What is reframing? How to use the technique of reprogramming perception?

In modern reality, different situations happen. Attitude to them depends on education, as well as on stereotypes. Evaluation of an event can vary from negative to positive. The perception of things is facilitated by the technique used in many areas of life.


Reframing is a technique that changes the understanding, opinion of a person to further give any phenomenon a different meaning. In addition, such a unique skill includes the processing of opinions about objections or doubts.

reframing it

This is the psychological goals of this method. The word comes from the English token frame - "frame". As a result, literally reframing is a change in frames, borders.

Origin of the concept

Changing attitudes to things is often found in different philosophical and psychological directions. The name and algorithm were introduced by neuro-linguists J. Grinder and R. Bandler. They suggested that the therapeutic effect of the reframing method is based on a judgment about the individual’s attitude to the situation, event or behavior.

reframing exercises

All circumstances that occur are multi-faceted. They can be described from various points of view. This is considered as a cardinal change of opinion, look.

Types of Reframing

There are several varieties of the technique. They are always replenished with new options due to the fact that old ones sometimes lose their effectiveness. Their use in some territory is coming to naught. They become irrelevant due to new algorithms and approaches.

Reframing a situation (or meaning)

This method is described in two forms: semantic and contextual. Each of them, in turn, has a couple of behaviors: procedural and psychotherapeutic. In the first case, rehabilitation is carried out in stages, each step is fixed. The second implies the same method, but it disguises itself as an ordinary conversation with a psychotherapist.

six-step reframing

Semantic reframing is the ability to think positively, taking into account the understanding of a problematic situation. This is necessary for the further effectiveness of the methodology. For example, V. Satir described the following situation, which shows how to act. The female patient, a housewife, was worried about the footprints on the carpet in the room. She was angry with loved ones when she saw this sloppiness. The therapist, using semantic reframing, suggested that the patient thought only negatively. That is, if there are traces, then she is a poor mistress. Although the patient did not see the other side of the same situation.

The algorithm for conducting rehabilitation measures was constructed as follows. After a second call for help, the patient was offered to imagine that she was lonely. But with one caveat - the apartment is now always clean carpet. Therefore, the effectiveness of reframing is as follows. The patient was offered a different, more meaningful meaning of her experiences. In the past, the event that occurred carried only one meaning - negative, now due to the reprogramming of the patient's thoughts, it passed into the status of positive.

reframing technique

The creators of the method say that when receiving a positive result, the method of obtaining it is not logical. It is exclusively individual for each patient. Therefore, reframing can be described as a kind of suggestion of new positive thoughts in response to current events. This can be confirmed due to the fact that the authors require a peculiar trance of the patient to achieve an effective result. The result can be determined thanks to the frame reaction. It is described as a quick change in the internal state for the better. In this case, we can talk about the concept of "positive reframing of the situation." If the opposite reaction is observed, mood and condition worsen, then this condition is called the opposite term - "negative". It is conducted so that the patient is aware of the consequences of poor behavior, which is confirmed by a change in sensorimotor behavior.

Contextual Reframing

This method is based on the assumption that any reaction or behavior is necessary and acceptable in a particular situation. One and the same case can be interpreted in different ways. It depends on the environment and the circumstances surrounding the event. The term "context" is interpreted as a general picture, allowing to clarify the meaning of individual actions, reactions. For example, the family went swimming and sunbathing. In this case, the sun is an excellent source of positive and pleases people. But if we consider the summer resident, who every day waits for the appearance of precipitation, and instead of them he discovers another sunny day, there will be the opposite situation. You need to understand some point that allows you to understand that behavior is behavior. A simple question is suitable for this: "Under what circumstances will the behavior be most useful?" It is always necessary to conduct an analysis of the context in which actions are performed.

Six-step reframing

This method is also called behavior reformation. It is used to treat neurotic problems. The process of alteration is based on the assumption of a split in the patient’s thoughts of bad and good foundations of nervous behavior. After the proportion of the brain responsible for the favorable reaction, realizes that everything is fine, she is allowed to act differently. That is, apply a new version of behavior that will be more effective, but without an unpleasant emotional component.


As for the effectiveness of the six-step reframing, here we will focus on creating a special context for medical consultation. At the initial stage, the patient is introduced the idea of ​​the positive role of any body systems. There are times when this psychotherapeutic stage takes much more time than the step-by-step reframing technique itself.

reframing situation

This refers to the voluntary awareness of the patient with a nervous symptom, which can be with a positive color. And this is just the result of treatment. In order to facilitate understanding and overcome the effect of psychological defense, the assumption is specially introduced that a positive decision is made not by the patient himself, but by his body - the brain.

Thus, if we understand the causes of nervous actions, then we can derive two additional therapeutic results. In the first case, a distance from the benefits of the nervous action, which is recognized by the patient, is possible. In the second, the collision with symptoms is reduced. This implies a version of the passage of a local nervous conflict. The meaning of what is happening is due to the search for positive desire in parts of the body. The second stage is characterized by a reframing procedure.

Reframing and Psychology

It is known that understanding another person can be difficult, and sometimes impossible. The effectiveness of communication may depend on this. Here you need a skill that will open the door for other prospects for communication. Reframing in psychology plays a huge role, since with it you can learn to understand other people.

personality reframing

So, if you have achieved unity with a person, then it is not necessary to accept his point of view. In this case, there will be only a positive result for the individual. Since communication will become productive, and the goal set initially, will be achieved.

The disadvantages of the method

Reframing is a schematic and complicated method, which is a minus for putting it into practice. If we compare the procedures of reframing and other technical techniques of positive psychotherapy, then we can say that they are similar. It should also be noted here that a treatment approach similar to reframing was known before neuro-linguistic programming (M. N. Erickson) and others.

We change the point of view

Let's try to find a way out of a certain situation and apply reframing in everyday life. It is worth noting that any circumstances are never one-sided. You just need to look for a way out and a solution to the problem. An effective way to prove this is presented below. So, there is a specific flaw that a person has found in himself; he is preventing him from living. Write down ten positive characteristics of this shortcoming. Now distribute them in two different columns with a plus and minus sign. If the results are equal in the graphs, write a few more words. The effectiveness of such a technique as reframing is proved. Exercises that allow you to realize this can help in any, even the most advanced situations. It often happens that after such a training a person forgets about the problem and does not return to it.

psychology reframing

Each person is unique and has both positive qualities in character, and negative. To achieve improvement and work on yourself, it is not necessary to change everything. Personal reframing is a method of transforming the “I-image”, which will require only a sense of humor and creative thinking. It is only necessary to revise the negative perception, changing to positive, or vice versa. As a result, we can reason so that when using this method of changing opinions, the overall picture is not rebuilt. But the frame, which was originally a problem, changes exclusively to the opposite. Due to this, a person perceives himself and the surrounding reality on the contrary, as if the opinion was turned over one hundred eighty degrees.

To summarize. The well-known saying "look at the situation from different angles" is now called in one word - "reframing". Or, in order to change the picture of the events that have taken place, one needs to restructure the internal attitude towards them. Recommendations for using this psychological method will help preserve the nervous system.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C45618/

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