Antiparasitic monastery tea: truth or divorce?

Disappointed in official medicine, many of our compatriots turned their sights on alternative medicine, and this area gives wide scope for various scammers to work. Advertised herbal gatherings, called monastery teas, raise a ton of questions.

Let's try to figure out whether it is worth buying and drinking monastery tea with antiparasitic properties.

antiparasitic monastic tea


Human parasitic diseases , or helminthiases, pose a great danger to health. In recent years, the number of cases has increased significantly. This is due to the fact that the use of disposable hygiene items and household items made of synthetic materials has negated the need to disinfect dishes and linen with boiling water. The boiling of glass and metal utensils in special cabinets has sunk into oblivion, as is the tradition of boiling bed and underwear, and then ironing it with a hot iron. This created a hazardous hygiene situation. Parasitic infections of all kinds are now affecting not only members of the poor class, but also well-off people.

You can identify infection using tests conducted in laboratories at medical centers. However, some signs of helminthiasis are also determined in the study of general health. Here is a list of symptoms:

- problems with bowel movements (constipation or diarrhea);

- rapid weight loss or obesity;

- muscle or joint pain;

- allergies, in particular urticaria, atopic dermatitis, eczema;

- deterioration of the skin (acne, dull hair, brittle nails);

- nervousness, depression, anxiety;

- anemia;

- bruxism (grinding of teeth in a dream and restless sleep);

- chronic fatigue syndrome (poor memory, increase and decrease in body temperature for no apparent reason, irritability, general weakness, difficulty concentrating);

- frequent colds;

- the appearance of tumors;

- secretion of mucus (runny nose, cough with sputum).

Parasitic infestations are often masked by other diseases.

Monastic antiparasitic tea proportions of herbs
Parasites feed on the protein tissue of human organs. They worsen the composition of the blood, poisoning it with metabolic products. Moving inside the human body, parasites destroy and poison all organs, starting with the gastrointestinal tract. They feed on the tissues of the liver, kidneys, heart, lungs, brain and bone marrow. As a result, the protective functions of the body are reduced. The immune system malfunctions. Chronic diseases and malignant tumors develop.

It used to be that worms were a disease of dirty hands, so children often suffer from it. Currently, parasitic diseases have spread to all age groups.

Prevention and treatment of this scourge is necessary to deal with absolutely everything.

Below we will analyze the composition of the monastery's antiparasitic tea according to the herbs included in it. Before buying this product, think about whether it is better to consult a good doctor and undergo a thorough examination. Perhaps, as a prophylactic, this collection is suitable for a healthy person, and as for the diseased, it is not known whether it is worth the risk.

Monastic antiparasitic tea composition of herbs

Birch leaf

Birch is one of the favorite plants of folk healers. Since ancient times, our ancestors steamed leaves for the preparation of infusions, which have a pronounced antiseptic, antimycotic and anthelmintic effect. Birch leaves can be used for the treatment and prevention of helminthic infestations in both adults and children. It is good that monastic antiparasitic tea contains this ingredient.

An infusion of birch leaves destroys lamblia. Phionicides and flavonoids of birch leaves are antioxidants. By neutralizing free radicals, they contribute to the rapid restoration of tissues destroyed by parasites. A decoction of birch leaves acts as a diuretic, which contributes to the speedy removal of metabolic products of the "sub-settlers" -parasites that poison the host's body. You can praise the one who invented the monastery antiparasitic tea. Reviews of doctors who have studied the composition of the collection confirm the reasonableness of the components selected for it.

Monastic antiparasitic tea

Oak bark

Oak bark fixes stool well with diarrhea. And diarrhea often accompanies helminthic infestations. Dehydration, loss of strength, irritation of the intestines and other problems helps to solve the decoction of oak bark. In addition, it contributes to the speedy healing of microtrauma. The named component is included in the bouquet of herbs, united by the name of the monastery antiparasitic tea. Some manufacturers put it in second place in the list of ingredients. How fair is this? The exact proportions of the monastery antiparasitic tea are not indicated anywhere. Since in the fight against worms the oak bark can not be awarded a championship, it can be assumed that each grass is divided equally. But is it really so?

