Superintendent is a public office

The movie piggy bank is replenished annually with more and more films shot on the theme of Imperial Russia. Popular images of brave soldiers serving for the good of the fatherland under the leadership of a responsible and competent superiors. And if we recall the sensational series โ€œAdjutant of His Excellencyโ€, which immediately became so sensible, then such popularity immediately becomes clear. But what does the position of Superintendent mean?

Meaning of the word

Having studied historical facts, you can easily find a lot of examples when certain people were appointed to such an important post at the courts of various rulers of Europe. Superintendent is a position that appeared in France. Simply put, this is the officially appointed head of a certain department (finance, military affairs, architecture). Most often, he was subordinate to the General Superintendent.

superintendent is

The same title exists in religious circles. In them, the superintendent is:

  • a person conducting an inspection in parishes, as well as an audit of existing church utensils in the 17-18th century;

  • the rank of Lutheran pastor appointed to a specific parish to oversee the order and welfare of the region.


In the twenty-first century, the post of Superintendent is one of the ranks in the naval forces of various countries. One of the most famous is the post of head of the American Military Academy at West Point.

superintendent of vacancy

People who know firsthand the maritime business will remember those who work in ports and keep order on ships. They are responsible for all technical documentation, for sending spare parts and ship repair. Supervise the technical retraining of ship personnel. Superintendent also provides assistance in mastering new technology. Jobs open to job seekers require a ship-mechanical education.


The term superintendent is also the name of the post of head of the financial service. The most famous Minister of Finance in the history of France was Fouquet, who received this post under Cardinal Mazarin.

Having a great influence on the monetary affairs of the French state, he led a wasteful lifestyle, without denying anything to himself. To hide his financial fraud, he led double-entry bookkeeping. For the looting of state property was punished by Louis XV and spent the rest of his days imprisoned in the castle of Pignerol.

History has many people who at one time held the post of superintendent both in the military direction, and in finance, and even in religion.


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