Cucumbers Lutoyar: reviews, photos with description, productivity

It is difficult to find a person who would not like cucumbers. Millions of our compatriots are looking forward to the beginning of a new summer season in order to plant new varieties of these green, bubbled and crunchy vegetables on the beds. And all winter they carefully study all the varieties on sale, trying to choose the best. And the Lutoyar cucumbers receive reviews from most of them just fine. So, it will be useful to talk in detail about this variety - it is possible that it will become a good choice for many summer residents.


First, we give a description of the cucumber Lutoyar F1. He receives good reviews, not least because he bears fruit quickly. Yes, referring to an early ripe variety, Lutoyar is able to bring the first crop already 40-55 days after planting in open ground. Such a significant spread is due to external conditions - primarily the intensity of sunlight and soil temperature. Of course, the better the soil warms up, the faster the plant will develop.

Fresh cucumbers

Productivity is about 6-7 kilograms per bush. The optimal number of plants per square meter is three bushes. Thus, the yield from this area reaches 18-21 kilograms.

Leaving reviews on the variety of cucumbers Lutoyar, many summer residents note the fact that it belongs to parthenocarpic, that is, does not need pollination. Of course, this increases the number of cucumbers. This is especially important for growing in greenhouses, where bees and bumblebees, usually pollinating cucumber flowers, do not have access.

Perfectly suitable not only for horizontal cultivation, but also for vertical. However, the latter option is still preferable. It has several advantages. Firstly, saving useful space in the garden. Secondly, the fruits do not lie on the ground and are not susceptible to decay or attack by slugs. Thirdly, raised leaves receive more sunlight, which affects the growth rate.

Main advantages

As already mentioned above, with good care, the variety of cucumbers Lutoyar (reviews and photos see in the article) allow you to get about 18-21 kilograms of fruit per square meter. This indicator is very good, because on average most varieties provide yields from 9 to 25 kilograms from such an area. Moreover, early ripening usually have lower productivity.

For some regions of our country, hot days can be a real disaster. Greenhouses are very hot (especially if there is no way to ventilate it) and the temperature inside rises to +40 degrees Celsius and above. This often leads to dropping flowers and ovaries. However, when growing Lutoyar, you will not encounter such a problem - this variety can withstand up to +50 degrees without dropping the ovary!

Seed pack

High resistance to diseases, often depriving even experienced summer residents of the crop, is another important advantage, due to which it is highly appreciated.

The fruits are quite small - an average of 10-12 centimeters in length and weighing about 100 grams. Moreover, they are dense, very strong and at the same time juicy. This makes them an excellent choice for long transportation - for many summer residents this figure is especially important. No one wants to grow cucumbers that cannot be brought from the cottage home to the city. And for sale, such fruits will be a good choice - many people prefer to buy several small cucumbers instead of one large.

A significant shelf life (up to two weeks in the refrigerator at a temperature of + 2 ... + 5 degrees Celsius) complements the overall picture.

Suitable landing conditions

Now you know the description of cucumbers Lutoyar. Reviews and photos of the variety presented in the article will allow you to create a more holistic view of it. If you decide to grow this particular variety, it will be useful to share certain information.

Suitable for greenhouse

To begin with, planting seeds in open ground should only be done when the threat of frost has finally passed. Otherwise, you can be left without a crop. In the most severe regions, it makes sense to grow seedlings at home, planting it at the end of May in order to avoid frost, or use greenhouses.

The optimum temperature in the daytime is about 20-22 degrees above zero. At night, it is undesirable to drop below +15 degrees - this will not harm the plant, but it will significantly slow down growth.

A sunny day should be at least 12-14 hours. Fortunately, in most regions of our country there are no problems with this.

If you grow cucumbers in a greenhouse, then take care of the presence of fresh air - in a stuffy room, the growth rate decreases.

Finally, do not forget about regular watering. Like all varieties of cucumbers, Lutoyar need a lot of water. If heavy rain does not pass at least two or three times a week, you need to solve the problem of lack of moisture on your own.


Now we turn to practical information, thanks to which you can get a rich harvest. Reviews of cucumbers Lutoyar F1 and photos of fruits in the beds indicate that this is really possible.

