Bath "Falcon Mountain": description, mode of operation, features and reviews of visitors

The benefits of the bath were known to our ancestors. The first mention of the soaring rite was found in the writings of Herodotus, and in Russia all human life was associated with a bath:

- in the baths, women gave birth to children;

- the newlyweds washed themselves in baths before the wedding ceremony;

- after the death of the dead, they also washed in the bathhouse.

Nowadays, people go to the bathhouse in order to relax, relax, have a good time in the company of friends. In addition, the steam room is a wonderful cleanser of the skin and body, a good way to lose weight, joy and pleasure.

sauna "Falcon Mountain"

If you do not go into details, then the main benefit of bath procedures is that they contribute to increased sweating. The skin is cleansed not only of dirt, but also of salts, and toxins come out of the body.

In all cities of our country there are baths, both private and public, and Moscow is no exception. In the article below we will talk about one of the most ancient metropolitan baths - “Falcon Mountain”, its history, description and services.

A bit of history

Sokolinaya Gora began its activities in the field of public services several decades ago. Her story began in the distant 1939. During World War II, a bathhouse was equipped in the bathhouse, where employees underwent sanitary treatment before heading to the front. Since that time, bath rituals have been preserved here to this day.


Over the entire period of its existence, the complex has undergone two reconstructions, a larger one occurred three years ago. As a result of the work, the bathhouse on Sokolinaya Gora has significantly changed. Repair was done in all rooms: wardrobe, washing, locker rooms, steam rooms. Made the replacement of all communications. A massage room and a hairdresser appeared on the territory of the complex.

sauna on Falcon mountain

In addition, cafes with snacks and drinks began to function in each department, a salt cave appeared, and collagenarium opened.

Offices in the complex

The Falcon Mountain bath is considered public. There are two departments here - for men and for women.

For men

The men's section can accommodate up to sixty visitors. The stronger sex offers a swimming pool and a font. The local furnace has cast-iron ingots, which allow you to get light finely dispersed steam, which is very good for your health. Steam dilates blood vessels, increases blood circulation. Air cleans the airways, helps get rid of respiratory diseases. High temperature helps to eliminate toxins from the body.

For women

In the women's department baths comfortably accommodate up to fifty women. On the territory of the branch there is a font and a small pool. In addition to water and bath procedures, women especially enjoy using the services of a professional masseur, visiting a solarium and a beauty salon.

Sokolinaya Gora baths reviews

Complex services

  • Professional bath attendants and steam men.
  • Masseur.
  • Large selection of brooms.
  • Aromatherapy
  • Salt cave.
  • Solarium.
  • Bar.

Salt cave

The customers of the Sokolinaya Gora bath have a unique opportunity not only to relax, but also to improve their health in a special room, where the floor and walls are faced with special, the most saturated in nature Himalayan salt.

sauna "Falcon Mountain" prices

Back in the 16th century, people noticed that workers in salt mines are practically not sick and have good health. A little later, closer to the middle of the XIX century, treatment in salt caves began to gain popularity. Despite the fact that the effect of salts on the human body has not yet been fully studied, it has been clearly established that the microclimate of mines and caves has a positive effect on the immune, cardiovascular and nervous systems, and also positively affects the functions of the respiratory system.

The salt cave in the Falcon Mountain complex is fully equipped for a comfortable stay. There are comfortable shops where visitors can relax and enjoy the procedure.

Beauty saloon

After repair in the building of the bathhouse on the second floor, a beauty salon was opened. Here, the masters of their craft will make everyone interested in a fashionable haircut or coloring, pedicure, manicure. Beauticians with extensive experience will give the skin a radiant fresh look and help it stay young and beautiful. Come to the beauty salon in the Falcon Mountain bath, the prices and quality of the services provided will pleasantly surprise you.

Sauna services

A bathhouse attendant or a steam cleaner is a very ancient profession. In ancient times, steam workers were very appreciated and respected. An experienced bath attendant can relieve people of headaches and joint pain, fever, back and back pain. Nowadays, this profession is no less relevant. A bathhouse worker is considered an indispensable assistant. After the bathhouse attendant undergoes a set of recovery procedures, any person will feel a surge of strength and energy, unusual freshness and lightness. It is the valet who will help you to fully enjoy the bathhouse and get the most out of it.

basic information

The exact address of the Sokolinaya Gora baths is Moscow, Budyonny Prospekt, house number 33.

The nearest metro stations are Semenovskaya and the Enthusiasts Highway.

More detailed information about the complex can be found on its official website or by contacting the organization’s administrator by phone.

sauna on Falcon mountain Price

Hours of the complex: the bathhouse is open daily from eight in the morning until ten in the evening without days off and sanitary days.

Cost: the price of an hour in a bath depends on the complex of selected services and varies from 600 rubles to 2.5 thousand.

Baths "Falcon Mountain": reviews

Judging by numerous reviews, the complex is distinguished by its sincerity and hospitality. Very friendly staff, attentive staff work here.

The steam room is very spacious, even the most sophisticated steam lover will like the steam.

After accepting the bath procedures, the Falcon Mountain bath offers its customers a rest in the cafe. Here you can skip a glass of good draft beer with your friends, taste your own kazi, order pilaf, manti, dumplings.

According to the customers of the bath, its main “trick" is a salt cave. The time spent in the cave is unlimited and is not paid separately. The client pays for the bath and heals in the cave without surcharges.

Also, many regular customers of the steam room note that after the repair the interior of the institution noticeably prettier, everywhere it is clean and beautiful. But as for the steam, then everything remained the same - light, pleasant, fragrant. And to jump from the run from the steam room directly into the pool with cool water is real bliss! Falcon Mountain is an excellent ratio of price and quality.

falcon mountain bath Moscow

In general, if you are a fan of a good couple, then be sure to visit the baths on Falcon Mountain. Prices, quality of services and maintenance of the complex will pleasantly surprise even the most demanding customers.


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