Alexander Zhulin - personal life. A photo. Biography. Zhulin Alexander - skater

Zhulin Alexander Vyacheslavovich - a fairly well-known figure. At one time, this skater managed to captivate the public with ice shows, and also became a participant in the sensational story with a love triangle. Today, Zhulin does not cease to arouse public interest, and there are several reasons for this. Firstly, Alexander Zhulin recently celebrated his 50th birthday and for the second time became a father. Secondly, his biography is extremely entertaining, which means it will certainly interest fans of figure skating.

alexander zulin


The future skater was born in Kaliningrad - a small town near Moscow. The joyful event occurred on July 20, 1963. At first, there was no talk of any sports car, but at the age of five, Sasha got to the rink, where his grandmother brought him. For several years, Alexander Zhulin studied at the rink, and later was transferred to a more serious sports section. Training took place several times a day, so there was practically no time for ordinary children's fun. After four years of training, Sasha’s determination began to bring results. At the age of nine, Zhulin began to go to the famous Moscow figure skating section (now renamed the Tchaikovsky Skate School), thereby paving the way for great sports. Since the Zhulin family did not have the opportunity to pay for regular trips, the parents decided to transfer their son to a Moscow boarding school located at the sports school there. Within the walls of the institution, he spent several years. All this time, the trainer of the future star of the rink was Anastasia Kazakova.

First steps in sports

Giving all his strength to skating, Zhulin began to be of interest to coaches, and already in the fourth grade they began to invite him to competitions. At this time, the guy’s coach was Natalya Dubova. At first it was solo skating, but at the age of seventeen Sasha was given a pair. From that moment he moved to the discipline of "pair sport dances." Zhulin's partner was Maya Usova. It was with her that Sasha managed to perfectly perform at all-Union competitions, including the USSR Championship.

The beginning of a successful career

julin alexander biography

In 1985, Maya Usova and Alexander Zhulin began to take part in international competitions. The rivals of the couple were Marina Klimova and Sergey Ponomarenko, a couple of Duchenne from France and Evgeni Platov with Oksana Grischuk. Despite serious competition, for a decade, the Maya-Alexander couple pulled ahead, taking prizes and ending up in the top three in major tournaments. In 1992, after participating in the Olympics, the couple wanted to leave an amateur career. The only person whose persuasion the athletes succumbed to was their coach. The latter made every effort to prepare their wards for the next Olympics. She had only a few years left, and all this time Zhulin and Usova gave all the best they could. In 1993, the couple took another award - they became winners of the European Championship, and then the world. The most outstanding achievement of the skaters was the "silver" of the Lillehammer Olympiad in 1994. Despite the success, the future plans did not include further competitions. Maya and Sasha left the big sport and did not return to it until 1998.

TV projects

After deciding to leave a big career, Alexander Zhulin seriously thought about working in television projects. By that time, he was already an idol for millions of women, so there was no doubt about the success of the event with his participation. The “Stars on Ice” project, which premiered on the Russian television channel in 2006, became really high-profile. The organizer of the show was Ilya Averbukh - a longtime friend of Zhulin. The essence of the project was the pair skating of masters of ice sports and not related to such famous personalities - actors, singers, public figures. By drawing lots, a couple of Zhulin was determined. Then he skated together with Ingeborga Dapkunaite - an actress who conquers many with a sexual accent and a pretty appearance. The audience remembered Dapkunaite by the role of the cheeky "night butterfly" from the movie "Intergirl", so their duet with Zhulin was received with a bang.

alexander zulin personal life

In the next TV project, Zhulin Alexander, whose biography is of interest to many, decided to participate as a coach. This was called the “Ice Age”, and was received by the public no less warmly than its predecessor. Moreover, the ratings were so high that the producers of the show decided to extend it for the second season. Alexander Zhulin also appeared in it, also acting as a coach of couples. More is more. In 2009, the next project was released, bringing together the skaters and their less experienced teammates. Zhulin refused to participate, wishing to assume the familiar role of a coach. And only in 2012, the audience was able to observe the masterly dances of the skater, who again became a participant in the show “Ice Age: Professional Cup”. The decision to participate in television shows brought Zhulin even more fans love. Thanks to him, ice dancing surprised the audience with extraordinary numbers. In addition to the show, Zhulin took part in the project “My Family Tree”, shot by Channel One in 2010, and also agreed to shoot a documentary about himself called “Alexander Zhulin. The Steadfast Tin Soldier, ”who saw the light a year later.

