Necessity is responsibility

Our whole life is sometimes subject to the necessity and influence of society. We have to carry out some actions, to do things that we sometimes do not want to do. Who sets these rules? Can we really influence them?

necessity is

The fact is that a person lives in society and can never be completely free from it. A personality is capable of developing only in society, even if it rejects or denies its laws. The lack of the need to do something does not guarantee that a person will feel happy. Self-sufficiency develops only when a person fully realizes himself in society, grows his own individuality to a significant size. Necessity is what we get up to work every morning for. For rare people, self-employment is truly unbelievable. But here human, even biological needs come to the fore.

Significant need

What is the need? The definition of this concept is easy to give. Each of us understands it as a sense of need for something. It doesnโ€™t matter whether it is dictated by oneโ€™s own desire or public attitudes. Necessity is always the expressed desire to take certain actions to achieve a result.

absence of necessity

Significant need comes to the fore and gradually subordinates the will of a person until the need itself is satisfied. Say, if you have a toothache, despite the unpleasant prospect of spending a few minutes in the dental chair, most likely you will go there right away at the first opportunity. This is because a person has the ability to predict the development of the situation and will never do harm to himself. Some people, as far as their health is concerned, are ready to endure various inconveniences, just to make sure that they are free of diseases.

Awareness of the needs of others

Fortunately, we do not live in isolation from society and devote individual time not only to ourselves. That would be a big mistake and fallacy. It is important for a person not only to satisfy his own needs, to realize individual plans, but also to think about the well-being of relatives and friends. Caring for those around is such a necessity. The significance of this manifestation is to feel significant and important.

need definition

When we take care of the people around us, we unwittingly and ourselves begin to feel useful to society. Getting older, a person begins to come to the conclusion that you canโ€™t live only for yourself. He has a need to give part of his energy to other people. In other words, such a behavior is necessary. This is due to the development of the spiritual principle.

Inclusion in public life

As mentioned above, each person wants to feel socially necessary. The main role here is played by demand and the desire for change. Living in a society, one way or another, we teach ourselves to adapt our needs to its schedule. We change our schedule only in order to feel involved in the process of communicating with colleagues and clients. Active participation in public life helps to find your place in the world, to feel happy. Self-sufficiency is formed from the subjective perception of oneself in society, the severity of existing talents and abilities.

Sense of duty and conscience

Doing something out of necessity, we may not be aware of what really controls our thoughts and desires. In fact, many things happen only because we allow them to manifest in our lives. A sense of duty and conscience are important components on which social success is based. Note that honest, decent employees who can be trusted are always respected at work. It turns out to be easier to communicate with everyone around them.

need value

Acting in a certain way, we accept responsibility for our actions. Of course, no one is safe from mistakes. They happen to everyone, and it is better to accept this fact immediately. However, often people change, work on their own character from the need to become better, to get rid of shortcomings.

Instead of a conclusion

Thus, necessity is a conscious decision. Only a person can predict in advance what the result of the efforts made will be and why he needs to follow certain measures. The person is quite well aware of what to rely on when he finds himself in a particular situation. Willingness to act also arises from the acceptance of the consequences of one's choice. If the decision was taken seriously, and not in a rush, then the need to perform some action is even a confirmation of the honesty and decency of a person.


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