How to make a spike-groove connection?

For a long time, in the carpentry and carpentry work, a thorn-groove connection has been used. Ancient architects, using this method, managed to create unique wooden buildings without a single nail or screw. And although the most diverse hardware is now quite affordable, the articulation of individual parts of various designs by this method not only has not lost its relevance, but also finds wide application in modern products and materials.

The principle of connection and its varieties

According to the design, all spike-groove connections are made according to one principle: a protrusion is made on one part, and a recess on the second. They are exactly the same in configuration and size. With a tight joint of these two parts, a durable technological unit is obtained. In the construction of houses, such a connection prevents the shift of one part of the structure relative to another; in the manufacture of furniture, it significantly increases the area on which the glue is applied, thereby providing additional strength to the product.

By the geometric shape of the protrusion and recesses, such joints are divided into two main types:

spike groove connection

  • rectangular section (sometimes with rounded ribs of spikes and grooves);
  • in the form of a trapezoid (also called β€œdovetail”).

spike groove connection

By the number of spikes and recesses that need to be done for one articulation of parts, these connections are divided into:

  • single-spike;
  • multi-threaded.

Important! Regardless of the number and geometric shape of the protrusions and recesses, they need to be done only parallel to the wood fibers.

Application area

The spike-groove connection has found application in many areas of our daily lives. For example, when arranging floors of premises according to this principle, such familiar coverings as laminate, parquet, parquet board, ordinary floor board, chipboard, fiberboard or MDF are joined together.

connection spike groove milling cutter

Wood, as one of the most environmentally friendly materials, is used for the manufacture of a wide variety of furniture (from a simple kitchen stool to a designer set for a living room or dining room), roll plate curtains, blinds and much more. And all these products are mainly manufactured using a spike-groove connection.

In the construction of wooden frame buildings, timber houses, in the arrangement of the beam-and-rafter structures of the ceiling and roof, it is also necessary to arrange the protrusions and recesses.

Timber joint

A spike-groove in the joining of the beam is used both for the arrangement of corner structures made of wood, and for the longitudinal combination of individual pieces. Depending on the size of the cross-section and the expected loads, the geometry and the number of protrusions and eyes are selected. For example, in the construction of wooden houses, a single-threaded connection is mainly used. And to increase the length of the bars of a small cross section using glue, a multi-threaded method is used.

how to make a spike groove connection

Board connection

Almost all owners of suburban real estate have long been fond of such material as lining, as a result of which they get an absolutely flat vertical surface. A spike-groove connection of boards is used for arranging floors, interior decoration of the house, as well as for external cladding of the structure (naturally with an antiseptic coating).

The protrusions are tightly fixed in the recesses of adjacent boards, which prevents their displacement relative to each other. When arranging floors, the tight connection of the tongue-and-groove boards between them prevents their displacement in the vertical plane (the floor turns smooth) and significantly increases the heat-saving properties of the coating (there are simply no gaps between the boards).

spike groove bar connection

Using a manual electric milling cutter

Arrangement of tongue-and- groove joints with a milling cutter minimizes labor costs and significantly reduces the time for carpentry. Of course, this useful tool will not help in building a house, for example, from a beam with a cross section of 150 x 150 mm, since there are no mills of this size for a manual milling machine, and the power of this unit will not be enough to install them. But if you want to independently build furniture, small window frames or door frames, then such a tool is simply necessary. Depending on the size of the parts to be joined and the geometrical configuration of the connection, you get the desired mill, and maybe two (one for cutting a groove, the other for making a tenon). The adjusting devices of the milling tool, as well as the guide bearings (usually included with such mills) will help to create protrusions and recesses that exactly match the size and shape.

do-it-yourself spike connection

DIY tools and accessories

If you need to make some piece of wood, it is economically unprofitable to purchase an expensive electric milling cutter. Most likely, everyone in the farm will have the necessary set of tools, and if you have to buy it, then very little. In addition, additionally purchased fixtures can later be useful for minor repair work (for example, repairing wooden furniture). In order to make a spike-groove connection with your own hands using only a conventional hand tool, you will need:

  • wood hacksaw (with small teeth);
  • joiner thicknesser (a special device for marking) or a regular building square;

spike groove connection boards

  • Ruler and pencil;
  • wood chisel.

Self-made corner joint

As an example, consider how to make a spike-groove connection of two bars of the same cross section at right angles with the help of improvised tools. Suppose you need to connect bars of 60 x 60 mm in size (they may well be suitable for the manufacture of window frames in a summer house).

The thickness of the protrusion with a single-stud joint (in accordance with the recommendations of the manuals for carpentry) should be β…“ Γ· β…œ of the thickness of the bar (in your case, it will be 20 mm). The length of the spike will be equal to the thickness of the bar (60 mm). The dimensions of the recess should correspond to the dimensions of the spike, so that it effortlessly fits into the eye.

Attention! The spikes must be equipped on the vertical details of the wooden structure, and the grooves on the horizontal.

The execution algorithm is quite simple:

  • First, we mark out future protrusions and eyes. If you take this process without due attention, then the manufactured spikes and grooves may not coincide with each other in size or relative position. There is also a danger that they will not fit into each other tightly. All this will significantly reduce the strength and reliability of the connection.
  • Using a surface gage (or square) at a distance of 60 mm from the end, we draw a line on all four sides of both bars.
  • Then, on two opposite sides and at the end, we draw two parallel lines at a distance of 20 mm from each other.

spike groove connection

  • On the marking lines with a hacksaw, we make end cuts to the transverse line, that is, to a depth of 60 mm.

On a note! So that the thickness of the cut (approximately equal to the wiring of the teeth of the hacksaw blade) does not affect the accuracy of the joint, we install the saw blade from the outside (when arranging the spike) or from the inside (when making the groove).

  • At the end of the bar with a protrusion, we saw off the outer pieces of wood.
  • Chisel gently hollow out the inside of the recess.

spike groove connection

  • We insert the spike into the groove and check the manufactured connection. If necessary, remove protruding defects with a chisel.


If you need to independently arrange a spike - groove for joining wooden parts, then it is best to practice on scraps of bars.

connection spike groove milling cutter
If the protrusions and grooves made exactly match, and the articulation of the individual parts is solid, then you can start work on the prepared building material. Well, if the spike is too loose in the groove, or vice versa, then you need to once again check the correct layout, conduct another workout, and only then proceed with the implementation of the project.


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