Sberbank: how to close a credit card correctly?

Sberbank is known to everyone as an institution that has the opportunity to offer its customers a wide variety of services - from payment to providing financial assistance for various needs. In addition, you can issue various cards, both debit and credit. Opening them is simple, just contact Sberbank for this. How to close a credit card and regular debit? And is it possible to do this without problems?


Sberbank how to close a credit card

There are several ways to apply for closing cards:

  • block the card;
  • close a fully current account tied to it.

More often than not, customers opt for the second method in order to avoid any problems with the bank in the future.

Let's find out what Sberbank offers. How to close a credit card and debit? So, a bank client can independently choose one of the following closing methods:

  1. Visit the office of the organization for this purpose.
  2. Call the hotline (in this case, closing occurs without blocking the account).
  3. To resort to the help of the Sberbank Online Internet service.

Each of these methods is convenient in its own way, but each has its own nuances.

To close cards through the office, you need to visit any convenient bank branch. Present an identity document and write an application to close the account. Further, after 45 days, you can contact the same department to confirm the closure of the card and account. If the question arises of how to correctly close a Sberbank credit card or a regular debit card, then it is better to contact the bank branch.

The other two methods: calling a hotline and Internet banking will help to close only the card itself, but not the account. And if for debit cards this may not play a role, then for credit cards closing only a card can be fraught with problems. For example, if the account is not closed, and the SMS alert service was attached to the card, the organization will continue to withdraw funds for the provision of this service. As a result, unwanted debt may arise.

How to close a credit card of Sberbank

Close credit card

So, to close the card, you need to contact Sberbank. How to close a credit card was discussed above: you must present a passport and write a statement. It should clearly indicate that the account tied to the card is closing. And besides, if there was a SMS alert service, then to disable it you also need to write a statement.

Further, if the credit card has its own funds, it should be indicated how the bank should return the money: in cash, through the cashier or to any current account. At the same time, it is necessary to require a certificate from a financial organization or a supporting document that proves that the bank made the payment.

How to close a credit card of Sberbank Momentum

Also, it is better for the Sberbank client closing the card and account to ask the bank for a certificate of the transaction, so that in the future neither the bank's client nor the financial institution itself will have any more questions.

Early closure

And how to close a credit card of Sberbank “Momentum”, “Visa” or “MasterCard” ahead of schedule? Very simple. To do this, you must:

  • check whether the debt on the card has been paid off or to deposit the missing amount (after making the payment it is better to wait a couple of days for the bank to process the transaction);
  • contact the bank office;
  • write an application to close the account and disable all services and notifications;
  • get statements of operations performed.

And yet, before closing a credit card it is better to think about whether it is necessary to close it? Maybe leave it for the future, so to speak, just in case, because closing it is easier than opening it.


But what if I want to close the card and leave the account? This option is only suitable for debit cards served by Sberbank. How to close a credit card in this case? Exclusively through the office and only with the closure of the account.

You can use the following options for a debit card:

  1. Block the card through the hotline.
  2. Block through your personal account on the bank's website.


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