Articulation of sounds: how are words born?

Few people think about what speech is. The process of sound production is so automatic that, as a rule, a person does not have questions about his nature. However, sound reproduction is a complex mechanism. Violation of the activity of one of its elements will certainly affect the quality of speech. To reproduce sound, the organs of speech perform a whole "range of work." The sequence of certain movements and states of the organs of the vocal apparatus is called articulation. Thus, the articulation of sounds is the process of sound formation in which the speech apparatus participates.

articulation of sounds
Correct articulation of sounds forms a clear, beautiful speech, which consists of a combination of vowels and consonants. Before moving on to the peculiarities of sound extraction, one should deal with the organization of the speech apparatus, which involves the nervous system, organs of hearing, vision, and, of course, speech. We will consider only that part of the structure that is directly related to the pronunciation of sounds - the organs of speech.

In the oral cavity are teeth, a hard and soft palate, tongue and tongue. The mouth is followed by a pharynx and larynx. By the way, the vocal cords are located in the larynx , the tension of which forms the glottis. The thinner and tighter the ligament, the higher the person’s voice. Behind the larynx is the trachea, then the bronchi and lungs.

articulation of sounds in a graphic image
Obviously, articulating sounds with so many involved links is a complex and multidimensional process. Each of the speech organs in the process of sound reproduction occupies a certain position, and the combination of these positions forms a unique mechanism, which leads to the fact that one or another sound is extracted. If some body performs its function "in bad faith" - this will certainly affect articulation.

Many people remember how difficult it was to make some sounds. Improper articulation of the sound "P" is most common. The thing is that the front of the tongue in the process of reproducing this sound has to perform the difficult task of vibrating intensely. “Lazy” language should be brought into the necessary tone by a set of exercises. The task is successfully solved in special speech therapy classes, however, no one forbids opening a specialized manual and doing it yourself. Before conducting articulation training, the voice apparatus should be “warmed up” with exercises. An excellent tool for independent training will be the articulation of sounds in a graphic image. Pictures will help to understand the necessary position of the organs of the speech apparatus.

articulation of sound p
It is worth noting that the articulation of sounds is certainly based on the correct exhalation. The air flow passes through the articulation organs, which have taken a certain position, creating a certain vibration, and forms a sound.

The incorrect pronunciation of sounds is not always associated with the incorrect position of the organs of the speech apparatus. Hearing or visual impairment also affects sound reproduction. By the way, often a bad articulation is caused by a person’s personality traits. Yes, shyness or self-confidence can cause improper articulation!

And yet, you should not make a “diagnosis” on your own, but rather consult a specialist. The speech apparatus requires professional and careful handling.


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