Mustard hair mask. Reviews of doctors about its beneficial properties

Mustard has long been known as an excellent tool for hair growth. Given its properties, it irritates the scalp, thereby stimulating blood flow to the root bulbs. This greatly accelerates hair growth.

mustard hair mask doctors reviews
It should be noted that a mustard mask that accelerates hair growth needs careful use. First of all, you need to take into account your type of hair. If you have dry hair, then in order not to dry it, the mask should not be used more than twice a week. Also, oils (burdock, olive) should be added to its composition in order to give a moisturizing effect. And, of course, the mustard mask is not recommended to be applied along the entire length, but only on the roots. And one more tip that should not be ignored: if you have split ends, then you can grease them with oil and only then wrap your head in a towel.

mustard hair mask results
Having familiarized yourself with the basic rules of use, we will consider what useful properties a mustard hair mask has. Reviews of doctors are not accidentally positive. After all, mustard contains a huge amount of useful components. Linolenic and linoleic acids are responsible for the elasticity of blood vessels, in addition, they remove toxins, radionuclides and toxins. Vitamins B3, B6, B4, D and A have a rejuvenating effect, provide a strengthened immune system. Phytosterols, which are part of mustard, improve the condition of the scalp and have a bactericidal effect.

So the constant use of the mask will allow you to grow curls much faster and improve their condition.

mustard mask accelerating hair growth
How to use a mustard hair mask? The doctors' feedback tells us that in order to achieve the best result, there are several rules:

- the mask is applied to unwashed hair parted;

- fifteen minutes of exposure is enough for dry sensitive skin, forty-five is required for oily skin;

- rinse off the mask, preferably with warm water, without using shampoo.

There are many recipes that differ in purpose and component components, so each type has its own mustard hair mask. Reviews of doctors about each of them are excellent. In their opinion, a mask with mustard is a real natural pharmacy.

For the fatty type, the following composition is suitable: cognac (seventy-five grams), mustard powder (1 tablespoon), water.

For dry hair: one teaspoon of mustard and butter with mayonnaise (1 tablespoon).

For universal type: two tbsp. tablespoons burdock oil, mustard powder and water, egg yolk.

It is also worth noting that you need to properly wash off the mask. The head should be rinsed with warm water, but under no circumstances should hot water be used. This may cause dandruff.

The mustard hair mask promises impressive results. The effect of the course is visible after two to three weeks and lasts about six months. At the same time, hair not only grows faster, but also cease to split and fall out, acquire a well-groomed, healthy appearance.

A mustard hair mask, reviews of doctors about which you can hear when you come to them for a consultation, has helped many women to grow a chic hair. It is really worthy of attention and is almost the most popular tool to date.


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