Cableway, Pyatigorsk: description, attractions, opening hours and interesting facts

Those who have been to Pyatigorsk know that Mount Mashuk is its main decoration. From its top, a magnificent view of the city and its environs, as well as interesting sights, has been attracting thousands of tourists from all over our country for many decades. To facilitate the climb to Mashuk, a cableway was put into operation in 1971. Pyatigorsk from its trailers can be viewed in detail, and in good weather, many passengers use such a trip to photograph the monuments of history, nature and culture located on the slopes of the mountain.

cableway Pyatigorsk


The cable car in Pyatigorsk (address: Gagarin Boulevard) began to be built in 1965 according to a project developed at the Gruzgiproshakht Institute under the leadership of V. Lezhava. Its grand opening took place on August 24, 1971 and, as expected, the commissioning of this new transport route gave a powerful impetus to the development of the tourist potential of the city.


The cableway (Pyatigorsk) has the following technical specifications:

  • speed of movement - 8 m / s;
  • wagon weight without passengers - 1032 kg;
  • type of construction - pendulum, unsupported, i.e., trailers leave simultaneously from above and below and meet exactly in the middle of the path;
  • travel time between stations is 3 minutes;
  • type of wagons - closed;
  • payload weight - 2000 kg;
  • at the same time, 2 cars can be on the track;
  • cable material - steel;
  • cable length - 994 m;
  • wagon capacity - 20 people;
  • maximum tilt angle of the cable in the span - 30 degrees;
  • height difference between the upper and lower stations - 368.8 m;
  • the total length of each cable is 1100 m.

cableway in Pyatigorsk working hours

What can be seen from the trailer

When climbing to Mashuk, the panorama of Pyatigorsk, the southern slope of the mountain and Beshtau are visible on the left. Further, passengers on the cable car can see a rock portrait of V. Lenin. This attraction appeared in the vicinity of Pyatigorsk in the summer of 1925. It was created by the artist N.K. Shuklin and his two assistants. The image of the Leader of the world proletariat was immortalized on a steep rock. In the 1990s, Leninโ€™s portrait was removed, but there were defenders who rightly believed that this work of monumental art was of historical and artistic value.

If the cable car ride takes place in good weather, before reaching the upper station, passengers can enjoy the beauty of Elbrus.

Pyatigorsk cableway how to get

What to do on Mashuk

The cable car in Pyatigorsk (the operating mode is presented below) daily delivers several thousand people to the upper station (their number, of course, depends on the season). First of all, they strive to take a detailed look at the city from the observation deck. Comfortable benches are installed there, on which you can safely sit and relax before the descent, if the tourist is going to better get acquainted with the attractions located on the slopes of Mashuk.

In addition, the Eagle's Nest cafe is located on the second floor of the station. Judging by the reviews of tourists, there is good service, pleasant unobtrusive music sounds, food is very tasty, and a magnificent view of the mountains opens from the balcony. The only thing that seems strange to some guests is the local custom to include 10% service on the bill.

Mashuk also created the conditions for mountain biking, which is a type of mountain biking. On a specially equipped track, you can see athletes honing their skills in freeride and downhill.

At the top there are souvenir shops, and you can also order souvenir coins, which, according to the assurances of local residents, attract money to your wallet.

cableway in Pyatigorsk mode


On the slopes of Mashuk there are many historical and cultural monuments, which can be reached by cable car.

Pyatigorsk from the top of the mountain is visible, in full view. Against the backdrop of forests and rocks, you can see some interesting sights. Among them:

  • Pyatigorsk TV Tower, where the most direct and emotional host, Zhorik Vartanov, works on the Sev-Kav-TV channel. It was built in 1959 and from afar, especially in the lights of night decorative lighting, a bit like the Eiffel Tower in Paris. The height of the TV tower is 113 m, and together with the mountain it is more than 1000 m above sea level.
  • Lake Failure is familiar to many from the immortal work of Ilf and Petrov. In addition, it is sung in local legends. According to one of them, Failure is a wound that the beautiful Mashuko inflicted on herself in her heart, having learned about the death of her lover. The failure is a cave with a depth of 41 m, at the bottom of which there is a karst lake of the same depth.
  • On one of the spurs of Mashuk - Mikhailovsky - you can see the romantic structure in the form of a gazebo with white stone columns in the style of classicism. It is called the Aeolian Harp. There is great acoustics, so in windy weather you can hear sounds reminiscent of music.
  • The gates of the Sun are located on one of the sites on the slope of Mashuk, a few minutes walk from the building of the upper cableway station. This is a favorite place of Pyatigorsk newlyweds, where you can always meet wedding processions.
  • The arbor "Eolova Harp" is part of the decorative structures of the Emanuele Park, which was defeated in 1831. In addition to it, on the territory of this magnificent object of landscape art of the first half of the 19th century, you can see grottoes, pavilions and pavilions, to which picturesque paths-tunnels lead.
  • At the very top of Mashuk there are tall posts with arrows, which bear the names of cities.

cableway in Pyatigorsk address

Pyatigorsk, cableway: how to get

Fans of hiking can recommend a route to the lower cable car station from the train station via Kirova Avenue and Gagarin Boulevard.

You can drive along the same path if you take minibus number 1. Tourists will be able to get to the lower station by bus number 1 (stop "Cableway"). If you intend to arrive in Pyatigorsk by car, then it will be useful for you to find out the coordinates of the object: N 044 2.627 and E 043 4.887.

Cableway in Pyatigorsk: mode of operation

The cable car connecting Mashuk peak with Gagarin Boulevard operates daily, without days off, from 10:00 to 18:00. During the tourist season, on Fridays and Sundays, its services can be used until 20:00. In addition, on Saturdays, as well as on holidays and holidays, residents and guests of the city have the opportunity to enjoy the sunset from the slope of Mashuk, as the cars make flights until 22:00. Those wishing to use the services of the cableway should remember that from 12:00 to 13:00 passengers are not served.

Since maintenance work is carried out on the road from time to time, before using the cable car, it is recommended to make sure that it is functioning by calling the ticket office of the lower station: (8793) 974008.

Pyatigorsk cableway cost


The first thing that interests tourists who are going to visit such an attraction as the cable car in Pyatigorsk is the price of tickets. It is different for children and adults. It is best to immediately buy tickets for the climb and the descent. In this case, for adults they will cost 350 rubles, while one way the cost will be 200 rubles. For children under 5 years old, travel is free, and for children from 5 to 8 years old you will have to pay 50 rubles one way.


When asked if they liked the cable car (Pyatigorsk), tourists who have already used it, as a rule, respond positively. However, there are those who are dissatisfied who believe that a 5-minute pleasure is not worth the money that you need to pay for it, especially when it comes to visiting Mashuk with a family of several people.

At the same time, the cost of tickets is almost the only gripe about the Pyatigorsk cable car, which works with strict adherence to the schedule and ensures the safety of passengers. By the way, be prepared that you will have to queue upstairs, as tourists are in no hurry to leave the observation deck and miss the first flights.

cable car in Pyatigorsk price

Now you know what to do during a trip to Pyatigorsk. The cable car (ticket prices are presented above) is one of the most famous sights of the city.

Be sure to make an "air" trip to Mashuk to view Pyatigorsk and its surroundings from a bird's eye view. An unforgettable experience awaits you and you can take some great shots for your travel album.


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