What is restoration? Types of restoration

Let's try to understand such a multifaceted concept as restoration. Perhaps some will ask: what can be complicated in understanding this word? Well, to reveal the meaning of this term is quite simple, but there is one thing. Namely, the variety of areas in which it is applied.

So, restoration is both restoration of works of art, and cosmetic finishing of the old house. Also, this term is used by builders, architects, artists and even dentists. So let's put everything in its place and dispel all doubts about this word. So...

What is a restoration?

As always, you should start with the wording. So, restoration is a complex of measures aimed at restoring a certain subject or object. Depending on the type of work performed, this procedure can vary greatly.

Take, for example, such a thing as bath restoration - what is it? Can the term used to refer to the restoration process of an old painting or mural be used with the same success in such a prosaic sphere of life as repair? It turns out maybe. But! Although the same word is used in these two cases, they should never be compared. Well, if only because anyone can restore the bath, but working with works of art is the destiny of highly educated, talented specialists.

bath restoration what is it

In connection with such a great deal of confusion around the concept of restoration, let's look at its most common types. Such an approach will not only help to realize the whole multifaceted essence of this word, but will also show how vast the possibilities of man are.

The concept of restoration in the home

If we talk about everyday life, then restoration is the mending of various elements of home life. This may include furniture, furnishings, and even the rooms themselves. As an example, let us dwell on the question of what is furniture restoration. How does this happen and why do some people so violently do not want to say goodbye to seemingly outdated things?

So, furniture restoration is a complex of measures to restore the appearance of household utensils. For example, the landlord has an old Soviet sofa, which has worn out springs, and the upholstery has faded. In this case, the restoration will be the replacement of old and unusable parts with newer ones, but at the same time the sofa frame itself will remain the same.

furniture restoration like this

Perhaps some will ask: โ€œWouldn't it be easier to buy new furniture?โ€ The question is quite logical, but there are three arguments that justify the restoration of old furniture. Namely:

  • Firstly, furniture restoration is much cheaper. Especially if the restoration was carried out not in the workshop, but at home, by the hands of the owners themselves.
  • Secondly, many believe that earlier furniture was made better than now. Consequently, it would be more expedient to restore it than to replace it with a new one that will fail, if not after a year, then after a couple of years for sure.
  • Thirdly, some pieces of furniture are of particular importance to owners, not to mention items that are on the list of rare and rare.

Restoration in construction: is it restoring the old or building a new one?

The concept of restoration in construction is very vague. The reason for this is the abstractness of the event itself. How does everything happen in practice? Indeed, in this case, restoration may mean not restoration of the former appearance of the building, but its repair with the possible alteration of some parts.

By and large, here restoration is a way to give the house a new life. At the same time, masters do not always preserve its architectural style. There are many cases when old buildings were turned into a standard of modern "architecture", as, as a matter of fact, and vice versa.

A striking example of such a restoration can be how ordinary citizens repair their homes. When they, instead of the old, old-fashioned whitewash, clad the exterior walls with plastic or PVC panels.

restoration in construction is

Architectural restoration

But the situation is completely different when it comes to buildings of architectural value or cultural heritage of the nation. In this situation, a number of significant changes come into force.

So, the architectural restoration of buildings is a repair that can recreate the former appearance of the structure. At the same time, builders are trying to maintain the old interior and exterior of the house, so that our descendants could also enjoy them in the future.

It should be noted that such work is carried out not only with buildings, but also with monuments, pedestals, fountains, bas-reliefs and so on. In general, everything related to cultural heritage can be restored.

restoration of buildings is

Aesthetic restoration - what is it?

No matter how strange it may sound, the term โ€œrestorationโ€ is also used in medicine. In particular, dentists use it quite often to display the essence of one of their methods.

So, aesthetic restoration is a process of restoring the health and beauty of teeth. Often, private dental offices and clinics are engaged in such practices. This is due to the fact that this process is quite complex and, more importantly, expensive.

As a rule, various restorative materials and vinyls are used to restore the dentition. Thanks to this, you can get rid of the effects of caries, even out the bite, remove plaque and give the teeth a shine. In particular, the famous "Hollywood" smile is the product of aesthetic restoration of teeth.

aesthetic restoration is

Restoration as an Art

However, let us leave the routine behind and move on to more subtle matters. After all, one thing is the process of reconstructing a sofa or home, and quite another is working with rare objects. For example, with paintings by Van Gogh or Rembrandt or with the painting of ancient icons in the temple, whose face darkened with time.

Agree, such work is akin to art. So, the people involved in it are a kind of artists. But let's talk about everything in order.

Painting recovery

You should start with those whose brush again breathes life into the old canvases of the masters. Indeed, over the years, paintings lose their palette: paints erode, the canvas becomes less durable, and painted frames crumble and crumble under the influence of environmental factors.

Given this, it is easy to guess that over time the image in the picture becomes so inconspicuous that it can no longer please the public eye. And then, restorers of paintings take up the job.

restoration is

It should be noted right away that this is very hard work. It is not enough here to be a good artist who knows how to brush on old canvases. The restorer is first of all a professional who is able to determine all the features of future work. For example, to find out what type of paint should be used, what style to put strokes and what tones to use, so as not to spoil the original charm of the picture.

Car restoration

Another type of artistic restoration is the restoration of vintage cars. It may seem to some that it is wrong to compare art restorers with professional mechanics. However, this is only a superficial opinion.

In reality, the process of restoring rare cars is a delicate and scrupulous job. Indeed, real masters not only carry out major repairs of all mechanisms in a car, but also restore its original appearance.

restoration is

At the same time, they try to use the same materials as the manufacturer. That is, they are looking for special types of leather for upholstery, paints, stickers and so on. For an uninitiated person, this may seem like a trifle, but more experienced people know that such things are very difficult to get, not to mention how much they will cost.

But, as they say, there is no decent price to art, because it is priceless. So, any restorer is a wizard who is able to breathe life into those things that, it would seem, have long been dead.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C45665/

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