Charming curls with ironing

Often women with completely straight hair dream of becoming curly for at least one day. And this is not at all surprising, because beautiful curls are young, create a romantic image. It would seem easier? I wrapped my hair on curlers - here you have curls. However, this option does not always give the desired effect. Curled curls look more natural with an iron for straightening hair. Such curls can be made at home in ten to fifteen minutes.

curls with ironing
Curling hair on an iron is not a very complicated process, although it requires some skill. Not every woman manages to master it the first time. Do not despair, you will succeed. Despite the apparent simplicity, the issue of curling, using a hair straightener, should be approached with caution and accuracy. After all, the wrong temperature can injure your hair.

Before starting to curl, wash your hair thoroughly with your usual means and apply a preparation with thermal protection to the strands. It will help protect hair from the aggressive effects of high temperatures, provide them with additional shine and greatly improve fixation. Then dry them naturally - drying with a hairdryer in this situation will become an additional stress for the hair.

Beautiful and natural curls with the help of ironing can be obtained by choosing the right temperature. Many women do not take this factor into account and do not compare the temperature of the device with the structure of their hair. As a result, it is possible to burn tender strands or ugly curls in the final result. If for normal and healthy hair, the temperature of the iron should be about 160 degrees, then for thin and

curling hair on an iron
weakened - no more than 110 degrees. For very stiff and naughty hair, the temperature can be increased to 170-200 degrees.

Having picked up the necessary temperature, you can start making curls with the help of ironing. Gently pushing it along the entire length of the strand, turn the straightener - in the end you will get the desired curls.

The density of the resulting curl will depend on the speed of your movements - with a fast winding curl will be smooth, and with a slower curl. If the result obtained suits you, then comb the hair with a large, preferably wooden comb and fix with varnish.

Volumetric hairstyles, consisting of curls and curls, go to almost everyone. Such styling can be everyday or evening. But such a hairstyle with evening make-up and a cocktail dress is especially spectacular . Elastic curls with an iron

hair straightener
obtained because he fixes twisted locks for a long time.

Experts advise using a styler no more than once a month, since its systematic use can disrupt the hair structure. Also, be sure to use thermal protection, this will prevent the delamination of the tips. Your hair will become shiny and smooth. To make them look more natural, when twisting on an iron, do not curl the strand to the end, leave a distance of about 15 cm from the roots.

If you need a beautiful styling with light, natural curls, feel free to pick up a straightener and get down to business.


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