Business ideas in America: how to start a business, interesting, fresh and profitable ideas

In the United States, the share of small business income reaches 60% of gross domestic product. Starting a business is easy. For this, you can even not have a large start-up capital. The fact is that many banks in America open a line of credit for business ideas, sometimes without even requiring proof of income. The chance of a positive decision on the part of a financial institution increases if there is a collateral or loan guarantors.

The complexity of doing business in the United States lies elsewhere. The country is highly competitive. Therefore, only non-standard and in many ways unique models take root and develop. The most promising areas that are already popular in America, and will be discussed further.

Fight with laziness

In many cities and states, there is now a real cult of a healthy, fit body. Therefore, training halls open almost everywhere there. Sometimes it is difficult for people to overcome laziness for full classes. Programmers decided to capitalize on this and proposed a promising business idea. In America, she took root in the shortest possible time. Its basis is an application on a smartphone. A registered user receives a small bonus for each training session held in the hall. If you go and exercise laziness, you have to pay a similar amount. Great motivation for lazy people! Do you want to do it? Good, but in this case you will lose money.

Exercise plank

Food delivery

It would seem that the food delivery service is ubiquitous. What could be new in it? Young American entrepreneurs proposed a completely unique idea. Its highlight is that they send perfectly balanced dishes to the customer. Some types of food products are intended for those who are losing weight, those who want to build muscle mass will be offered something else. Now, sitting with a calculator and counting calories is not necessary in principle. This will be done by completely different people. Naturally, for a fee.

Product of the day

The USA is the country with the most developed network of fast food restaurants. It is difficult for a beginner to gain a foothold in the market, it is almost impossible. A new business idea in America is the manufacture of dishes with a single main ingredient, such as chicken eggs. From a regular point of sale of ready-made food, this company has grown into a worthy competitor to industry giants. Of course, in Europe and other regions of the planet, restaurants of this format are still unrealistic. In the USA, the Egg Slut chain is incredibly popular. This business idea from America for Russia fits perfectly. We also have a steady increase in interest in fast-food restaurants.

"Do it for me"

US programmers often pamper the world with innovative solutions that completely revolutionize reality. This includes Facebook, eBay, Twitter. A promising project was proposed for the development of commercial communications. You can order an interesting sketch, prefab or any dish from the artist in a particular city and get it at the designated time. The customer pays the cost of manufacture, the contractor receives money, a small commission goes to the developers of the site. A similar system is similar to ordinary freelance.


In childhood, many loved to ride a carousel. American businessmen built a restaurant and put a real attraction there. Of course, this carousel does not rotate there, you can only eat behind it. The popularity of the restaurant is growing year by year, so the business owner is already thinking about acquiring a new attraction and opening an additional institution.

Restaurant with a real carousel

The photo

Many dream of capturing their triumph. A young couple from Houston proposed a completely unique solution for this. The couple bought an old van and adapted it to a photo booth. Orders are accepted through its own website and local bulletin boards. The schedule is so tight that for shooting celebrations, they are recorded several months in advance. This idea of ​​small business from America is gradually beginning to be popular among Europeans. On the roads of the Old World, vans designed as photo booths come across more and more.

photobus as a business idea

Beer Exchange

Beer is a popular drink around the world. At the same time, disputes about which country he first appeared in do not subside to this day. A bar from Washington decided to change the pricing policy for this product. The fact is that there beer is sold under all conditions of the stock exchange. The cost changes in real time, its dynamics are monitored directly by the bartender. Popular varieties grow rapidly in price, while the value of others gradually decreases. The move is non-standard and unique in its kind. There are many advantages to this way of doing business. Firstly, clients join the game, the excitement factor begins to work. Secondly, it is possible to minimize the risks of the formation of commodity residues. Beer that has not been bought today will definitely cost lower tomorrow, as a result of which demand for it will increase. This business idea in America has so far received increased attention.

Beer exchange

The property

The interest rate on mortgages in the United States is low, but still the acquisition of own real estate remains a challenge. Loftium startup developers have figured out how to solve this problem. The service offers customers the missing amount for the down payment for the opportunity to receive part of the fee from the leased room in the apartment or house. This business model has become popular. Now the company offers its services in almost all states.

