Batken region: description of natural conditions, areas, population

The area discussed here is considered the most complex geopolitical region of Kyrgyzstan. It is the only one in this country, on the territory of which there are enclaves of its neighboring states - Tajikistan (Western Kalach and Vorukh) and Uzbekistan (Sokh district, Dzhangail, Sokh district, Shakhimardan and Chon-Gara).

This is the Batken region. Its administrative center is the city of Batken.

Sary-Too mountain range

Short story

The region was created in October 1999 by removing three districts from the Osh region (Leilek, Kadamzhay and Batken), as well as by joining the cities of Sulukt and Kyzyl-Kiya, which at that time were regionally subordinate. The village of Batken, formed in April 1934 as the administrative center of the Batken region of Kyrgyzstan, has become the center of a new region.

In February 2000, this settlement was given the status of a city, and in December 2008 it was transferred from regional subordination to the regional one. In addition, in February 2000, the city of Sulutka was removed from the Leyleksky district, and it also became a city of regional subordination.

Geographical position

The location of the Batken region is the southwestern part of Kyrgyzstan. 3/4 of its borders are international. In the northwest, west and south, it borders with Tajikistan, in the east with the Osh region, and in the north with Uzbekistan. In total, it borders with six regions of Uzbekistan and nine Tajik. The area of ​​the region is 17 thousand square meters. kilometers, which is 8.5% of the entire territory of Kyrgyzstan.

Geologically, the territory of the region extends along the southern foothill of the Ferghana Valley with chains, foothills and spurs of the Alai and Turkestan ranges. It is on the territory of this region that the lowest point of the state is located, located at an altitude of 401 meters above sea level.

Ai-Kel Lake is also located in the territory of the Batken region of Kyrgyzstan.


Alpine regions of the region are the regions of traditional residence of the Kyrgyz - cattle breeders and nomads, who make up the vast majority of the regional population. However, due to the border situation near Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, there are quite a lot of different ethnic-minority minorities in the region.

According to statistics for 2010, the population of the region was 433,800 people, which is 8% of the total population of the state. According to a 1999 census, 381,000 residents lived in the region. The population density of the mountains is low, much higher at the state border and in the valleys.

The region is characterized by low mortality and high birth rates, as well as a significant level of emigration.

Celebrations in Batken

Administrative division

Today, the composition of the region is represented by three districts and three cities of regional subordination (Kyzyl-Kiya, Batken and Sulukta). Batken region areas:

  • Batken with Batken administrative center;
  • Kadamzhaysky with the administrative center Pulgon;
  • Leilek with the center of Isfana.

Batken district

This area is located in the central part of the described area. Its northern territory is geologically located within the southern part of the Ferghana Valley, and the rest extends into the mountain and foothill parts of the Alai Range.

Peaks of the Scarlet

The highest point is at 5621 meters. The region, in addition to the borders with Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, has common borders with the exclave of Sokh (Uzbekistan) and Vorukh (Tajikistan). And this is the cause of tension in the ethnic issue of the region.

Kadamzhay district of Batken region

An exclave of Uzbekistan called Shakhimardan (Ferghana region) surrounds this area. The city of Kadamzhay, which originally emerged as a metallurgical village, has an interesting history. It was built at the antimony plant. Back in 1938, the settlement of Halmion district, located at the Kadamzhai mine, was transformed into the village of the same name, in which the workers of this enterprise lived.

By decree of December 1948, the village was given the name Frunze, and after the collapse of the Soviet Union, it was again renamed Kadamzhai.

Sel Unkur Cave

In the surrounding territories of the Kadamzhay district of Batken oblast, near the city of Khaidarkan, there is the Sel-Unkur cave, which is known for interesting archaeological finds of the 1980s. Anthropological materials (teeth, skull, and humerus) were discovered that were believed to belong to humans. According to research by Russian scientists, all of these materials date back about 126 thousand years ago.

Leilek district

It is the westernmost region not only of the Batken region, but of the entire Kyrgyz state. It is located in the southwestern territory of the country and is surrounded by Tajikistan on three sides. In the east, where it borders the Batken region, is Vorukh - an exclave of Tajikistan. The territory is mostly occupied by the mountains of the Turkestan Range.

This area is known as a center for coal mining, as well as the birthplace of carpet weaving. The main attractions of this region are associated with uninhabited mountain areas that attract climbers, as well as wonderful lakes, caves and picturesque cliffs covered with various legends.

Handmade carpets

Some interesting facts

  1. In the region there are more than 530 glaciers, the total area of ​​which is 720 square meters. kilometers. Most of them (more than 568 sq. Km.) Are located on the northern sections of the Alai ridge, and the rest - on the Turkestan ridge (151 sq. Km.).
  2. In the Batken region, the transport network is represented by rail, road, pipeline and air transport. Moreover, some roads pass several times through the enclaves of neighboring states.
  3. A miracle of Kyrgyzstan grows in this region - an amazingly beautiful aigul flower, which is one of the rarest on the planet. Its scientific name is Edward's hazel grouse. This plant is listed in the Red Book as disappearing. A feature of this flower is that its sprout bites only after seven years, and the flower itself appears after another period. Moreover, only one bud is added annually, so by their number you can determine the age of the plant. In the Batken region, a holiday is annually held in honor of this miracle of nature.
    Aigul Flower
  4. Batken antimony is a world standard in its purity. Until the middle of the last century, the Kadamdzhay plant mined this demanded and rare product, but with the advent of sovereignty the mining industry in the state fell into decay.
  5. Batken is an important agricultural region of Kyrgyzstan. He is famous throughout the country for his apricots and apricots. The fruits in these parts are unusually sweet and juicy.


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