How to become a stuntman without risk to life?

The stuntman profession is surrounded by many myths and legends. People are accustomed to consider this sphere of activity extremely romantic, interesting and dangerous. In some ways they are right. But somewhere they are still mistaken. To understand how they become stuntmen, who does this and in which professional educational institutions you can master this legendary profession, you need to turn to the origins.

How it all began

The word "stuntman" comes from the French cascadeur, which in one of the meanings translates as "risk taker", and in the other - an artist performing tricks. It can be said that the stuntman profession appeared simultaneously with such professions as an actor, producer and director. Now, however, tricks need to be performed not only in the film industry. Quite often stuntmen participate in the creation of commercials or series.


Biker on a motorcycle.

Of course, when they pick up the stuntman, they try to make him as close as possible to the actor, who will be replaced when performing a dangerous stunt. Also stuntmen do not take off close-ups. Those who would like to become a representative of this profession should learn that they are unlikely to face popularity. Jackie Chan is perhaps the exception to the rule. But still, the average stuntmen remain, so to speak, behind the scenes.

However, it is safe to say that the stuntman profession will remain in demand for many years to come. No special effects can replace the efforts of true stunts. To understand the intricacies of the profession, you need to know that there are two main types of stuntmen: universal and specialized. It is easy to guess what the differences are. Special stuntmen enjoy great respect, because it is believed that they have reached the highest level in their field. You can’t learn tricks in a burning wheel in one month. It takes time.

Various insurance policies are indispensable in the stunt profession. But even with them, the risk remains very high. It is not surprising that so few people choose this profession: only a hundred representatives of the profession throughout the whole of Russia call themselves stuntmen.

What does it take to become a stuntman?

Man jumping from a cliff by car

First, of course, courage. Without excellent physical preparation, you should also not choose this path. The stuntman must be hardy, reckless and decisive. For his own safety, he is obliged to quickly respond to external and internal factors, calculate the risks and get out of critical situations as a winner. Otherwise, how to become a stuntman? No one needs accidents at the site. This, by the way, is the main reason why stuntmen are still in demand.

The question is how to become a stuntman? The answer is easy.

There are quite a few special educational institutions where stuntmen are taught. But in the vast majority of cases, stunts are people who have dedicated their lives to sports or acting. Also, a beginner can turn to a professional and ask him to take him as a student. But there is another option: the Stunt Guild of Russia. If a person is physically strong, ambitious and active, then there they will accept him with open arms.

However, the school for stuntmen "Empire of Cinema" in Russia is very popular. Many newcomers come there, knowing almost nothing, and go out by true professionals in their field. There are several directions in the school. For example, acrobatics, fencing, stunts performed under water and at height, various types of martial arts.


Becoming a stunt performer in Russia is quite real. But will this profession allow a comfortable life? Answer: yes, no doubt. A stunt man who has already reached a certain length of service can earn more than one hundred thousand rubles in Moscow, and his income will be slightly less in St. Petersburg. And this is only the average salary. There are no restrictions. For just one stunt stuntman receives about ten thousand rubles. A beginner, of course, is much smaller, but this is a great incentive to move forward and develop.

Where to work

Car with camera

Having answered the question of how to become a stuntman, it is necessary to explain where exactly the stuntmen work. Firstly, these are various movie platforms, advertising, the same notorious schools for stuntmen. Given that the stunt must be in good physical shape, he can also work in the Ministry of Emergency Situations or in the police.


Car falling from the mountain

The stuntman profession is extremely interesting. Many people dreamed of performing tricks in childhood. Not all of them realized their dreams. But those who could and became a stuntman contribute to the film industry and live a fantastic life full of dangers and adventures.


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