The role of women in the life of men. Mother woman. My beloved woman. Wife and daughter

The role of women in the life of men has long been an object of attention in psychology. And not in vain. The roles of the sexes have been distributed over millions of years - in the process of evolution. And the basis for the classification was not patriarchy or non-recognition of potential, but physical capabilities, body reserves and body features. But in the modern world everything has already changed for a long time. But nevertheless, psychology takes place in the consideration of this issue.

the role of women in men


So, you should start with the main one. Many girls, especially wives, involuntarily roll their eyes at the phrase “Mom is the most important woman in a man’s life”. They can be understood! After all, a man, having bound himself by marriage, forms a new family, his own. And, accordingly, he should give most of his attention to his wife. But this he himself must understand, and his mother, if she is an intelligent woman. And the question is not in predominance. It is unreasonable to prioritize a woman who has given birth and raised a woman and a lover. After all, they have different functions.

The mother woman is engaged in education. She introduces her son to the outside world, forms an attitude towards the beautiful half of humanity, instills certain values ​​and skills that will be useful to him in life.

There is one theory. Although it can be called, rather, philosophy. It is called: "Three women in the life of a man." And mom is the first. There are many discussions on this subject. From the first boy becomes courageous. With her he remains forever - his thoughts, feelings and elusive connection, which you can not see, but it is palpable. The first is always in the soul, in life and in the mind. Each man has a different one. But no matter how mom is, she is First.

woman mother

In adulthood

While the son is small, the mother is engaged in turning him into a full member of society. But he grows up, and another life appears in his life - lover, soulmate, to which often his mother in advance, even without being familiar, begins to relate badly. Why? This triggers a sense of ownership. A woman believes that her son is her man, completely and completely. She raised him and he belongs to her. Of course, this is not so. He is a separate person, a person. And when a son marries, this does not mean that he is "taken away" from his mother. He just sets up his family.

In the worst case, the mother-in-law will spoil the life of the newlyweds, in every possible way trying to take part in their marriage, believing that she knows best how to. In this case, the care is placed on the shoulders of the man. If he can gently dot the "i" - fine. Not? Then in the family he will not succeed in being an independent and responsible man. All the time he will try to please his mother and make excuses to his beloved. And this is a direct path to the war between the daughter-in-law and the mother-in-law.

An intelligent woman-mother will not break into the apartment of her son and his wife, do the cleaning there, cook borscht and give advice on personal relationships. The thought that her son had been "taken away" would not even enter her head. On the contrary, she will do everything to ensure that his relationship develops happily.

my beloved woman

Significant other

The most important role of a woman in the life of a man is assigned to his lover, who gives him special energy, is for him a muse and inspiration. When such a woman appears in the life of a man, he begins to realize that he is capable of such acts, the fulfillment of which previously seemed impossible for him.

And it is very important that she be just that. Not a housekeeper who would wash and clean. Not a “second mother” - always baking about his safety and preparing borsch. That person, in which a man with a breath, says: “This is my beloved woman!”, Must maintain the fire of love, constantly throwing a kind of “brushwood” there. To show life from its fine side, to call in search of adventures and vivid emotions, to seek joint entertainments that bring joy. Each such trifle is a small part of a large puzzle called “happy relationship”.

A reference to social needs

Psychology is an interesting science. One of the objects of its study is interpersonal relationships. Need, which determines the social essence of man. In this case, men.

“My beloved woman” is that person who will fully satisfy his social and some physical needs. And I mean not only intimacy. Social needs are much wider. This is love, understanding, support, a manifestation of unanimity, respect, fidelity, devotion, affection. And all of the above should come from the heart, soul, and not because "it is necessary."

This role of a woman in a man’s life is not one-sided. He also needs to do all of the above. If there is something missing in the pair, maybe the relationship is not perfect? However, now this is not about that.

the importance of women in the life of men


The role of a woman in a man’s life has been described only briefly. In fact, there are still many nuances in this topic.

A wife is a more solid status than a lover. And there are countless books and thoughts about how difficult it is to be a spouse. Many, indeed, think so. But people tend to complicate things, and then complain.

You just need to understand something. The importance of a woman in the life of a man who chose her as his companion is very important. Recall at least the oath in the registry office. It is given for a reason. To be together in poverty, and in wealth, and in health, and in illness - are these just words? Not. This is what defines a woman’s role as an ally, assistant and ally of a man. The same goes for him. The essence of the marriage is that each of the partners is ready at any time to come to the rescue and support - in any case, no matter what happens. It is a pity that many forget about it.

daughter wife


Another role that matters. And no matter how strange it may sound, but now we will talk about the fact that every woman for her husband is a daughter-wife. Surprisingly, many call it another of her roles.

The daughter-wife is the one next to whom the husband becomes a real man, overthrowing the mountains in order to satisfy her whims. A woman who knows how to show weakness and ask for care at the right time, causes special feelings in him. Next to such a defenseless and fragile creature, he is able to feel like a superman. This is necessary not only for her, but also for him - to cherish pride. It is only important for a woman to remember at such moments: the “daughter” not only asks for help, but also obeys.


Whoever says anything, but the husband and wife should be able to be friends. Such relationships are based on shared hobbies and interests, as well as trust and sincerity. After all, who is a friend? To those who are able to feel all the joys and sorrows of their closest comrade as he feels them. There is one good phrase: "Friends are a family that each of us chooses for himself." The husband is already a native person. And when he’s also a friend, it’s twice as good.

three women in a man’s life

Role lover

It is often underestimated. Women who vehemently insist that sex is not the main thing in a relationship, either sad husbands or cheating. Sex - if not the main component of marriage, then one of the main ones. This is not only a social need, but also a biological one. But from the last point of view it is impossible to approach this topic. Since this is also an opportunity to develop your sensuality, become closer to your partner and bring more vivid impressions to life. If the wife copes with the roles of “daughter”, “spouse”, “adviser” and “lover” (which is not so difficult) - you can see that her husband literally blossoms and reciprocates.


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