First, the seeds are processed. The procedure is very simple and does not take much time. In a glass of warm water, several crystals of sodium permanganate are dissolved - until a faint pink color is obtained. Seeds are poured with a solution and left for half an hour. This allows you to achieve several goals at once. The surface of the seeds is disinfected - the risk of infectious diseases is sharply reduced. The shell is moistened, which is a signal for early germination. Finally, empty shells float to the surface - they can be immediately thrown away, since it will not work to get sprouts from them.

After that, the seeds are planted on the bed. The optimal distance between the beds is about 50-60 centimeters (with vertical cultivation), and between the holes is 30-40 centimeters.

First shoots

After planting the beds, you can pour a solution of phosphate fertilizers. Thanks to this, sprouts will give roots that will develop rapidly, which contributes to rapid growth and good productivity.


In general, care for Lutoyar cucumbers is not very different from care for other varieties.

Weeds must be regularly removed so that they do not draw nutrients and moisture from the ground that are intended for cultivated plants. Also, care depends on the type of soil. On sandy, light, you can do without loosening the earth. But if the earth contains clay, then this procedure becomes mandatory - otherwise the earth and air will not be able to penetrate to the roots, which will significantly impair productivity.

If you choose a vertical method of growing, then in some cases the necessary step is to tie up the bushes - some heavy clusters may not be able to stay on tensioned cords or wire without additional help.


It has already been said that cucumbers are a moisture-loving culture. This is already demonstrated by the fact that the fruits are 90 percent water.

In general, in most regions of our country there are no problems with precipitation. However, dry years are everywhere. If it has not rained for a week, you will have to take on the solution to the problem. It is especially important to provide the bushes with the right amount of moisture during intensive growth and flowering. In the first weeks of growth, until the plant has acquired a powerful root system, you need to water the beds at least twice a week, spending about 4 liters of water per square meter. With flowering and fruit formation, this figure increases significantly - up to 12 liters.

Ideal for salting

If there are problems with a lack of water for irrigation, you should use mulch. It can significantly reduce the amount of evaporated water. You can mulch the beds with straw, peat, manure, needles or compost.

Excess moisture should also be avoided. This sometimes leads to the development of infectious diseases that can harm plants. And in this case, the mulch can help out. Any materials for mulching absorb a large amount of moisture and give it away gradually, which is a serious plus in this situation.

Top dressing

Of course, the use of high-quality fertilizers is a prerequisite for obtaining a rich harvest. The only exception is when cucumbers are grown on fresh soil, greasy chernozem rich in important trace elements.

Immediately after planting, as already mentioned, the beds need to be watered with phosphoric mineral fertilizers. And shortly before flowering, it will not be amiss to enrich the soil with potassium - due to this, the number of buds and their size increases, which means the harvest will be rich.

A bountiful harvest

However, the use of mineral fertilizers is not necessary. Good results are shown with the use of mullein and chicken droppings, dissolved in water in a ratio of 1:15. You can also use wood ash - 200 grams per 10 liters of water.

Fruit application

Excellent taste qualities make the fruits of this variety a good choice for almost any use. You can eat them fresh - whole and in salads. Perfect for making any pickles. And the small size provides them with a beautiful appearance when salting whole. The almost complete absence of seeds will delight any gourmet - this makes the fruits more tender and pleasant to taste.

Diseases and Pests

One of the advantages of the variety is its high resistance to many diseases - bacteriosis, white and gray rot, cucumber mosaic and others, which can leave even an experienced summer resident without a crop.

Good in salad

But there is still no reliable protection from pests. So, the bushes can be attacked by ants, spider mites and aphids. You can fight them with both folk remedies and special insecticides. Experienced gardeners solve the problem by treating the bushes with the infusion of garlic and onion peel. Powder dusting with wood ash and tobacco dust gives a good result.


Now it’s worth supplementing the description of Lutoyar cucumbers with reviews so that you can make the most objective impression about the variety.

Most summer residents note good productivity and resistance to temperature extremes. He is highly regarded for his immunity to many serious infectious diseases. Do not forget about the excellent taste and appearance.

The minus is considered the exactingness to the conditions of cultivation - it is just impossible to get a rich crop on poor soil.


This concludes our article. Now you know more about the cultivation and yield of Lutoyar cucumbers. The reviews and photos presented in the review will greatly facilitate the choice and allow you to decide whether it is the best choice for you or it makes sense to give preference to proven varieties.


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