What does an oceanologist do?

Today, among the professions that are popular with adolescents and youth, the word "oceanologist" is increasingly heard. But the oceanologist is not a very famous profession. Experience shows that the guys, inspired by the Discovery Channel programs, dream of underwater travels, interesting life on yachts or scientific vessels, etc. However, considering the profession of an oceanologist to be very romantic and attractive, the majority of potential students do not imagine the range of duties, areas of work, or universities that can provide the appropriate education.

Let's try to figure it out. What does an oceanologist do? The answer, “exploring the ocean," says nothing. There are many areas of work that differ in their specificity, the problems addressed, even the lifestyle that a scientist will have to lead. The profession of oceanologist implies:

  • Study of shelf oceanography. Scientists dealing with these problems collect and systematize data from experimental studies of the shelf zone, study the composition of waters in the coastal zone, their dynamics, properties, etc.
  • The study of physical oceanography and oceanology. These specialists study the influence of the ocean on climate formation, ice composition, sea currents, etc.
  • The study of commercial oceanology. This industry is responsible for the competent use of global ocean resources.
  • Environmental research and ocean conservation.
  • The study of polar oceanology.

We found out what the oceanologist does. But where exactly do scientists conduct their research? What is their place of work?

As with any science, there are many methods of ocean research. The place of activity also depends on the type of work, the nature of the study.

Conventionally, workplaces can be divided, but it should be borne in mind that each scientist has to combine different types of employment. There are no “cabinet” or “practical” specialists.

So, the profession of an oceanologist involves work:

  • On oceanographic vessels. It is from them that observations are made, samples are taken, etc.
  • In hydrographic services. Today they are under the auspices of the Navy. These specialists are engaged in hydrometeorological, navigational, topographic and geodetic support of the fleet.
  • In underwater and ground laboratories. Here, the collected materials are classified, experiments are conducted, and samples are examined.
  • At research institutes. This is perhaps the widest range of activities, including all possible types of research from sample collection to the construction of scientific theories.

What the oceanologist does now is where he can work too. And what qualities should a person have who has connected his activities with the study of the ocean?

This fascinating, but rather rare profession implies the deepest knowledge of many natural and mathematical sciences. An oceanographer cannot do without biology and mathematics, physics, chemistry, geography, climatology. It doesn't matter what the oceanologist does. He must have the following skills:

  • Know the above sciences.
  • Have a clear understanding of geographic processes and climatic features.
  • Master safe diving techniques.
  • Be able to collect, analyze and interpret samples.

You can get the profession of oceanologist at the departments of Moscow State University, at specialized universities of Rostov-on-Don, Vladivostok, at some departments of the institutes of the navy. Specialists are also trained in St. Petersburg, Simferopol and Kaliningrad. You need to learn about entrance exams and requirements for applicants directly in educational institutions.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C45721/

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