Monastic antiparasitic tea doctors reviews scam


The monastic antiparasitic tea includes such a wonderful plant as calendula, or marigolds. Bright orange or yellow flowers with a yellow or red-brown center have been widely used in medicine since the time of Dioscorides. They bloom all summer and are suitable for harvesting until the fall. The plant is unique in its effective healing and antiseptic properties. As an antiseptic, calendula is more effective than iodine, widely used for these purposes.

Thanks to calendula, appetite improves, digestion and metabolism are accelerated. This is a valuable property, because in many cases the result of helminthic invasion is poor appetite, weight loss, degeneration and destruction of internal organs. Calendula, added to herbal preparations intended for those affected by helminths, does not destroy parasites, but performs other tasks associated with curing the disease. Herbal preparations are so good because compiled by specialists, they are able to work miracles. And who makes monastic antiparasitic tea? Customer reviews of this product are full of contradictions and often cause doubts. Human parasitic diseases are caused by invasions of helminths. With the advanced stage of the disease, no doctor or pharmacist will advise monastery antiparasitic tea. The pharmacy will recommend going to the clinic and making tests. Based on them, the doctor will make the best treatment option. In the fight against parasites that have invaded the skin, blood, intestines or other organs, different drugs are used. A universal medicine for all diseases does not exist. Can monastic antiparasitic tea be considered an exception to the rule? Doctors' reviews: “A scam of dexterous businessmen - this is what this tea is from parasites.” It’s hard to argue with them.

composition of the Monastic antiparasitic tea of ​​the proportion of grass


On the packaging of the collection "Monastic antiparasitic tea" the compilers report: it contains chamomile. Of the variety of flowers that have this name, only chamomile is used in medicine. It blooms for a very short time at the beginning of summer, and I hope that the antiparasitic monastery tea uses the properties of this particular plant.

Chamomile does not destroy helminths, but it improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, relieves inflammation, reduces swelling of the gastric mucosa, and soothes the nervous system. Thanks to chamomile, monastic antiparasitic tea (testimonial evidence of this) does not cause allergic reactions. Chamomile pharmacy is widely used in folk and official medicine as a means of significantly weakening the allergic reactions of the body.

Monastic antiparasitic tea truth or divorce


Inflorescences of bright yellow flowers, similar to tablets, are well known to herbalists. Bitter flowers have a strong and pungent odor that repels insects. Tansy is a thunderstorm not only for mosquitoes and flies, but also an excellent tool for removing worms. In earlier times, mothers forced their children from time to time to swallow one or two round tansy. There is no more effective and safe herbal remedy for parasites of various types. Tansy blooms in late summer. Even if monastic antiparasitic tea is a scam from an economic point of view, then a person who suspects pinworms or roundworms and does not want to go to a doctor in the clinic, this tea will still help get rid of worms. Having drunk herbal gathering containing tansy during the week, having carried out the necessary sanitary treatment of underwear and bedding, you can forget about parasites.

To find out reliably whether antiparasitic monastery tea contains tansy, you can only open the package. The plant is easy to identify in appearance. Regarding the remaining ingredients, such a definite answer cannot be given. As for taste and smell, there is a risk of making a mistake. A bouquet of aromas of wormwood, mint, chamomile, sage, calendula and other plants can confuse a city dweller, who rarely visits meadows.

Monastic Antiparasitic Tea Recipe


Let's try to carefully study the list of ingredients included in the monastery antiparasitic tea. The composition of the herbal collection seems to be written by a person who is close to medicine, but does not attach much importance to the traditional classification of plants. In particular, this applies to peppermint. A specialist phytotherapist would write: "peppermint," putting in first place the main name of the plant, and in the second - its type. A village herbalist would write simply: “mint”, referring to the menthol herb that grows in its area. Peppermint - a cultivated plant, a hybrid of aquatic mint and garden mint.

