Details on how much to cook pollock

Pollock is a bottom-pelagic cold-loving fish belonging to the cod family. It is most common in the North Pacific. It is distinguished by a short whisker, three dorsal fins, spotted coloration and large eyes.

how much to cook pollock

General information

How to cook pollock? Before answering this question, it should be said that such a fish is especially popular with cooks. Compared to other marine products, pollock has a rather low cost. Moreover, it is always on store shelves.

How much to cook pollock until ready, very often interests those people who are on a strict diet. This is due to the fact that such a fish practically does not contain fat, therefore it is low-calorie.

Another advantage of this product is that it is easy to process and has a small number of bones.

Where to use?

Many cooks know about how much to cook pollock. After all, such fish are often used by them for cooking various dishes.

This product is well suited for frying, stewing and cooking. Also, cutlets that are steamed are often made from its fillet.

So how much do you cook pollock fish in one form or another? We will tell about it right now.

Frying product

Before frying such fish, it is carefully processed. The product is washed in cool water, removing fins and entrails remaining after industrial processing. Then pollock is dried and cut into pieces. After that, they are salted and crushed in flour.

how much to cook pollock until cooked

Having laid the fish in a hot frying pan with oil, it is cooked for about 5 minutes on each side. During this time, all pieces of the product should not only brown, but also fry inside.

How to cook pollock?

Like frying, cooking this fish does not take much time. It is well processed and cut into large pieces. Having dipped pollock in boiling water, it is boiled for about 7 minutes (after boiling again).

If you decide to make a diet soup out of such fish , then you need to put it in a pan only after all the other ingredients are almost ready (for example, potatoes, onions, carrots, etc.).

If you cook pollock for too long, then it can fall into very small pieces.

Steaming and Steaming

Now you know how to cook pollock in boiling water. The same amount of time should be extinguished in a saucepan under a tight-fitting lid.

If you decided to make cutlets from this fish, then you need to add chopped onion, egg, bread crumb, greens and other ingredients to the minced meat. Such products increase the cooking time. In this case, pollock should be steamed for about 10-15 minutes. During this time, minced fish with additives should be completely prepared and stay as juicy as possible.

how much to cook fish pollock

To summarize

As you can see, pollock is a versatile fish that is ideal for preparing various dishes. With proper processing of such a product, including thermal, you are sure to get a very tasty and healthy lunch.


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