The child has hair loss: possible causes, methods of treatment and recommendations

Hair loss can affect everyone, but as a rule, people with age face this problem. This is understandable, because in old age tissue regeneration is extremely slow. However, despite the fact that the loss of thick hair is indeed natural, few people like this prospect. This, as for an adult, what about children? Many do not know how to behave in a situation when a child's hair falls out. It is especially scary if the process of loss begins to resemble baldness. For example, when at a very young age open areas of skin begin to appear on the head.

Norm or not?

To begin with, it is worth noting that the fact that a child has hair loss, or rather, that it is, in principle, possible, is quite normal. No matter how old a person is, his hair follicles function approximately the same. This means that everything that happens with the heads of adults can theoretically happen with children’s. But this does not mean at all that loss by shreds is also a common occurrence.

the child has hair loss
There is a certain norm of daily “loss” of hair, in which the total volume of the hair does not suffer, and anything above this norm already indicates a problem or pathology.

Improper care

So, why does a child lose hair on his head? There are actually several reasons. Perhaps it’s the fault of the wrong care. Hair is easily susceptible to various damage, even too tight a hairstyle can harm them. Therefore, you should always pay attention to how tightly tails are tied and braids are braided.

why does a child lose hair on his head
Among other things, it is important to understand that there is a special shampoo for children. Adult products are not suitable for gentle curls.

Lack of nutrients

It also happens that the baby lacks some substances. It can be proteins or fats, and possibly vitamins. Very often, children refuse healthy foods in favor of sweets. Therefore, in any case, it is necessary to give the child additional minerals.

a year old hair falls out
Choosing the right vitamin complex today is not a problem, and children will be eager to eat a “beautiful bead” in the shape of an animal or star.


Permanent stress and lack of sleep can also provoke hair loss. To make sure that it is feelings that are to blame for everything, just follow the child. The only recommendation that you should adhere to is that you just need to give your baby a rest, in particular, be sure to allocate time for a quiet hour during the day.

Allergies and Diseases

Partial baldness may result from allergies. It usually does not last long. Worst of all, if hair loss is really a symptom of a disease, such as ringworm. Fungi are usually spread in patches, in the place where the child's hair falls out in shreds, the skin begins to redden, itch and peel. In general, the problem is immediately noticeable.

hair loss in a child 3 years old
In addition to depriving, rickets, diseases caused by a lack of vitamin D can also lead to hair loss. The list can be supplemented with hypothyroidism caused by problems with the thyroid gland, as well as dermatitis and seborrhea. In order to find out the true cause of the disease, in any case, you will have to undergo an examination with your child and pass tests. If the situation is critical, only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis.

If the baby was just born or the baby is one year old, hair loss is also not just that. In the absence of congenital pathologies, the cause should be sought either in the weakness of the bulbs, or in damage to the hairline, which occurs, including with severe friction. To worry too much is not worth it. However, it is better to try to minimize the effect on the baby's hair.

hair begins to fall out
When hair falls out in a child 3 years old or older, this may be due to the restructuring that occurs in the child's body. In this case, not the loss of hair occurs, but the replacement of children's hair with a more dense one. Here, again, one should not think up a problem from scratch. Very soon, all processes in the body will return to normal, and everything will stop.

Body restructuring

In the event that the child began to lose hair at a primary school age, it is likely that the general changes in life are to blame. The beginning of the school journey is a time of great expectations and stress. In this period, the causes of hair loss can be another restructuring of the body and raging hormones. However, it is not always so simple. In addition, a decrease in volume can be caused by alopecia, a disease in which hair can fall out even in locks. Although there will be no exact obvious reasons.

See a doctor

All cases are resolvable. First you just need to find a factor that affects hair loss, and then try to eliminate it. If all attempts are unsuccessful, you need to immediately go to the dermatologist. Sometimes treatment is impossible without specially prescribed drugs. However, there are a number of methods to stabilize hair loss at home. True, they work only if the child's hair falls out spontaneously, without any noticeable disturbances in the functioning of the body.

Ways to solve the problem

Stabilization of sleep, proper nutrition and proper care will help to cope with the problem of hair loss. First of all, it concerns the choice of shampoo. It must certainly be hypoallergenic. Shampooing should be infrequent.

the child has hair shreds
For children who have not reached secondary school age, it will be enough once a week. In addition to banal washing, you can resort to a massage of the skin. It is carried out by gentle circular motions, with only fingertips. In no case should you use nails for these purposes. Since they easily damage the skin of the baby. Kefir, burdock or almond oil, decoctions of chamomile or nettle will also have beneficial effects on the baby's hair.

Shaving will not solve the problem!

What certainly cannot fix the situation is shaving. After the procedure is completed, the hair will begin to grow back and become exactly the same as before, simply because their condition is primarily due to genetics.


If the child has hair loss, for a while you can just let go of the situation. Only if the loss will continue for a sufficiently long time, you need to start thinking about methods of dealing with the disease. But if baldness began suddenly, moreover, in shreds, the wait will not help. On the contrary, you should immediately consult a doctor and find out the true cause of such changes. Only by eliminating this very reason, you can stop the process of hair loss.


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