Spanish bull: description, dimensions, weight, photo. Bullfights: bullfighting traditions, features, stages and rules

Bullfighting, or bullfighting is a traditional entertainment sight in Spain. In other varieties, it exists, in particular, in Portugal and a number of South American countries. But still in its present, traditional form, bullfighting can only be seen in Spain.

In this article you will learn about the origin of this spectacle, its historical development, what a Spanish fighting bull is for bullfighting, and how battles are fought.

Where did the bullfight come from?

Bullfights as entertainment have been known since ancient Greece and imperial Rome. However, the origins of this modern spectacle, as historians suggest, go back to the ritual killing of bulls, which were considered sacred animals by the Iberians - the people who inhabited the Iberian Peninsula about 4 thousand years ago.

Only gradually did this action acquire the features of a certain theatricality. Such famous rulers as Charlemagne and Alphonse the Wise were not indifferent to the bullfight. And in the Middle Ages, it became entertainment for all persons of noble origin.

A bit of history

By the sixteenth century, bullfighting is becoming what can already be called a "cultural factor." Most of the Spanish holidays can not do without this grand spectacle. It has become a tradition to bullfight on one of the central squares in Madrid - Plaza Mayor. True, Pope Pius V then issued a document forbidding to arrange and watch bullfights under pain of excommunication, but soon this decree - not without the participation of the then monarch - was canceled.

Black fighting bull

By the beginning of the 13th century, bullfighting was becoming a favorite pastime of the lower class. Then it almost everywhere became foot, only in some areas horse bullfighters (picadors) entered the battle with bulls. Fully rituals took shape over the next century and have survived to our time as they were, for example, in medieval Andalusia.

The "Golden Age" is called the 10-20s of the twentieth century. It was the time of the glory of the Spanish matador Juan Belmonte, who is still called the founder of the modern bullfighting style, and his equally famous rivals Jose Gomez and Rafael Gonzalez.

Bullfighting and animal protection movement

The bullfight always caused conflicting emotions among the audience - from sharp rejection to noisy delight. But only after the Civil War were the most loud opponents of this art form. Their pressure only increased in the future. It is very possible that at the moment bullfights have almost more enemies than supporters. And although bullfighting for Spain means no less than football, representatives of animal rights organizations are determined to get a ban from the European Parliament on holding these performances. And if under their onslaught Spain as a whole has not yet surrendered, then in Catalonia the last bullfight took place on September 25, 2011. It is said that more than 20 thousand spectators visited that bloody performance at the Monumental stadium in Barcelona that day.

Bullfighting in Spain has always been appreciated as a holiday, although it was held according to a special schedule. Many tourists gathered and gathered at it. In addition, wealthy people can order a separate performance at their own expense.

And still the most attractive feature in bullfighting is its unpredictability. Except that the matadors, they say, are now dying, thanks to the achievements of modern medicine, much less often.

What does the bullring look like?

At first, when the bullfighting was just beginning and passing through the first stages of its development, the arenas were rectangular in shape. As a rule, urban squares were allotted for this spectacle, as was the case in Madrid. The most important events for the country, for example, parades or coronation celebrations with the address of the monarchs to their people, were held on the same squares.

In the XVIII century, when the rules of bullfighting were almost completely formed, the shape of the arena changed - it became round. This was done so that the bulls during the performance did not have the opportunity to hide in a corner. Over the next years, the circle transformed into an elongated oval. Otherwise, everything remained traditional - sand cover, places for spectators with an amphitheater. The arena is separated from the seats for spectators by a protective barrier, usually not less than 140 cm high. Office premises are also located there.

Bullfighting arena

Interestingly, the largest arena is not located in Spain - the largest for the bloody spectacle today remains the Monumental Plaza de Toros arena in Mexico City. It is designed for 55 thousand spectators.

About the bullfighter

It took a considerable amount of time for the boy who was sent to study to the venerable torero to become a professional too. Matador (translated from Spanish as “killing bulls”; other names are bullfighter or torero) was a respected man in Spain. As a rule, honor and honor were accompanied by money. And injuries, since it was almost impossible to maintain good health until old age, making a living from such a dangerous craft. Many of the bullfighters died in their youth. Those who managed to survive, as it was somehow calculated, received at least 200 injuries of varying severity during their careers.

Female matador

Surprisingly, the profession of a matador in Spain remains one of the most attractive at present. Among them there are even representatives of the beautiful half of humanity.

In Madrid, by the way, in 1976 there is an educational institution for the training of matadors.

Costume Torero

The outfit of the walking torero was called traje de luces, which literally means "costume of lights." Until the 18th century, it was suede, and then it was sewn from silk and decorated with gold and silver embroidery.

The costume itself usually contains the following elements:

  • Montera - Spanish flat hat, which was used in the manufacture of velvet black coarse thread;
  • a short jacket decorated with gold tassels hanging from the shoulders;
  • tight trousers with suspenders;
  • the shirt is usually white, with a frill or tie.

Of the accessories that complement the look, the matador entering the arena had knee-high socks (usually pink) and patch braids with ribbons (tunic), which serve to secure the headgear.

