How to comb tangled hair at home?

Long locks of girls cause not only admiration in the strong half of humanity, but also provoke envy among rivals. Sometimes the owners of chic hair make a short haircut, and the reason for such a bold step is quite banal: tired of caring for their old hairstyle. The locks were now and then confused among themselves, forming knots and tangles.

This problem is often encountered by girls with thin, long and dry hair. Someone goes to radical measures in this case. Do not rush, it is better to just try to find the answer to the question of how to comb tangled hair.

Tangled curls

The best solution: prevent the problem in advance. Spinning may be confused after curling or washing. Prevention is always better than fixing the problem.

Causes of the tangles on the head

  1. Irregular combing.
  2. Periodic use of hair dryer. This violates the structure of the hairs, flakes appear that cling, thereby tangling the curls.
  3. Lack of protection when it snows or rains, the sun shines. Such carelessness worsens the condition of curls. We must not forget about hats. Low temperatures, ultraviolet can spoil the structure of the hair.
  4. Frequent shampooing can also cause confusion, especially if the water is hard. It is important to defend it before use.
  5. Curly curls are a special pride for many girls, but they require especially careful care.
  6. The abuse of varnishes, various mousses is evil.
  7. Poor crests and brushes electrify strands, leading to the formation of nodes at the tips.
  8. Winding on curlers with a sticky surface or on a round comb also harms.
Dry and brittle hair

Knowing all the factors listed above, the girl will always be able to prevent the formation of tangles, and then she will not have to decide how to comb tangled hair. If, nevertheless, trouble has already happened, then here one does not have to give up. It even hurts to touch the head. Koltuny in locks, a sharp combing of curls cause a nervous breakdown in humans. It is worth listening to the advice of stylists.

Professionals Recommendations

Experienced hairdressers know how to comb your hair if it is very tangled.

  1. You should try to arrange the curls with your own hands.
  2. With your hand, divide the curls into small locks, then use a flat comb with rare cloves to draw along the ends and gradually move to the roots.
  3. Tangled shred must be dispersed with your fingers. Next, you need to pull up a pair of hairs, trying not to pull down so as not to tear them with the bulb.

Additional rules of prevention

It’s easier to pre-warn the appearance of warlocks so that the head does not hurt in deciding how to comb tangled hair.

Tangled Hair Panic

The rules are simple:

  1. Comb your hair immediately when you wake up, in the evening before going to bed and several times during the day.
  2. Get combs made from natural materials. Wooden or bone scallops are suitable. Choose natural bristles. Buying the right comb, you can save your hair from static, brittle and tangling.
  3. In summer, apply a sunscreen to your curls.
  4. After you wash your hair, apply a special balm.
  5. Apply indelible products before laying on curls - this will protect them from tangling.
  6. Make nourishing masks on your hair.
  7. Braid a weakened pigtail at night to sleep in comfort.
  8. Try to keep your hair neatly collected at home.
  9. Use varnishes or mousses only if necessary.
  10. If a girl has the habit of constantly touching her hairstyle, twisting curls on her fingers, over time they become more and more confused. It is necessary to get rid of this addiction, so that you do not have to think about how to comb strongly tangled hair.

Some representatives of the fair sex love to make a “hoot”, use strange accessories to fix their hair. All this, too, can harm the curls. It is important not to abuse, so that you do not have to deal with the thinning of your hair in the future.

Learn to approach your own styling wisely. Refuse from tight beams, go to a less traumatic weak braid. This will avoid tangling.

Tips for Long Haired Beauties

  1. It is important to rinse the curls clean with a quality shampoo that you trust, and then cover them with a mask.
  2. After 15 minutes, you need to wash everything off, combing when rinsing.
  3. If the curls in the round comb are tangled, you can get a lock in the balsam that is wound around the brush. Then do slow rotation, trying not to pull out the hairs. If all else fails, do not panic. Put vegetable oil on a curl, and shampoo with conditioner will do. Wait ten minutes. Now you can twist the comb. The curl is still not released, pull out small locks, observing the direction from the edge of the brush to the center.
Round hair strand

Long-haired girls have long known a lot of tricks on how to comb tangled hair at home. They understand that wet curls must be disassembled slowly and not pulled down. And such a tool as vegetable oil, which is in any home, often helps in the most advanced cases.

Round comb selection

Round comb

A hair brush is an important tool in creating an image. This is also an item necessary to maintain healthy hair.