In the wild, peppermint does not occur. Such inconsistencies discredit monastic antiparasitic tea. Responses of doctors: "Scam!" And this despite the fact that peppermint, like its other species, is often included in the traditional list of herbs used to treat helminthic infestations - it normalizes the intestines and improves the overall tone of the body.

Monastic antiparasitic tea composition


The bitter glycosides absintin, artabsin, anabsintin, and others present in bitter wormwood determine its effectiveness in compiling collections of medicinal herbs for a whole spectrum of parasitic infestations. This is especially true for parasites that settle in the liver. However, the high toxicity of the plant implies strict adherence to the dosage depending on the age and other physiological parameters of the infected.

Unfortunately, manufacturers do not indicate the exact composition of the monastery's antiparasitic tea. The proportions of the wormwood herb in relation to the rest of the ingredients are unknown. What is it? Trade secret? Or another argument proving that the product was produced with the participation of persons far from worldly standards, including those related to health. Here, willy-nilly, the question arises: "Monastic antiparasitic tea - is it true or divorce?" The word "monastic" acts on the mind almost magically. For many, it inspires confidence. A resident of a quiet Russian heartland cannot even imagine that scammers use this holy word, counting on the profit that it will bring to them. Maybe you should listen to what people in commerce and medicine say about monastic antiparasitic tea? Responses of doctors: “Scam! Brilliant in its simplicity and accessible to anyone who has the Internet. ”

Monastic antiparasitic tea reviews

Mushroom Cracker

Mushroom caterpillar, it is also a branchberry, goryanka, cut, or wormy grass, grows in swamps throughout Russia. For medicinal purposes, the entire plant is harvested as a whole, along with roots and stems. Sushenitsa has pronounced regenerative properties. It is prescribed for patients with atrophy of bone and soft tissues, in particular - osteomyelitis and pulmonary tuberculosis.

The presence of this plant in the collection, known as monastery antiparasitic tea, is difficult to explain. Of course, a useful and effective herb will help restore organs destroyed by parasites, but high-quality treatment requires consistency. First, it is necessary to expel the "settlers", and only after that take up the restoration of the destroyed. Otherwise, the parasites will feed on updated tissues and grow stronger, and the person, on the contrary, will weaken, because the regenerative functions of our body are not infinite.

An interesting selection of herbs included in the monastery antiparasitic tea. The composition of the collection is not a secret. The secret is represented by the proportions and amount of herbs, the place and time of their collection. As you know, the manufacturer is obliged to bring this information to the consumer. Antiparasitic monastic tea ignores this requirement. But the announcement of the sale of this product does not skimp on praise and promises. He supposedly a priori will not only not harm, but heal anyone and expel all parasites. Herbs included in its composition are described in atlases of medicinal plants. All of them are useful and healing. Nevertheless, if an overdose of calendula does not cause harm to health, then wormwood is a poisonous plant, and contraindications and the method of applying the drug collection, called monastery antiparasitic tea, are not indicated. How to find out if monks who were knowledgeable in medicine really came up with this collection, or is this a good idea for the enterprising Ostap Bender? Isn't it possible that they make monastic antiparasitic tea on Malaya Arnautskaya? Responses of doctors: “Scam. The collection of the listed herbs will not be able to cure all invasions, but it is quite suitable as an anthelmintic, in cases of mild cases. ”