Matador with a bull

The torero had black shoes with a bow as a decoration, without heels, with non-slip soles. The most luxurious in the costume of the torero was, of course, a cloak (some matadors did without it), also with numerous ornaments in the form of drawings or embroidery - Capote de Paseo. Another of the accessories, which bears the same name - Capote, is a fabric of the same shape as the cloak, but heavier. It is used to play torero with a bull. Finally, there is also the sword with which the matador stabs the bull. The end of this weapon is slightly bent and is called muerte (which means "death").

Spanish fighting bull

This animal, which zoologists otherwise call the Lydian bull, is, by its constitution, closest to the tour (the Spanish name for the fighting bull is toro) - the ancient extinct artiodactyl, which is considered the ancestor of all cattle. It was huge and slow, with a long massive body and large and sharp horns.

Is there a breed of Spanish bulls intended for bullfighting? Yes, these animals have been bred for this purpose exclusively for this purpose, that they can be separated into a separate breed. Each bull has its own pedigree.

Of course, an animal intended for bullfighting should impress the viewer with its dimensions, cause fear and awe. The height at the withers of an adult bull is on average a little over one and a half meters. And how much does the Spanish bull weigh? Its weight is 350-500 kg (the norm is 450 kg), depending on whether the male or female. You can see what a real Spanish bull looks like in the photo below. Handsome. is not it?

Bullfighting Bull

The age of the Spanish fighting bull, which is being prepared for the spectacle, is also important. A goby who has not reached two years of age is called a calf; from 2 to 4 years, it is called "novillo." Only in four years the animal will be suitable for full bullfight. Experienced matadors will come out to fight him. In addition, according to ancient canons, when slaughtering an animal was a ritual action, it should have a dark color - best of all black, but dark brown is also possible.

In order for the Spanish bull to be qualified for battle, he must go through seven “castes” - special selection criteria. It must be a real fighter who can resist the torero.

Bulls brought to the city for fighting were driven through the streets before they started. This action has also become traditional. The running of the bulls was not so much an advertising action as it made it possible for every resident to feel like a participant in bullfighting, dodging hooves.

Before the fight, a colored pennant was stuck in the scruff of the bull, indicating which farm the animal was raised on. Most fights ended with the death of the animal. But if he still managed to survive, he ended his days on a farm, where he was used exclusively for breeding.

The stages of the duel

The spectacle traditionally consists of three parts, which are called thirds. The sound of the trumpet announces the beginning of each of them. The first two third relate to test battles. In the initial stage, the main participants in the bullfight, the matadors, enter the arena. They walk past the chairpersons in the usual manner: in the front row the bullfighters themselves. In the rest, there are assistants-retinues of the main participants (picadors, or equestrian fighters, and banderillero). Next come the scene workers.

In the first third ("third peak"), a bull will be released from the corral, which will meet with the assistant bullfighter. He will conduct a series of manipulations with the cloak in front of the animal in order to awaken his aggression.

Then a picador will appear (one or two). His task will be to use the peaks to keep the bull inside the white circle. In this case, the horse is usually dressed in special protective armor, since the angry bull often rushes at the horse, trying to overturn it with horns. In this third, the bull is brought to such a state that it rushes about in the arena, literally sweeping away everything in its path. There were cases when the animal got to the audience.

Wounded matador

I must say that the profession of a picador is the most traumatic in bullfighting. Many of them fall from the horse and fall under the hooves of heavy animals. There were times when a horse fell upon him after the fall of the picador.

The second third is also called the "third of banderilium". Its meaning is to “cheer” the bull and moderate its rage. Banderillero is stuck in the withers of the bull with special miniature spears with a multi-colored edge on the shaft - the banderille. They remain in the body of the animal until the end of the bout.

The final

The third third consists of the main action of the duel - killing the bull. As a rule, the matador devotes this death to one of the chairmen. Therefore, before starting the battle itself, the torero takes off his hat and bows toward this man. Sometimes gives a speech. Then, according to established tradition, he usually throws his hat over his left shoulder without looking. It is believed that if the hat fell upside down, this is a bad sign foreshadowing the wound or defeat of the matador.

Spanish torero

Actually, the last third begins with the so-called test of the muletes. Using a number of tricks (el-natural, el-derechaso, pas de pecho, thrice), as close as possible to the animal, the bullfighter waved a large red cloak in front of him, which made him furious. After that, the torero must stab the bull with a sword in the heart. If the bull is still not killed after the first ten minutes of a third, the warning is issued to the bullfighter. Three minutes later, if the position does not change, the second follows.

The main thing that a matador needs to do in order for the fight to be considered successful is to slaughter the bull, being with him in close proximity, as they say, "face to face". The epee must enter a specific place between the ribs and pierce the heart. All this is done so that the animal does not suffer. Of course, killing a huge angry bull with one blow is a very difficult task, so it happens that the first blow is unsuccessful, and the second one too. At this most dangerous stage, a wounded animal is often tormented by bleeding, and it can also cripple or kill the matador himself.


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