The concept of the environment. Federal Law "On Environmental Protection". How to save nature?

The concept of environment characterizes the conditions in which living organisms exist. They are divided into natural and man-made. Environmental objects and its components are factors such as climate, air, water, soil, nature and anthropogenic environment. The phrase “state of the environment” is most often used with respect to how favorable or unfavorable it is for human life. This concept is also generalized. To assess the condition, the currently accepted norms and ideas are used. They may change over time. The concept of the environment has its own formulation in Russian legislation. It gives a definition of what it is. This item is in the federal law "On Environmental Protection."

natural resources and environment

Human influence

Human activity is increasingly affecting the geographic envelope of the planet, especially the biosphere. The greatest changes are associated with the transformation of landscapes, in which the territories covered with natural vegetation are transformed into anthropogenic, designed to meet human needs. This process has been going on since ancient times, but over the past century it has acquired disastrous proportions. The area untouched by man is becoming less and less every year. In the past, natural areas decreased in the temperate and subtropical zones, but recently this process has been more active in the tropics and at the equator. The most destructive for nature is agriculture, which requires huge areas and can completely change the ecosystem. Therefore, the question of how to save nature is becoming increasingly relevant.

environmental objects

Anthropogenic factors

The main driver of change is population growth, and in second place in importance is the increase in people's needs. Previously, the majority was content with a small living space and consumed little production, but now the appetite has grown significantly, the size of houses has increased, and the consumption of industrial products has become huge. All this led to an acceleration of environmental transformation and a deterioration in its quality. Such a large-scale offensive cannot pass without a trace and creates ever greater risks. If these trends continue, then humanity will live in conditions of extremely unfavorable ecology, and the cost of many resources will increase sharply.

Favorable environment

This concept is also quite vague. It is enshrined in the legislation of the Russian Federation, in the federal law “On Environmental Protection” dated 10.01.2002. A favorable environment is such an environment that allows you to maintain the stable functioning of natural and man-made objects and systems.

Environmental standards are used to assess environmental quality. If they are respected, biological diversity is preserved and sustainable functioning is ensured, as enshrined in the definition of a favorable environment. They are the basis of state environmental protection.

favorable environment

The concept

Different people and organizations have a different understanding of the term "environment." Most often, such close definitions are found as: “living environment”, “human environment”, “human environment”, “natural environment”, “human environment”, etc. Although these are quite different concepts, they are sometimes used as substitutes the concept of "environment", which is not entirely correct. The environment for the vast majority of people is a thin life shell called the biosphere. To some extent, the environment is also outer space surrounding the planet Earth on which we live. As well as the lithosphere. But they change little, that is, they are quite constant. The inclusion of the lithosphere is important for understanding the close relationship of natural resources and the environment in ecology.

how to save nature

For humans, the environment is a natural, man-made and social environment. Therefore, the factors of this environment include physical, chemical, biological, social, as well as aesthetic factors. The role of aesthetics is quite important. A person often feels more comfortable where there is a lot of greenery, flowers, where there are natural ponds, and the air is saturated with natural aromas. In cities, among asphalt, iron and concrete, neurosis and depression are more common, and a feeling of dissatisfaction may arise. It is no coincidence that many cities try to plant greenery, create parks, squares, ponds, and people like to go on a picnic outside the city or to the country house, go on excursions to natural and architectural monuments, and go fishing. Therefore, environmental problems cannot be reduced only to environmental pollution and the extinction of species.

Different interpretation

In a broader sense, the environment can be understood as everything that surrounds a person, starting with his own apartment and ending with outer space. Environmental elements include air, water, food, landscapes, other people, and so on. The quality of human life directly depends on all this, whether he will be happy or unhappy.

Individual preferences

Each person has his own ideas about the ideal environment, which can change throughout life. Something will be priority for him, and something secondary. Each has a set of priorities. Those who are easily influenced by fashion and various propaganda can quickly change their preferences and are more likely to be satisfied with life than those whose idea does not depend on the majority opinion.

night city

Environment in Ecology

The term “environment” is primarily an environmental concept. For the environment to be comfortable for the life of most people, it must comply with accepted standards and requirements. Ecological problems facing humanity are many. First of all, this is a change in landscapes, a decrease in the number of plant and animal species, and pollution of various environments.

on environmental protection

Human pollution

Before the start of the so-called industrial revolution, the world was almost perfectly clean. Water in any river did not contain harmful impurities and was often transparent. In rivers and lakes there were many different fish, which was also clean. The air was filled with natural aromas and was not spoiled by vehicle exhausts or smoke from enterprises. The food was also natural and environmentally friendly. The same can be said about the soil. Animals and the environment were in harmony, and they could be found where they had long been forgotten. They were found almost everywhere, sometimes posing a threat to villagers.


Now everything is different. It has already reached the point that in the center of the Pacific Ocean a gigantic accumulation of garbage has formed, which the currents bring there. And marine inhabitants, wherever they live, are exposed to anthropogenic pollution and then themselves become their source. Population decline is even in those regions where there is no human economic activity. Some species, on the contrary, began to rapidly increase their numbers, posing a threat to humans and other species. It is impossible to find absolutely pure products in any even the most expensive restaurant.

Solving the pollution problem

In most countries, great attention is paid to this problem. After all, pollution is the cause of various diseases, makes water unpleasant in taste and poses a threat to climate change. However, the possibilities for solving the problem are quite limited. Nevertheless, efforts are being made in the following areas:

  • Gradual abandonment of coal energy in favor of renewable energy sources (RES). Until recently, it was proposed to switch to gas as a transitional option. However, the rapid reduction in the cost of solar and (to a lesser extent) wind energy leads to the revision of previous projects, and it is possible that coal energy will be immediately replaced by renewable energy.
  • Decreased use of oil and petroleum products in motor vehicles, shipping, aviation. This is made possible by the improvement of battery devices and the development of hydrogen energy. Most likely this will happen in the segment of passenger cars. Slightly slower - freight. The period of electrification of water transport will stretch even longer, and the most recent aviation will go on ecological rails. Full electrification of transport is planned by 2050, but with the development of technology, the process can accelerate.
  • Decreased production of plastics, one of the main environmental pollutants in the 21st century. Many countries refuse packaging and other types of plastic products. Nevertheless, in the coming years, the production of polymers will grow, but they have not yet found a full-fledged replacement.
  • Improving energy efficiency and reducing material consumption. These measures will not completely eliminate pollution, but will contribute to its reduction. For example, the transition from incandescent lamps to LED lamps can reduce energy consumption, and hence the air pollution associated with its production. In Europe, since September 2018, all types of lamps, except LED ones, have been banned. Prior to this, the ban concerned only incandescent lamps.
  • Forest planting, forest belts, the creation of green spaces, urban landscaping.
  • Improving filtering of emissions and discharges.
  • Recycling of materials, the creation of closed cycles of production and consumption.
  • Indirect measures include environmental propaganda, birth control (still almost never applied).

All this is part of the answers to the question: how to save nature and restore purity?


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