Monastic Antiparasitic Tea Scam


This plant is a true natural doctor, curing many diseases. Its other names are porridge, cutter, grass of St. Joseph, soldier cleanser, ore and tenacious grass. This is no coincidence. Yarrow improves the functioning of the liver and gall bladder, accelerates metabolism and strengthens the protective functions of the body. There are cases when gangrenous wounds, sprinkled with powder from bitter flowers, were healed without the help of other drugs. Yarrow, like wormwood and tansy, has an extremely bitter taste and a sharp aroma. With damage to the internal organs by parasites, the use of yarrow is absolutely justified. Not knowing the exact composition of the monastery's antiparasitic tea (there are no proportions of herbs, exact pharmacological names and locality on the label), we can say that it really successfully performs the functions of an anthelmintic. Its advantages are indisputable in the issue of improving the general condition of patients. The recipe for monastic antiparasitic tea is a collection of useful herbs, very often used in traditional medicine, and traditional medicine has never adhered to exact numbers. Herbs were taken approximately, as they say, by eye, poured with ordinary water and put in a furnace for stewing. Neither temperature nor the duration of the heat treatment were of particular importance. It was important in which place the oven was better to place the container with the broth, and the temperature was determined as before the loaves, together with the loaves or after the loaf was taken out of the vent.

Perhaps the absence of modern accompanying inscriptions is a desire to demonstrate the historical authenticity of the healing collection? What do the experts say about the recently launched Monastery antiparasitic tea that has been causing so much talk? Responses of doctors: “Scam”, but is it correct to call this word a bouquet of herbs united by the name “monastic”? Of course, grass has nothing to do with it. It's all about the manufacturers of the goods. Most likely, they have nothing to do with monasteries, and the recipe may well be taken from an old medical book. Just trusting the name "Antiparasitic Monastery Tea" is more than a simple antihelminthic herbal collection. Any marketer will confirm this.

Monastic Antiparasitic Tea Divorce


This fragrant grass with blue-violet flowers on a spike-shaped inflorescence grows in the southern regions of our country. The use of sage in medicinal preparations is justified. It has astringent, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, hemostatic and emollient properties. Being a diuretic, sage is used with great care in persons with kidney disease. The fact that the recipe for monastery antiparasitic tea does not contain information about contraindications to its use is a big omission. It is not advisable for pregnant and lactating mothers to drink it - sage inhibits lactation. It can also adversely affect the course of pregnancy and the well-being of the mother and child.

Monastic antiparasitic tea reviews of doctors


Repeshka is a wonderful plant, which for some reason is the last in the list of ingredients included in the monastery's antiparasitic tea. The composition of the collection for this reason does not look quite balanced. Traditional medicine values ​​repes for a wide range of diseases, which he successfully copes with. It is used for diseases of the kidneys, liver, and hematopoietic system; it is also used to get rid of worms. Sedative properties of reposhka have proven themselves in various allergies. However, one can not help but pay attention to the fact that the repro is a sweatshirt, and the sage described above, on the contrary, reduces sweating. Is it possible to combine such opposite properties in one collection? Perhaps those who are not recommended to trust producers of monastery antiparasitic tea are right? Whether it is a divorce or not, one can reliably say only by conducting relevant studies. However, there is doubt whether such a study was carried out by those who compiled this collection. Someone can say about the monastery’s antiparasitic tea: “The proportions of herbs do not matter much, because a sensible person will not make more than one or two tablespoons per glass of water. The recipe is taken from ancient monastic books, and the monks will not do anything bad. ” Such a statement is naive. Monks, real monks who abandoned the world and took tonsure, know that all human diseases are from God. They are given to us as a warning. The best means of healing is prayer and repentance of sins, as well as abstinence from carnal pleasures. To think that every tea bag is sanctified by the prayer of the righteous and expel the parasites is a clear delusion.

proportions of Monastic antiparasitic tea

Logical conclusion

And one more remark at the end. Monasteries as monks and monks do not accept useless people. Since ancient times, it has been the custom: to get shelter in this kind of monastery, you need to contribute a considerable amount of money to the monastery treasury or to be a good specialist in any business. For this reason, there was a fair opinion that the products produced in the monastery are of the best quality. Hence the question: “Monastery antiparasitic tea sold in regular and online stores - is it true or divorce?”

We summarize: packages with herbal preparations of this brand can really cause doubt in the professionalism of the people who composed them. Although, of course, the herbs contained in them can have a positive effect on health.


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