Tips: How to Fry Champignons

Champignons are one of the most popular mushrooms in Russia. They can be easily found in stores even in winter, and they cost not at all expensive. These mushrooms can be fried, boiled, eaten raw, baked in the oven, added to pizza. Delicious soups and pastes are prepared from champignons. They can be served as an independent dish or with a side dish.

These mushrooms are extremely useful: they are rich in iron, potassium, group B vitamins and vitamins PP, E and D. In terms of phosphorus content, they can compete with seafood. Champignons - a very satisfying product, and their caloric content is less than 30 kcal. They lack sugar, the amount of sodium is low, which makes these mushrooms a dietary dish. These mushrooms are a natural source of fiber that improves digestion. The folic acid they contain is beneficial for expectant mothers.

Perhaps the most popular dish is fried champignons. How to fry mushrooms so that they turn out soft and juicy?

First, you should decide which mushrooms you will use: fresh or frozen. Frozen mushrooms are already soft on their own. Therefore, you need to cook them just a little bit - no more than 3-4 minutes. Especially if you unfreeze them before frying. Frozen champignons are kept in the pan for at least ten minutes, during which time they will cook and even cover with a golden crust. First, they must melt and release the water, then it is necessary to wait until all the water has boiled, and only then can the oil be added.

Fresh mushrooms are denser and should be cooked a little longer. Before frying, the mushrooms should be thoroughly washed, cleaned of dirt and remove all films. If the specks are firmly stuck, they can be slightly rubbed with a brush. After washing, before frying the mushrooms, they must be dried, or patted with a napkin. If this is not done, they will absorb moisture and become watery.

Peeled mushrooms are chopped. The shape of the pieces can be absolutely any, it depends only on the preferences of the cook. Before frying, the champignons can be cut into strips, cubes, divided into four parts or cut into slices along. Prepared mushrooms are laid out in a frying pan with heated oil. Oil can be any: vegetable, butter and even olive. It is important to remember that mushrooms easily absorb fat, so do not add too much oil. Then the mushrooms are fried in a pan, stirring occasionally for 4-5 minutes. During heat treatment, mushrooms lose a lot of moisture, and, therefore, greatly decrease in size. For the same reason, do not put too much of them in a pan: a lot of water is allocated from them, and the mushrooms are not fried, but stewed. To avoid this, they are fried in small portions over high heat.

If you add onions and vegetables before frying the mushrooms, the mushrooms will be much more delicious. To do this, cut the onion in half rings or cubes, grate the carrots and add to the mushrooms a few minutes before cooking. When the onion darkens, the pan can be removed from the heat. Mushrooms prepared in this way can be served as an independent dish, or with a side dish of potatoes or rice. Those who like to experiment can add spices, spices, dry and fresh herbs to the champignons: basil, celery, parsley. Ready mushrooms can be sprinkled with grated cheese; when the dish cools a little, a very tasty crust forms on it.

Champignons - an excellent nutritious and dietary product. If you know how to fry these mushrooms, you can cook a delicious and satisfying dish at any time of the year. To fry them you need only a few minutes, which significantly saves time and makes life easier for housewives.


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