The purpose of the round comb is to create lush styling. Choose the diameter of the comb, depending on the length of the hair. The volume at the roots attaches well to a small diameter. But for long curls you need a larger size.

Pay attention to the coating of combs, cloves and bristles. It is very important to choose a styling assistant, not a pest. Round brushes are better to buy with a ceramic coating, which allows you to evenly distribute the stream of the hairdryer. And they take care of curls more carefully than iron ones. Prefer comb with frequent cloves if you want to increase the volume of hair.

The consequences of evening hairstyles

Every woman wants to be a princess at one or another social event. But the consequences of holiday styling are different. Not everyone knows how to comb tangled hair after a hairstyle.

Here are the recommendations:

  • you need a fat balm, thanks to which in about fifteen minutes the coltin will become more supple, after which it can be disassembled into small strands with your hands;
  • then you need to wash your hair, apply the balm again;
  • then you need to carefully comb the curls in all directions from the back of the head, avoiding jerking.

Quite often, hair can be confused due to friction on textiles, for example, on clothes or a pillow. Often in the morning a woman discovers that her hair is tangled.

Talking about how to comb hair, if it is very tangled, people just do not come up with something.

Home masks

A variety of products are used for easy combing. Masks should be given special attention, as they often help out when there is no money for expensive specialized products.

The most popular formulations:

  • cognac + lemon juice + egg yolks;
  • ripe peach pulp + fat-free cottage cheese + banana pulp;
  • kefir (suitable for oily hair) or oily sour cream (for dry hair) + avocado pulp + extra virgin olive oil;
  • quail egg yolks + colorless henna;
  • beer masks.

There are tips that teach how to comb tangled hair at home and on the go. Numerous flights, driving a car, temperature differences - all this has its effect, is a pretty serious test for a female hairstyle.

Hair preparation before the trip

We rarely go somewhere spontaneously, and therefore prepare in advance. Therefore, a week, or better, a month before your trip, start using hair masks that nourish and strengthen them. It makes sense to worry in advance about a regenerating oil that will soften curls, moisturize and give a beautiful shine. After this departure, any hair will be prepared for a variety of changes. Then you don’t have to think later how easy it is to comb tangled hair.

Tools for travel cosmetic bags

What to take on the road to care for your hair? The main companion of the girl should be a high-quality comb. You can also grab a dry shampoo that will refresh your hair without washing. You also need to bring a spray with which it is easier to style your hair. This tool will pacify naughty curls, will allow you to keep your hair style at the height in any situation.

Hair Care on a Trip

Clean hair is an important step towards grooming. Do not be ashamed to use head accessories on airplanes, trains, when traveling on buses. This will keep the hairstyle clean and neat for many hours. Try to braid your hair in a light pigtail or tail, and do not wear loose while traveling. Use only good and high-quality products to care for your curls, this will avoid unpleasant surprises and surprises.

Easy way

Wet hair

How to comb very tangled hair when everything seems very neglected? It is not easy for girls to keep their curls in perfect condition. It happens that everything looks so deplorable that it seems that only a short haircut can be the way out. There is a simple, and most importantly painless, method that helps a lot. Thanks to him, any girl will be able to learn how to quickly comb tangled hair. If the hair on the back of the head is already almost dreadlocks, do not despair. There is an exit.

  1. Washing my head.
  2. Apply a balm. The one that is put in the box with hair dye will do. We are waiting for a couple of minutes, after that we start combing our hair. Do it in the bathroom, it will be more convenient. If there is no balm, then take any nourishing hair mask. The more butter it is, the better.
  3. A brush with plastic rounded teeth will do. Curls will become malleable, combing will be easy.
  4. Next, wash off the balm.

Choose the right comb for hair. There are so many of them on the modern market that my eyes run wide. Consult with professionals what brush is right for your hair type.

Different combs

After all the manipulations above, the hair will be combed easily when using the right tools.

It's important to know

  1. Do not apply the balm too abundantly, as this will create additional problems, hair will become just icicles. Rinse off will only need high-quality shampoo.
  2. Spray for easy combing is only suitable if the hair is not tangled very much.

It is better to learn in a timely manner how to comb tangled hair quickly and easily than to go for radical methods, among which, for example, a short haircut. One thing to keep in mind: almost any tundish can be unraveled, rather than rushing right after the scissors after the first knot. To enjoy a beautiful and well-groomed hairstyle, listen to tips for the prevention of tangling hair. If the problem already exists, try to solve it according to the recommendations given in this article. Caring for hair is also a work that is done daily; its result is noticeable by the surrounding naked eye.


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