John Jones: biography, career, photo

The full name of the fighter is Jonathan Dwight Jones. He was born July 19, 1987 in Rochester. John represents the United States in the UFC light heavyweight international mixed martial arts tournament. Known for becoming the youngest holder of the championship belt in the entire history of the organization. In just four years, he managed to successfully defend his title eight times in a row.

Despite his stunning success, John Jones was stripped of his belt and was removed from fights without rules. The reason for this was a violation of US federal law.

The early years of fighter John Jones

The famous athlete was born in a small town in New York County. At the age of four, his family moved to Endicott, where the fighter grew up and graduated from high school. Like many stars of fights without rules, John from an early age was interested in football. In addition, he picked up from his brothers a love of freestyle wrestling. Already at the age of 15, John Jones became the champion of the school in the field of wrestling. After entering Iowa College, he was also awarded such a title. The fighter quit training at this institution and began his career as an athlete in mixed martial arts.

Carier start

Young jones

John Jones debuted as a professional on April 14, 2008. In the first three months of work, he won six crushing victories and did not suffer a single defeat. Each of the fights was completed ahead of schedule, which allowed the UFC organization to pay attention to a promising fighter.

The first battle of John Jones under the auspices of an international organization took place on August 9 of that year. The fighter competed against Andre Gusmao, who was also a capoeiro master. Jones won by unconditional decision of all judges. He demonstrated an unusual fighting technique, which no one expected from a hot newcomer.

The fighter continued to win victory after victory for two years, without ever losing.

Light heavyweight title

Jones champion

On March 19, 2010, John Jones reached the peak of his career. It was on this day that the battle for the championship belt took place. The fighter quickly seized the initiative and after three rounds received an extremely spectacular victory due to a knockout. He was in the status of a champion for 3 years, successfully discouraging all attempts to take away his title.

Nevertheless, despite the overwhelming success, the fighter was suspended from fights without rules due to a car accident. John Jones, while intoxicated, knocked down a pregnant woman. Among other things, illegal substances were found in him, which for a long time blocked his entrance to the world of sports.


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