Flooding in France: Tragedies of the 20th and 21st Centuries

The flood in France, which primarily affected the city of Paris and its immediate suburbs in 1910, is rightfully considered the largest in the history of the country. The peak of the rise in water level in the local river Seine fell on the twentieth of January. During that period, heavy rains were noted, which provoked increased snowmelt in the city.

Chronicle of flooding

On January 20th, shipping on the Seine was completely halted. Ships simply could not pass under the numerous bridges of Paris. Flooding in France reached its climax already on January twenty-first. Industrial enterprises concentrated near the Seine began to close.

flood in france

Until the first days of February, a flood in France paralyzed the country's economic life. The damage caused to the urban economy in Paris was estimated at four hundred million francs, which is equal to one and a half billion euros.

Walking Element

Another major flood that paralyzed life in the country occurred at the very beginning of the summer of 2010. This flood in the south of France will be remembered for a long time not only by farmers and peasants of the French provinces, but also by their neighbors: Italians, Serbs and Poles. As a result of the flood in France, more than two dozen residents died. There were also missing in sunny Italy.

Most went to Romania. Thirty accidents were recorded in the country, and dozens of settlements were flooded.

Water breaks records

In 2015, a flood in France claimed the lives of more than ten people. Water flooded the resort regions located in the very south of the country. Huge economic damage was done to Gangnam and Nice. The French town of Antibes suffered most during the flooding.

flood in france

To save the victims, small aircraft were used, including helicopter equipment. As part of the operation, a flooded car tunnel was examined, in which people who were experiencing the elements in their own cars were found.

Victims of 2016

The leap year 2016 was no less tragic for France than its predecessor. Dozens of settlements, including Paris, were flooded due to a sharp rise in water levels in the country's rivers.

The culprit of the disaster was rainy May, during which a record amount of rainfall fell. According to meteorologists, nothing like this has happened in France for one hundred and fifty years!

floods in the south of france

Paris was surrounded by lifeguards. The leadership of the metropolis closed the Louvre and other important cultural sites. More than five thousand citizens were evacuated.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C45736/

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