What is stereotypical thinking?

Stereotypes are the scourge of modern society. Cliche, templates, standards are found at every step. “All rich people steal”, “a child must strictly obey his parents”, “every woman should give birth”, “men do not cry” ... The list of such expressions can be continued indefinitely. Stereotypes are terrible, because they mercilessly generalize and owe everyone the same comb, not taking into account the individuality of each person. And thinking with standards is even worse. However, about everything - in order.

stereotypical thinking

Formation Templates

Before proceeding to the consideration of stereotypical thinking, it is necessary to talk about where the notorious standards come from.

It is believed that they are based on the past. The experience gained by our ancestors is the reason for the origin of the samples. Over time, they entrenched and began to be transmitted from one generation to another, taking root in society and settling in the minds of people.

What are the norms convenient for?

The standard train of thought is really convenient. After all, he gives birth to the same behavior patterns in different people. In addition, the stereotyped thinking of society is very beneficial. Since people with deep-rooted standards in their minds, as a rule, do not possess individuality and uniqueness. They are driven into a framework, live by far-fetched norms. It is easy for them to inculcate something additionally, to control them, to manipulate, to zombie.

In some stereotypes, of course, there is a rational kernel. But in our time, even these patterns are re-rotated, distorted, and taken to extremes.

stereotypical thinking examples

About personality

In modern society it is very important not to lose oneself. Especially when stereotypical thinking is characteristic of surrounding people. Sooner or later, a person with a developed and unsettled personality begins to notice that he does not seem to fit the image of an “ideal” person who has developed in society. People around him disagree with his views, convince him of the wrongness, one might even say, are unhappy with him.

A vulnerable and sensitive person who really wants to like everyone, as a result of this, begins to lose confidence in himself and his strength. Complexes, self-dislike, self-esteem may fall. Many stop accepting themselves for who they are.

More persistent individuals do not pay attention to the opinions of others. And some even overstate self-esteem, because they are able to think broadly, while others are limited in scope. Thus, he himself encourages his personality. People who are not able to do this begin to live as others expect from them, receiving approval in return, but losing their uniqueness.

stereotypical thinking examples

Gender stereotypes

These are the most common patterns in society that demonstrate ideas about the behavior and characteristics of men and women. They are directly related to gender roles - social attitudes that determine suitable and desirable models of both sexes. Stereotypes support them and reproduce. Here are the most common ones:

  • A man should not cry, talk about his feelings, do homework.
  • A woman must be a keeper of the hearth, and not a careerist, a free person, or someone else. Her tasks are cooking, washing, cleaning, reproducing offspring and caring for the head of the family.
  • If a woman does not have a family, she is necessarily unhappy.
  • A man is obliged to engage in a solid or brutal business. Such professions as, for example, designer, stylist, artist and many others, are too “not masculine”.

It is worth noting that stereotypical thinking in terms of gender is embedded in the minds of people since childhood. Girls are buying dolls and toy kitchen sets. For boys - cars and robots. And even in kindergarten it may be that the teacher, noticing how the girl plays with interest with some transformer, sends her to put baby dolls to bed.

stereotypical thinking books

What is right?

The first sign of stereotypical thinking is the habit of dividing everything into right and wrong. No, of course, each of us has our own preferences, views, values, priorities. But only people with a stereotyped perception of the world can aggressively respond to other opinions.

They are convinced: right - this is when a person received a "nursing" specialty. Then he got a stable job, and in his homeland, to serve the state, and not to seek a better life abroad. He played the wedding “like everyone else”, created a family, and always with children. That's right - this is when a person does not stand out from society and lives like everyone else.

But the bottom line is that everything is relative. All people are different and consider correct only those attitudes in which they personally see a certain value and meaning, and not someone else.


There are also enough templates in it. A professional stereotype is a personified image of a specialty. There is also the concept of image. This is an image that gives some social phenomenon certain characteristics. A kind of "semi-finished product", designed for speculation by society. The image has an awesome function, so it often turns into a stereotype. Here are some examples:

  • Psychologists know everything about us. Only at one glance can they determine what a person is.
  • Educator. A person who knows everything and can give an answer to almost any question.
  • Artist. A person with an interesting, fun and carefree life, having a lot of opportunities, success and prospects.
  • Seller. Necessarily a liar. Because he needs to sell a product, which means that even if he is not too good, he will sign it as perfection.
  • Journalist. Greyhound painter. Anyone who is willing to publish any misinformation for money.

By the way, often young people, inspired by images and stereotypes about professions, go to receive a particular specialty, and then they are severely disappointed in reality.

Do you think stereotyped version 1 0

In children

Stereotypical thinking in the smallest is also manifested to one degree or another. On another, of course, level.

For example, a child is told that the Earth is round. He can start asking questions, trying to find evidence of what was said in books or on the Internet. But not necessarily. He can also accept what has been said on faith, without even a second doubting it. And just such a reaction will indicate that he has stereotypical thinking.

But why doesn't he ask questions? It is believed that the reason lies in certain qualities of consciousness called stereotyped personal markers. This includes credibility, sub-exposure, emotionality. Here, take, for example, the first marker of the listed. He assumes belief in information only because its source is an authoritative person. Can a child doubt what his parents, seniors or teachers told him?

By the way, here is another interesting point - examples of stereotypical thinking in relation to children. What should they, if you believe the patterns? Always obey your parents, embody their unfulfilled dreams and desires in your life, receive only the "five" and provide a glass of water in old age. And many mothers and fathers do not shun all of the above to put pressure on their children.

stereotypical thinking is

How to stop thinking patterns?

People rarely think about this. As a rule, due to the fact that they do not even consider their thinking stereotypical. Just right, generally accepted. But some people are concerned about this question, they even pass a test called "Do you have stereotypical thinking?" (version 1.0). Well, if you really want to fix the situation, you can listen to the following tips:

  • One must learn not to make judgments. For they are labels that limit freedom of perception. How to do it? Just look at the world without appreciating it. Do not comment - just watch.
  • You need to track your movements. So it will be possible to understand which of them are stereotypical and which are not. Each action must be brought into the realm of awareness. This will help in breaking down personal stereotypes, and also teach you how to live in the present. What about the examples? Here is the simplest: people are standing at the elevator. They are waiting for him. But most will push the button anyway, knowing that the elevator is already on.
  • Understand that all people are different. To do this, just put yourself in their place. You don’t like snakes - imagine that someone likewise doesn’t like what you like most. No need to approve - just accept this fact, understand and not judge.
  • Engage in the development of horizons. This is important for everyone who cares about how to get rid of stereotypical thinking. The horizons are expanding, and with it the scope. New knowledge, fresh thoughts, food for reasoning appear, and opinions often change. If it doesn’t get rid of templates, then it will expand the borders for sure.

stereotypical thinking in children

What to read?

There are books that completely break stereotypical thinking. Again, everyone has different tastes, but most recommend reading the literature of the postmodern era. Authors such as Patrick Suskind, Elfrid Jelinek, Chuck Palahniuk, John Fowles, for example. Or DBC Pierre, Julian Barnes, John Kennedy Tool, Jennifer Egan. And it’s better to start by studying books about stereotypical thinking directly in order to understand the essence from the inside. Fortunately, there are enough of these in psychology.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C45635/

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