How to bring down the temperature with vinegar at home: the proportion of dilution

Heat is a normal reaction to the introduction of pathogenic bacteria and viruses. That is, it is a natural defense that allows you to suppress the development of infection. Unfortunately, the organism itself is also under attack. High temperature is dangerous, so during the illness it must be constantly monitored. Today we’ll talk about how to knock down the temperature with vinegar.

knock down the temperature with vinegar proportion

Emergency measure

At hand, modern mothers today have candles and syrups that work quite effectively. But it takes time for them to work. Therefore, every mother should know how to bring down the temperature with vinegar. This is a simple, effective and reliable tool that does not fail. In this case, the effect will be achieved almost instantly. If the indicators on the thermometer are critical, then in addition to medicines, it is necessary to apply rubdown.

When to wipe

An increase in temperature occurs in order to destroy pathogens. But at high rates it will be more difficult to return it to its normal state. If the temperature has risen to 39 degrees and above, you will have to use a whole arsenal of funds to prevent the situation from worsening.

Until the temperature rises above 38 degrees, it should not be knocked down. By violating this rule, you increase the duration of the disease.

how to knock down the temperature with vinegar

Why vinegar helps

This is an important question to answer. Since knocking down the temperature with vinegar is very easy, most moms use this technique. At the same time, you need to be aware of what makes this effect possible. Not all parents know what determines the observed decrease in body temperature.

Vinegar itself cannot affect it. That is, the very rubbing with a solution of a volatile substance plays a role. Due to evaporation, the body cools rapidly. Especially rapidly changing indicators in young children. If they are very high, then you do not even need to use a mercury thermometer, just put your hand to your forehead. Feeling the dry heat, you need to moisten the sheet with an aqueous solution and wrap the body completely for 10-15 minutes. If the condition does not improve, then repeat the procedure and immediately call an ambulance.

It is important to keep proportions

Continuing to talk about how to bring down the temperature with vinegar, it is necessary to discuss how to prepare the solution. The procedure is important to carry out correctly so as not to harm a sick person. In its pure form, the use of vinegar is strictly prohibited. This will lead to severe burns to the skin. After such treatment, a long recovery will be required.

If the child has a high temperature, then the mother most often begins to panic. In this case, it is easy to forget the correct proportions. Knocking down the temperature with vinegar in such a situation is best after further consultation with the doctor. This will avoid a mistake. If it’s night, call the ambulance and ask the dispatcher. Better yet, make yourself a memo, in which write down what you need to do. There are different methods for using vinegar, let's look at all of them.

knock down vinegar water

How to prepare a solution

For some recipes, a 9% solution is used, and for others, apple cider vinegar. Therefore, carefully read the instructions and do not deviate from it. It is very convenient to use vinegar socks. You will need 0.5 liters of water. Add 1 tablespoon of 9% vinegar to it. If there is none, then you can first make a solution of vinegar essence. To do this, add one teaspoon of 10 teaspoons of water. This solution can be safely used for treatment. Moisten the socks, wring them out and put them back on. On top of them you need to wear another socks, this time dry. Natural fabric socks are recommended.

Vinegar Wiping

Vinegar and water help quickly and well. You can bring down the temperature by wiping in a few minutes. To do this, prepare a warm solution. Now you need to cover the couch with oilcloth and put a diaper on it. Lay the patient, and proceed to wiping. To do this, dip a tissue or cotton wool in the solution and easily wipe the surface of the body.

In almost all colds, you can knock down the temperature with vinegar. At home, this is the easiest and most reliable way. It is very important to consider that rubbing is done by dipping, not rubbing. Otherwise, you may damage the skin, which will require additional correction.

knock down the temperature at home with vinegar

Precautionary measures

Despite the rather weak concentration, the solution still has an irritating effect. When wiping, avoid touching the genitals. Do not treat the delicate skin of the armpits and elbows, feet. After the procedure, you do not need to wrap the patient. He must be stripped so that the sweat evaporates, and the body begins to cool. Usually after 15 minutes the patient feels relief.

Use apple cider vinegar

Acetic essence, despite its great popularity, is harmful. Therefore, many prefer to use natural apple or wine vinegar. To prepare the solution, you need to take 0.5 liters of water. Add 1-2 tablespoons of wine or apple cider vinegar to it.

It is very good if you cook apple cider vinegar at home, as you get a 100% natural product. Otherwise, you must definitely see the composition. It should not have other ingredients besides natural juice. It is a natural fermentation product. With apple cider vinegar, you can bring down the temperature no worse than an essence. Moreover, it is much more beneficial for the skin. It does not irritate even baby skin. After wiping, you must remain undressed. Sweat will evaporate, and body temperature will gradually begin to drop.

you can knock down the temperature with vinegar

How quickly will this remedy work?

It depends on the reasons for the temperature increase. If this is a serious viral disease, then the improvement will be insignificant, soon the fever will become stronger. That is why it is very important to consult a doctor to find out the cause of the disease. The remedy helps some children faster, while others take a lot more time to improve.

If after an hour it does not get better, then it is recommended to take medications in parallel. After 15 minutes, the condition begins to return to normal, the fever goes away. If we are talking about the health of the child, then you need to be even more careful. Strip it completely and wipe it off with an acid solution. If within 30 minutes the body temperature does not begin to drop, then call a doctor immediately.

After the heat has subsided, you need to take a shower to wash vinegar off the skin. It is important to suppress its irritating effect. Of course, the concentration of the solution is gentle, but it still violates the natural pH. You cannot be in the shower for too long, because the heat can return.

how to bring down temperature with vinegar to an adult

Basic Rules

We have already figured out how to dilute vinegar to bring down the temperature. But there is still a set of rules to consider. This allows you to prevent the most common mistakes. In order for the wiping to act as quickly as possible and not harm the sick, you must adhere to the following rules.

  • Vinegar needs to be bred only in porcelain or glassware.
  • Water must be warm. The optimum temperature is 37–38 degrees. You can not use cold, because it leads to spasms of blood vessels.
  • Be sure to undress the patient. After wiping, you need to spend some time without clothes, so that the body naturally cools due to the perspiration.
  • Before the procedure, you need to examine the patient's body. The presence of wounds, abrasions or scratches is a contraindication for the use of vinegar.


Such wiping can be done not for everyone. It is forbidden to use this method if the child has not reached the age of three. This product is too toxic for babies. You can use plain water for up to a year. A towel is moistened in it and the baby's head is wiped. With extreme heat, you can wrap the baby in him completely. Pay attention to the following signs and symptoms:

  • If the arms and legs become cold, a spasm of the vessels is possible. In this case, rubbing with vinegar can not be used. But you can take ordinary water.
  • For skin diseases, this method is contraindicated.
  • Check for an allergic reaction on a small area of ​​the skin.

For big and small

Therapists are often asked how to bring down the temperature of vinegar to an adult. The procedure is practically no different. There are fewer contraindications in this case. If a person does not suffer from allergic reactions, then he can safely use this method. This is very convenient when you need immediate help.


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