Types of handshakes and their significance in psychology

Have you decided to create your own business? Or maybe you are interested in psychology? And in either case, you may be interested in the types of handshakes. People rarely think about non-verbal signs and sign language. Nevertheless, our body is very talkative, and its message is always unconsciously interpreted by the interlocutor. This article will discuss how to properly greet people.

Vertical handshake

Vertical handshake

The most common type of handshake is a greeting in which people hold their hands upright. Such a gesture can be interpreted as equality of partners. People who treat their acquaintance well and feel rather relaxed in his society always resort to this type of greeting. Friends and colleagues greet in the same way. Since the types of handshakes in psychology play an important role, even many women today resort to this type of greeting in order to be accepted by men on equal terms. Therefore, business women should always monitor their palm. If a girl wants communication to be on an equal footing, she should not roll her hand and should not allow the man to do so. And if everything goes to the point that the partner is trying to seize the initiative, it will not be very rude if you free your hand.

Hand on top

Hand on top

Want to show your superiority? Then you can extend your hand for a handshake, palm down. Your interlocutor will have no choice but to obey you and turn your palm up. When the hand is on top, involuntarily a person has an association with dominance. Such psychological pressure can significantly affect the entire future dialogue. Confident businessmen are using the dominant handshake. They are used to subjugating people to themselves and want their whole life to go according to a pre-written script. If the person described above is not you, but you have such a person in the environment, you need to be careful with her. Do not go too far, but do not obey. How to do it? When greeting, first reach out. Place your palm upright. When the interlocutor answers the greeting, roll his hand down a lot. Thus, you can unobtrusively seize the initiative.

Hand bottom

Hand bottom

As you probably already guessed, losers prefer this position of the palm. Think about the kind of handshake you greet your friends? If your hand automatically turns over, then you have problems with self-esteem. You can say the same about acquaintances who initially occupy the position of a subordinate. Such a handshake can be found at work when office employees greet the director. Does the pride of a person feel that they obey him? Of course. But keep in mind, you will never achieve promotion unless you greet the person on an equal footing. You can never take the position of a subordinate. Do not bend. Raise your self-esteem and palm up.



Considering the types of handshakes and their significance, one cannot fail to mention how close friends greet each other. This usually happens like this. One gives a hand, the other responds to a handshake, and then one of the friends covers both joined hands with a palm. It turns out a kind of glove, in which the hand of one of the interlocutors is clamped. You can consider such a gesture as sincere cordiality. Usually after such a handshake there are hugs. So father and son, close relatives, for example, brothers or friends who have not seen each other for several years, can meet each other.

But this gesture can be used for other purposes. For example, when your interlocutor deliberately lowers your hand, taking a dominant position, you can outwit your opponent. Cover his hand with your hand. Such a gloved handshake will produce the strongest effect of discharge of the atmosphere.

Fingertip compression

Fingertip compression

Such a greeting is most often found in unfamiliar people. Figuring out the importance of different types of handshakes, we need to mention the compression of only the fingertips. Thus, a person wants to show his interlocutor that he has no intention of drawing closer. Such detachment often slips between the business partners of a man and a woman. The representative of the stronger sex shakes ladies' fingers, as if demonstrating with such a gesture that he does not consider his interlocutor as an equal partner. What can be done to improve the situation? Step one step closer to your partner. With this act, you show that you are crossing the border of his personal space and have the intention of becoming closer.

Shaking hands

Shaking hands

Want to be perceived as a confident person? Then the handshake should be energetic and strong. There is no need to squeeze the interlocutor’s hand in a vise, but do not greet friends simply by inertia. Start greeting more consciously. After all, self-confidence must begin to form gradually. Do not release the interlocutor’s hand immediately. You need to shake it well several times. This will show the person that you want continued communication. To make a good impression, keep your hand upright and do not throw it in a dominant position.

Sluggish handshake

Sluggish handshake

People who have no ambitions are used to go with the flow. Therefore, considering various types of handshakes, you need to pay attention to individuals who are accustomed to "lazily" greet. It seems that the person is not very happy to see you when he gives a hand. He will easily shake it and will try to return his palm to his pocket as quickly as possible. Such a person’s insecurity and lack of ambition are visible to the naked eye. If you notice that one of your friends fits the description, talk to him. Perhaps the person has become depressed and he just needs help and support. If you notice signs of a sluggish handshake at home, immediately consult a psychotherapist, even if there are no other reasons to worry. The subconscious mind can hide from consciousness the problems that need to be solved.

Quick handshake

Confident people will not greet you for long. They have a busy schedule and they don’t want to spend time on long foreplay. There are different types of handshakes. Some people try to pull their hand away almost instantly, while others wait two to three seconds. The second type of people are self-confident persons, which were discussed above. But people who are trying to get rid of you right away are individuals who do not want to communicate with you. They may smile warmly, but this smile should be seen as a mask. The hostility is difficult to hide at a non-verbal level, it is too striking if you know where to look.

Handshake with bent arm

How to understand that a person wants to hide something? Look at his hand at the time of the handshake. If the elbow is bent and pressed to the body - this is a signal. Another person practicing such a handshake can pull his hand down, thus trying to disengage the handshake. A confident person who has nothing to hide will never say hello in this way. But a person who lies or tries to hide something, always tries to hide his palms. His hands will look down, and immediately after the greeting they will hide in their pockets. Your interlocutor will look at the floor during a handshake, not into your eyes.


You can see the welcome gestures in the photo. The types of handshakes and their significance that are discussed in this article may not be entirely reliable. After all, as you know, there are exceptions to any rule. People can behave in an unusual way if they have reasons for that. For example, it is foolish to expect a strong handshake from a person with arthritis. But at the same time, his business acumen can be more than confident. Musicians and neurosurgeons take care of their fingers, so they won’t bother with a strong and long handshake. A woman who is not related to business may not understand a man if he shakes her hand and does not kiss her.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C45717/

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