Skater Awards

alexander julin photo

Zhulin Alexander, whose biography is surprisingly interesting, is an unusual skater, he can also boast a huge number of awards. Among those are:

▪ “gold” of the Universiade of 1985;

â–Ş "bronze" of the International Competitions 1987;

▪ “bronze” of the 1992 Olympic Games;

â–Ş "silver" of the European Championship 1992 ;

â–Ş 1994 Order of Friendship of Peoples.

Moreover, Zhulin's piggy bank has many championship titles. Each of his awards, he owes first of all his own determination, and then to people who were nearby and constantly pointing to him the available opportunities.


At the end of the touring business, Zhulin went to the coaches. At first, his wards were Tatyana Navka and Roman Kostomarov. Zhulin coached a duet of young skaters until their victory at the Olympics in 2006. Later he became a mentor to Azerbaijani athletes Igor Lukanin and Kristin Fraser, and also took part in the sports career of the lone dancer Alexander Abt. Among the other wards of Zhulin are Anastasia Grebenkina and Vazgen Azroyan, Arkady Sergeyev and Natalya Mikhailova, Fumie Suguri. The 2011 European champions Natalie Peshala and Fabian Burza also trained under Zhulin.

Spouses skater

Zhulin Alexander Vyacheslavovich
Like many public people, Alexander Zhulin, whose personal life is very entertaining, tried to hide his world from the prying eyes of the paparazzi. However, everything was in vain, so over time he left this venture once and for all. The media never ceased to follow the fate of the skater, and after the start of his television career, they began to write about Alexander much more often. Zhulin's first wife was his partner Maya Usova. Six years after meeting and the start of pair skating, the guys realized that they should be together not only on ice. The skaters' wedding took place in 1986, but the happiness was short-lived. In the 90s, print media brought shocking news to the masses - the marriage of Usova and Zhulin came to an end. Since the union of partners did not bring them parental happiness, the couple broke up pretty quickly. The second wife of the skater is his colleague Tatyana Navka. The blonde beauty could not help but attract the attention of Alexander, and already in 2000 he again went down the aisle. Despite the difference in age (Tatyana is significantly younger than Zhulin), their marriage lasted a whole decade. The couple has a daughter who is already in their teens.

Maya Usova and Alexander Zhulin

Since the rupture of Zhulin and Navka occurred during one of the ice television projects, there were rumors about the connection between Navka and her ice rink partner Marat Basharov. It is noteworthy that Alexander himself was also seen in extramarital affairs. His passion was the ward - Natalia Mikhailova. Despite the fact that the couple Navka-Zhulin in every possible way rejected rumors about the presence of lovers, it became impossible to live together. The skaters officially divorced in 2010, however, the couple began to live separately long before that - from 2007. At the moment, the common daughter of Zhulin and Navka Sasha lives with her mother, but does not suffer at all from the absence of her father in her life, since she can see him Anytime. Unlike Navka, who failed to build a serious relationship with Basharov, Zhulin married Mikhailova. In 2013, the couple had a daughter, Katya. The novice skater became the third wife of Alexander, who is her mentor.

skater julin

About life abroad

At the beginning of his marriage with figure skater Tatyana Navka, Zhulin moved to live in New Jersey. According to the athlete himself, it was a fairly happy period. Alexander does not stop talking about the uniqueness of New Jersey. Located 20 minutes from New York, this place is famous for its silence. There, the four skaters had their own mansion, but even this did not stop Zhulin from returning to his homeland. The reason for this decision was the desire to start work again in his native Russia.

About PR

Alexander Zhulin, whose personal life is in full view - is a public person, therefore he never refuses photo shoots. Family photography has graced glossy publications more than once - we are talking about the time when Zhulin was married to Navka. The skater himself clearly understands that in his profession one can not do without PR, and with age, the desire to give an interview with him does not disappear. Today Alexander Zhulin photo He doesn’t hide his, but, on the contrary, spreads it on the network.

About the innermost

The skater Zhulin has repeatedly admitted that he is prone to depressive conditions. It always works for wear, so it perceives lesions too painfully. The only thing that can calm an athlete at such moments is solitude on his favorite couch!


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