of a given region and country (in case of entering the international market).

Improving the competitiveness of an enterprise is, first of all, understanding the needs of the consumer market and the prospects for its development; knowledge of competitors' capabilities , analysis of environmental development trends; the ability to create a product with such qualities that the consumer would prefer it, rather than a competitor's product. In a competitive environment, prices in the market are determined by demand, and any change in the consumer’s desire for a given type of product or service is immediately reported to the manufacturer by changing the price of the product.

Improving the competitiveness of enterprises throughout the country leads to increased competitiveness of the industry and industry as a whole. The result of a competitive industry is expressed by the active development of the domestic market, the growth of GDP, the stability of tax revenues to the budget, the growth of exports, the rationality and efficient use of natural resources, the preservation and development of the country's scientific potential, high employment, social and political stability, as well as a worthy place that The country occupies the international economic market.

Improving the competitiveness of the enterprise is, first of all, improving the quality of products, which is the main indicator of the activity of any production. In a broad sense, the quality of a product is the set of properties of a product or service to meet the needs that correspond to its purpose. Moreover, an increase in the level of product quality dictates an increase in demand for it and an increase in the amount of profit, not only due to sales, but also due to an increase in the price of higher-quality goods. Thus, increasing the competitiveness of an enterprise is improving the quality of products, the individual indicators of which characterize the following properties of goods or services:

- utility;

- reliability;

- manufacturability;

- aesthetics.

Generalized indicators of product quality include:

- the proportion of the new product (service) in the release;

- the proportion of goods of the highest quality;

- weighted average product score;

- grade coefficient;

- the proportion of products that have passed certification;

- the proportion of products evaluated in accordance with international quality standards;

- the proportion of exports (including to countries with high rates of industrial and economic development);

- the proportion of products that have passed certification (and separately - not certified).

In addition, product quality can be described by indirect indicators, which include fines, volumes of rejected products, the proportion of products with claims to their quality, as well as losses from rejected products.


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