Caring for the elderly

Demanded business ideas in America are also born in the social sphere. This can be said about the project of Josh Bruno. The entrepreneur faced the problem of caring for the elderly when his parents needed this help. Social workers were not competent, often had a rude character. Therefore, the young man decided to work as a volunteer and then start his own business. Now its staff reaches 1 thousand people. Only the best of the best are selected for work. At the same time, the number of people who want to join the team is not decreasing, but only growing. The motivation is simple - money. The salary of employees is 30% higher than the average for the market. For an hour each employee brings the businessman about 25 dollars.


There are a lot of types of perfumes in the store, but it’s often impossible to choose the composition you need for yourself. Tijon has proposed a unique solution, which consists in compiling the desired composition independently. This successful business idea in America came to the taste of many Europeans. Now citizens of different countries are enrolling in the courses. Work is in full swing. In addition to the possibility of self-preparation of the desired aroma, the company offers training options for perfumery. The brand’s popularity is growing, and revenue is increasing. The company is already starting to think about launching its own line of odors.

Unique theme store

Today there are many stores selling clothes and shoes, developing networks involved in food and cosmetics. What else can you come up with? Is there a chance to break into this competitive niche? As the Zombie Apocalypse Store example proved, there is always the possibility of a non-standard solution. The company specializes exclusively in products intended for the apocalypse with the walking dead in the lead roles. You can buy food supplies for several months in advance, camouflage for hidden movement on city streets, effective weapons against zombies. The huge popularity of this format is provided by the demand for Hollywood movies about the walking dead. Also, goods are in demand among a large cohort of tourists. The brand is unique, but the entrepreneur is in no hurry with the sale of the franchise and the opening of new outlets.


Now a business idea from Europe and America, based on the remote sale of various products, is taking root with us. In US trading terminals, you can buy everything. Virtually everything. Devices for the sale of coffee, medicines, clothes, shoes and even gold jewelry are popular. The competition in the segment is high, but novice businessmen will start from one or two trading terminals. The main difficulty is finding the right place to do business. The market is busy, so only those who can offer a non-standard option of product distribution break through. Relatively recently, even live flowers were started to be sold through terminals.

Vending machine

Unusual keychain

An insulating tape is often necessary at a time when it is simply not at hand. The future founder of Gearward also faced this problem. The entrepreneur proposed an unusual and non-standard solution: always carry insulation tape with you. This is how trinkets with this material appeared on sale. The company opened its first production in Los Angeles; now a useful souvenir is sold throughout America. From the idea of ​​small business, the brand is gradually developing into one of the largest players in the souvenir market in the United States. The company is developing new directions, even trying to export goods to Europe.

Healthy food

In the United States, a real cult of a healthy lifestyle has developed. At the same time, attention is paid not only to training, but also to nutrition. Natural products (in America they are called organic) are quite expensive, and residents of megacities have no time to visit a store. The Edn project came up with a non-standard way out. The creators of the business offer to buy customers a ready-made home garden and plant it with the necessary greenery. Seeds are sent by mail, the necessary fertilizers are already located inside the bed. Products are additionally equipped with an ultraviolet lamp. This allows you to accelerate the growth of greenery.

Organic food

Flavored glass

An unusual project was developed by the startup team Right Cup. Entrepreneurs have created a unique flavored glass. Many people know about the benefits of raw water for the body. Doctors recommend drinking at least 2 liters per day. It can be difficult to cope with this task. Therefore, such an unusual way out of the situation was proposed. A person gets the impression that he drinks sweet water, with various additives. This business idea in America has appealed to many lovers of a healthy lifestyle. The company has been recording sales growth for 3 years in a row and is already considering expansion.

Consumer protection

Many stores in order to optimize profits behave incorrectly in relation to consumers. Often the shelf life of the goods on the packaging is simply interrupted, replaced with a new one. One of the baker's chains noticed this trend and suggested a non-standard move. The fact is that the company began to put the date of production of products directly on the bakery itself. The result exceeded the wildest expectations. Sales have grown significantly. Of course, it’s too early to talk about the millionth profit, but the company was able to confidently gain a foothold in the state on the market.


