Machine for blocks: description, features, structure and types

In the production of blocks, special machines are used. Modern models are capable of performing a large amount of work, and they require only minimal physical effort.

When considering them, it should be borne in mind that the design of the devices depends on the types of blocks and the material from which the product is prepared. In order to understand this issue, we suggest, first of all, familiarize yourself with the device modifications.

do-it-yourself machine for blocks

The device of machines

A standard block making machine includes a hydraulic mechanism, a quill, a clamping flange and a frame. If we consider the drive devices, then they use guides.

The plate under the blocks is called the matrix. Rollers are used to move the device. Some modifications are made on the basis of the shaft block, which is powered by a backrest. Devices with a caliper stand out with a wide frame, however they are bulky and are used only in large industries.

DIY model

Making a machine for blocks with your own hands is quite simple:

  1. First of all, specialists solder the frame for future equipment. For this, you can use ordinary cast iron stoves.
  2. Guides of small length will be required to assemble the caliper.
  3. It is more expedient to select a flange with one rack.
  4. To strengthen the frame, supports are used. In some cases, they are welded to each corner.
  5. It is also worth considering that a high-quality machine for the production of blocks should be equipped with a movable platform. For this, a roller mechanism is installed, which is controlled by a handle.

Many models also have a flywheel mounted under the caliper. It is difficult to make it yourself. In this case, you need to use parts from an outdated lathe.

All corners for the matrix must be reliably welded using an inverter. The edges of the plates should be carefully polished. To protect the bottom of the pintles, use a conventional casing.

Types of models

By design, the machines are divided into manual and hydraulic. There are also models with a narrow and wide pallet. All of them can have different matrices for blocks. Devices differ in performance and control mechanisms.

Features of manual modifications

The manual machine for the cylinder block is very simple in its design. As a rule, these models are not capable of boasting high performance. It is also worth noting that they rarely have adjusting racks.

They are as light as possible for ease of transportation and use. Guides for many models are made of stainless steel. Newer modifications stand out with compact racks. In this case, the frames are made with a lower arrangement of pins. Matrices in manual modifications are fastened by welding.

It should be borne in mind that for the production of hollow blocks, the described devices are not suitable in the best way. In addition, they have a very high percentage of marriage. But in favor of these machines speak democratic prices. Also, experts say that they can be made independently.

block machine

Hydraulic modifications

Hydraulic machines are most often used for the production of hollow blocks. They have high performance and models are great for large enterprises. Modern modifications are equipped with adjustable pins that can be adjusted.

If we talk about the shortcomings, it is worth noting that the machines weigh a lot. And the operator at the same time must have certain working skills to use the unit. Some devices are quite difficult to service, and this should be considered when buying this modification.

Many models are made with a whole set of matrices. They are connected to the racks through the clamps. In addition, their all-welded varieties, which have a high degree of rigidity, are on the market.

Deck units are quite expensive. However, they have high productivity, and one operator can handle such a machine. There are also modifications on screw blocks. They are simpler and more suitable for the production of solid blocks.

Narrow Pallet Devices

Modifications with a narrow pallet are designed specifically for the manufacture of a small number of blocks. Many of them are equipped with conventional drive pins. Calipers are used on two and three racks. Some devices are made with adjustment blocks. However, it should be borne in mind that these modifications are made without leading plates, and they can not be changed matrix.

Wide Pallet Modifications

The wide pallet block making machine stands out for its good performance. As a rule, hydraulic modifications are presented on the market. The racks in the devices are mounted on the frame. It is also worth noting that models in two and three matrices are in great demand. They are great for producing solid blocks of different densities.

The pins for these machines are installed in steel or cast iron. Some modifications stand out with high-quality drive units. Regulators in devices are mainly set to manual type.

There are also tape varieties on the market, however, they are rarely found, in addition, there are machines with pressure plates. They have a very low reject rate and are well suited for the production of hollow blocks.

Machines for solid blocks

Machines for the manufacture of solid blocks are often manufactured with a hydraulic device. Their modern modifications are equipped with several racks that can be adjusted using the handle. It is also worth noting that there are varieties on the market with ordinary pins that are mounted on the frame.

Calipers on the machine for blocks are often installed without supports. Devices are made with and without roller mechanisms. Bearing plates for machines of this type are not distinguished by special strength.

block making machine

Description of machines for blocks of wall stone

Drawings of machine tools for blocks of wall stone involve the use of wide pallets. These models have high performance, and multiple matrices can be used. Racks are most often used with low pins. It is also worth noting that the market is filled with modifications on the drive units. The drive shaft is powered by a hydraulic press. Models of this type have a low percentage of rejects. A device of this type can be handled by one worker.

Some of these machines are made with a casing. Modifications with roller blocks are easy to use, but require maintenance. The corners of them are most often hidden behind the casing, and the lower blocks are mounted on supports, and they cannot be adjusted.

drawings of machine tools for blocks

Features of models for blocks with 30% voidness

With the goal of manufacturing products with 30% voidness, a machine for blocks on a drive box is perfectly suitable. Support plates for these models are mounted at a slight angle. And modern hydraulic devices are able to work in automatic mode. Some modifications are made with additional lower racks for fixing the matrix.

Guides on the machine for blocks are installed with supports. It is also worth noting that there are simple hand-held devices on the market. They have only one handle for positioning the frame, in addition, models of this type do not have a quill. To adjust the position of the matrix you have to completely raise the frame.

block boring machine

Machines for blocks with 40% voidness

The machine for blocks with 40% voidness is made with a wide frame. The models use drive boxes that are mounted on pins. Many of them stand out for their high performance. The market is mainly represented by devices with hydraulic mechanisms. Separately, it is worth noting that the flanges in the devices are sharpened under the caliper. It is very rare to find devices with roller mechanisms.

The lower blocks of these machines are fixed by welding. There are also models with adjustable pins. They use removable matrices. Thus, the machine is very easy to move. Guides are installed under the driven bearings, and side levers are used to move the frame.

These models have an extremely low reject rate. It is also worth noting that handheld devices are very easy to maintain.

cylinder block machine

Description of machines for arbolitovy blocks

The machine for arbolite blocks is made only on a hydraulic basis. Many of its modifications are capable of boasting good performance. They use small pallets. At the same time, racks are used with adjustable calipers.

Many models have two pins. The pins are used in different sizes. Some machines are made with a set of dies. They are great for large block factories.

machine for expanded clay concrete blocks

Machines for expanded clay blocks

The machine for expanded clay concrete blocks is most often made with several racks. The hydraulic mechanisms of these models are used in different capacities. Racks are most often mounted on a frame. The most common modifications are two pintles. The pins in the devices are used with stops and without them. It is also worth noting that there are many machines without drive units.

The worker must adjust the matrix with the help of handles. The lunettes in the devices will come with a cam mechanism. If we talk about the shortcomings of the modifications, it is important to note that they have difficulty in boring blocks. The machine also needs maintenance.

Features of models for dropout

Machines for the production of screening units are distinguished by large dimensions. Many of the pallets are made of steel. In this case, the racks are installed with pins. Due to the wide supports, a high degree of rigidity is provided. It is also worth noting that there are varieties of machine tools with drive units.

Departments for loading material are most often installed directly on the frame. Some modifications are able to boast of quality plates. Matrices in the described devices can be fixed on a rack.

There are also all-welded types of these machines on the market. They have narrow lower blocks, but they are made with clamping mechanisms.


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