Putting the house into operation: step-by-step instructions

To use the constructed / reconstructed building for its intended purpose, it is necessary to obtain permission to put the house into operation. It confirms the completion of all construction work, as well as the conformity of the state of the building with the requirements of the provisions of the Town Planning Code and standards.

putting the house into operation

Permission to commission a residential building

As mentioned above, this document confirms the fact of completion of construction activities at the facility. The scope of work should correspond to the values ​​indicated in the project and permission to carry them out.

Article 10 (in paragraph 1) of the Civil Code establishes that buildings whose construction is not completed are considered objects of incomplete construction. All rights to them must be registered. Moreover, if the construction of a multi-story building has not been completed, it cannot be used for its intended purpose. For this, it is necessary to commission an apartment building . And only after receiving the relevant securities can the owners be settled.

The legislation also prescribes a site inspection by a special commission if state construction supervision is not provided for the construction.

Paper receipt

According to the rules of the Town Planning Code, as well as the provisions of the Federal Law No. 131, the issuance of a permit for reconstruction / construction or commissioning of an object located within the territory of a city settlement is carried out by the local administration. To do this, the interested entity applies to the authorized body that issued him papers for the construction of the building.

residential building commissioning

Application and its annexes

The Town Planning Code establishes a list of securities required by the applicant who is commissioning the house. The documents that the subject must provide are as follows:

  1. Statement.
  2. Title papers on a site.
  3. Urban development plan.
  4. Building permit.
  5. The act of acceptance. This document is provided in case of work under the contract.
  6. Paper certifying compliance of the building with the requirements of technical regulations. It is signed by the developer.
  7. The layout of the constructed, repaired or reconstructed building, as well as adjacent engineering and technical communications and the planning organization of the territory. These documents are also signed by the developer.
  8. Papers certifying compliance of the building with technical conditions. They are certified by representatives of enterprises engaged in the maintenance of engineering communications networks.
  9. The conclusion of the commission of state control (if the appropriate procedure is provided for the facility). This document indicates the compliance of the building with the requirements of the project and technical regulations, including with respect to the parameters of equipment with metering devices and energy efficiency. For individual facilities, an additional opinion of the environmental control commission is additionally provided.

permission to put the house into operation

Engineering communications

To carry out commissioning of a residential building, it is necessary to equip it. First of all, we are talking about laying engineering networks. Putting the house into operation is carried out in the presence of systems ready for work:

  • Water supply - the structure must be connected to the local or central highway. In the first case, it can be a well or a well.
  • Power supply - transmission lines must be installed, connected.
  • Sewers - the specifics of the connection will depend on where the apartment building is located. Commissioning can be carried out in rural areas or within the city. In the first case, as a rule, there is no centralized sewage system. An autonomous system is suitable for each building. In the city, the sewage system is centralized.
  • Heating - the choice of system also depends on the location. As a rule, gas, stove, and boiler heating are used in the suburbs.

Equally important is the convenient access to the structure. It can be an asphalt or gravel road.

commissioning of an apartment building


Putting the house into operation is carried out by a special commission. To exclude any claims to the construction, a number of rules should be followed. First of all, it is necessary to visit the cadastral chamber at the location of the object in order to call an engineer to clarify the existing boundaries and fix the fact of the construction. In this case, the house should already have windows, doors, a roof, a porch, and floors.

In order for the commission to arrive, it is necessary to send a statement to the territorial authority. Attached is a building permit and title papers for the site.

An application for inspection and a passport for the construction should be submitted to the town planning department. The latter is issued by the cadastral engineer. The executive body must take a list of institutions with which you need to coordinate documentation. The control structures in particular include the fire, gas, and electrical services.

Having received approval for putting the house into operation, having paid the established fee for the survey, all the papers are submitted to the town planning service.

Important Nuances

In the waiting period for specialists who will carry out inspection and commissioning of the house, it is advisable to contact the Unified State Register to receive a request for restrictions, arrests and easements to the site. Upon receipt of the cadastral passport , all data must be carefully checked. If inaccuracies or errors are found, you should immediately contact the appropriate official. A must-see is the Committee for Urban Planning and Architecture. This body shall be provided with:

  1. Title documents for the site.
  2. Extract from the Unified State Register on the absence of restrictions, arrests, easement.
  3. Building permit.
  4. The layout of objects on the site at the time of treatment.
  5. Project.

after putting the house into operation

After receiving all the agreed documents, you must go to the local administration. A statement is written there. After that, you need to go again to the urban planning department. Here you should write the final statement on the commissioning of the facility.

If after checking the submitted papers no shortcomings and errors are found, in a month you can pick up the act. After that, all documents are submitted to the BTI.

Simplified version

The essence of this approach is the simplicity of the preparatory phase. This procedure does not imply construction supervision. There is no need to coordinate a package of papers with different structures. The list of documents for simplified and ordinary commissioning is the same.

The interested person also needs to visit the town planning department in the local administration. All collected documents are transferred to the appropriate employees. They check them, and then make a decision in a month. The application will be satisfied if, in accordance with the documentation, the structure is built and connected to utilities.

To make sure of this, authorities come to the site and examine it. An act drawn up based on the results of the inspection will be enough to put the facility into operation.

permission to commission a residential building

Normative base

In accordance with article 48 (paragraph 3) of the Civil Code, for the implementation of construction work or reconstruction activities, there is no need to develop and coordinate a project. Article 54 of the Code provides for cases in which state supervision is not required.

In particular, it is not implemented in relation to objects of individual housing construction. The Town Planning Code, in Article 8 (paragraph 4), establishes the possibility of carrying out a simplified procedure for commissioning a structure. The same rule explains the features of obtaining the necessary documentation. When building a building from scratch, you need a cadastral plan and paper on the site. Allotment characteristics must be present in the latter.

commissioning of documents at home


The process of putting the facility into operation is quite laborious and takes some time. Difficulties may arise at the stage of approval of securities with control services.

To put the house into operation, certificates of compliance with sanitary, construction, and environmental standards will be required. These papers are signed by the civil engineer. Mandatory document is a certificate of compliance with fire regulations.

A simplified procedure saves the interested subject from numerous trips to control organizations. However, in any case, a survey of the structure should be carried out by representatives of the local administration.

Particular attention is paid to equipping the building with engineering communications. The house should have water, electricity, sewer, gas (if any) is connected. After entering the house, operation can be carried out in normal mode. In this case, the owner must register the rights to the building. Having received a certificate, the owner can carry out any legal transactions with the construction.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C45747/

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