New business ideas in Europe and America are often associated with the sale of specific products with a narrow niche. Slippers stores in the US are very popular. This is due to a combination of factors. Firstly, prices there are often lower than those of competitors working with a wide range of goods. Secondly, sellers know literally everything about models. They can give a full description, talk about all the pros and cons of a particular product. We have themed slippers shops have appeared recently.

Slipper shop

For the smallest

An interesting business idea from America is the sale of a device designed to increase the vocabulary of a child. This has a positive effect on his general intelligence, level of socialization and development. A special application will learn with your baby many new expressions and phrases. The founders of the project are planning to develop new devices designed for parents. Gadgets will give mothers and fathers specific advice on raising the younger generation. Devices have already been recognized as a revolution in the development of children in the initial stages of life.

Clothing for athletes

America's new business idea is resistance clothing. Special elastic inserts are sewn into the fabric. The material creates a certain load, increasing the effectiveness of the workout. Now, Physiclo is trying to launch casual wear. Products have gained strong demand in the United States. Sports suits are often bought in Europe. In principle, many unusual business ideas from America quite often become in demand in the rest of the world.


A random gift shop has become a popular business idea from Europe and America. The concept is simple: the customer indicates only the date of the holiday and its occasion (birthday, wedding, anniversary dating). The platform staff independently selects the gift and sends it to the addressee. There are practically no dissatisfied customer reviews. Fantasy at the store management leaves no chance for complaints from customers.

Case for children

Business ideas from America for children and adolescents are related to the IT sphere. Young entrepreneurs instead of games with peers earn quite decent money. Popular are startups related to the promotion of a profile on the social network Instagram. In the US, this platform is one of the most popular. Therefore, large stores for the promotion of their profile are ready to pay quite decent amounts even to a child.

Sweet tooth gift

A popular business idea in America was the sale of edible sweet cards. The products are intended directly for the sweet tooth. We have no analogues yet. The shelf life of such a gift is about one year. While manufacturers offer 4 flavor options: blueberry, orange, lemon and strawberry. The plans of the enterprise to work primarily on increasing the range of goods.

Coffee lovers

Many of America’s best business ideas are for coffee fans. This aromatic drink is consumed there every day by millions of liters. Often, cold coffee is simply poured into the sink. Drinking it cool is a dubious pleasure. Two friends from New York proposed an original method for solving the problem. They made special stones that are placed at the bottom of the cup. This helps keep the temperature of the fluid stable. The products are made of medical steel, in appearance they resemble coffee grains. This interesting business idea from America has already found its fans in Europe.

Medical Steel Coffee Beans

To move

Housing or office relocation causes a lot of difficulties. For example, often one of the main problems is the disposal of packaging material. The shipping company has proposed a non-standard way to solve the problem. The company just rents boxes for things for rent. After the move, managers take all the inventory on their own. Especially for customers, special boxes with labels were issued (glassware, books, etc.).

Football fans

Football as a sport in America is not particularly popular so far, but fans of world clubs live there. The company LiveLike VR presented a special program that allows you to monitor matches in real time. The highlight of the project is that users are completely immersed in the game process, because viewing takes place in virtual reality glasses. So far, the program is compatible only with Samsung devices, but the company plans to expand its technical base. This idea for business is starting to be in demand in the Old World. Among Europeans, fans of this game are much more. Announcements are also possible for other sports.

Car wash

At first glance, the latest idea for a business from America in this list looks trite. Of course, what could be unusual in a car wash? Only her staff! Employees of the Nebraska Nature Reserve came up with an original idea for earning. For only $ 20, the customer’s car will be washed ... real elephants. The success of the idea is colossal. A line is built of dozens of cars daily. At the same time, everyone is happy: both motorists, and the owners of the reserve, and even elephants.

Car wash with unusual workers.

Instead of totals

A custom business idea in America is synonymous with future success. Entrepreneurs in the United States generate unusual ideas from almost the air. Of course, not all projects are doomed to profitability. Many startups are closing, and their owners are forced to fix the loss. But for unusual ideas, this statement is the exception rather than the general rule.

America's top business ideas can also be adapted to our market. At the same time, the novelty and freshness of the view on doing business will allow a novice entrepreneur to succeed.


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