Sokolov Vladimir Nikolaevich, Russian Soviet poet: biography, personal life, creativity

The work of Vladimir Sokolov is aimed at the individual reader, and not at the mass one. Reading his poems, as if talking to your soul. The mass audience has not appreciated and will not appreciate the importance of the poet’s poems, but connoisseurs and connoisseurs of literature greatly value the volumes of Vladimir Sokolov.


Sokolov Vladimir Nikolaevich is a Russian and Soviet poet, translator and essayist. He was born on April 18, 1928. Vladimir Nikolaevich met life and death in Russia. The poet worked in the direction of "silent lyrics" in Russian. The debut of creativity is the poem "In memory of a comrade." Sokolov Vladimir Nikolaevich was awarded the State Prize of Russia named after A.S. Pushkin in 1995.

Poet's family

The boy was born in the Tver region (Likhoslavl) in the family of a military engineer and archivist, sister of the famous satirist of the 1920-1930s Mikhail Kozyrev.

Sokolov Vladimir Nikolaevich

Kozyrev has always been interested in literature, so some traditions have developed in the family. Antonina Yakovlevna, the mother of the poet, loved the work of A. Blok. An interesting fact is that she re-read volumes of her beloved author while she was waiting for a child. This was done specifically to instill in the kid an interest in literature, as old beliefs say. Either the volume of A. Blok, or the innate qualities of the poet, did their job.

First literary steps

Sokolov Vladimir Nikolaevich began to write poetry at the age of 8. Studying in high school, Vladimir publishes several magazines together with his friend David Lange (“At the Dawn” (1946) and “XX Century” (1944)). At the same time, the poet was fond of the literary circle of the talented poetess E. Blaginina. In the future, the young man will be admitted to the Literary Institute on the recommendation of E. Blaginina and L. Timofeev. Vladimir Nikolaevich entered the institute in 1947 at the seminar of Vasily Kazin. In 1952, the young man graduated from the Literary Institute.

First publications

The Russian Soviet poet Sokolov published his first poem "In Memory of a Comrade" on July 1, 1948 in Komsomolskaya Pravda. The young talent was immediately noticed by Stepan Schipachev, who singled out the poet in the article “Notes on Poetry”. S. Schipachev recommended Sokolov to the Union of Writers of the USSR.

Bulgarian to Russian translation

The first printed book was published in 1953, entitled “Morning on the Road.” Sokolov himself wanted to name it as “Wings”. Even Yevtushenko admitted that he sometimes used the lines of Vladimir Nikolayevich in his poems, and called him his teacher. The poet sometimes took part in popular performances of the sixties. Most often, he tried to avoid public speaking, as his work “spoke” only in private with the reader, with his innermost thoughts.

Personal life

The translation from Bulgarian into Russian became of interest to the writer after he connected his life with the Bulgarian woman Henrietta Popova. The translation was very carried away by the poet, and he devoted a lot of time to him. Already in 1960, the world saw the book "Poems from Bulgaria."

Sokolov Vladimir Nikolayevich poet

In 1954, the poet fell in love with the beautiful Henrietta, who graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy at Moscow State University. The girl was a little older than Vladimir Nikolaevich and was married. The light love of young people grew into a real feeling that prompted Henrietta Popova to divorce her Bulgarian husband. Everything seemed to be going very well, the young were happy. Very soon, their beautiful son Andrei appeared, and a year and a half later, little Snezhana saw the world. In 1957, a young couple managed to get an apartment in a writing house. In fact, it was a great luck and good fortune. After the birth of children, Henrietta was teaching the Bulgarian language at the Literary Institute. M. Gorky. More and more Bulgarian motifs began to appear in Sokolov's poetry - old churches, the Topolonitsa river, Mount Rila, etc. No one knew what surprises the fate of the Russian poet was preparing for. Sokolov Vladimir Nikolaevich, whose personal life was not successful, managed to proudly bear all the blows of fate. In 1961, after 7 years of a happy marriage, his wife committed suicide. Sokolov was left alone with two children. Raising Andrei and Snezhana helped two women - the mother and sister of the poet. It is worth noting that the sister also found her literary path: Marina Sokolova was a prose writer.

Sokolov Vladimir Nikolaevich marries a second time. His chosen one is Marianna Rogovskaya, philologist and literary critic. For a long time she headed the A. Chekhov House Museum in Moscow. Sokolov Vladimir Nikolaevich, whose biography was already tarnished by the suicide of his wife, married for the third time. Now, his chosen one was the old school friend Elmira, who had feelings for him from school. Elmira Slavogorodskaya fell in love with the poet for the torment he suffered, and he for her understanding. Many of Sokolov’s poems were dedicated to Elmira. The woman made a lot of efforts in order to preserve the literary talent of Vladimir. Their life together fell on a very difficult period for Vladimir Nikolaevich, about which he himself said: "There is no strength to smile." Despite all this, Turgenev also wrote that different feelings can lead to love, but not gratitude. In 1966, the couple divorced. It happened calmly and without scandals. After the divorce process, Sokolov wrote his famous poem "Wreath".

Cheating Buba

The 50-60s of the last century were characterized by the fact that a large number of innocently convicted people returned to the cities. The whole community was very sympathetic to them and helped as best they could. Yaroslav Smelyakov was returning from prison after two "prison sentences." He quickly regained his reputation and received one of the leading posts in the Writers' Union. Vladimir Sokolov adored the work of Smelyakov, admiring his poems and reciting them out loud.

books by Vladimir Sokolov

Almost all of Moscow knew about the stormy romance of Henrietta and Yaroslav Smelyakov. Only relatives of Vladimir Nikolaevich and he remained in ignorance. Sister V. Sokolova in her memoirs wrote that she did not understand how Smelyakov could conquer Buba, because he was an evil and ugly person. But the fact remains - Henrietta fell head over heels in love with him. Perhaps this happened because of the aura of martyrdom that surrounded Smelyakov, or because of his talented poems. Interestingly, Henrietta herself told her husband about her romance. She not only informed him, but devoted all the details. Sokolov begged her not to tell everything, but she continued to speak ... It was an ordinary day, and Vladimir Nikolaevich went to work. Feet led him to the city center, and then to his native home. He told the whole situation to his family, who were shocked by what had happened.

At this time, Henrietta went to a neighboring house to Smelyakov. The door was opened by his wife, and Yaroslav himself drove the girl, offensively insulting her. Leaving home, Henrietta forgot the keys, and guests were waiting for her on the doorstep. The neighbor saw this and invited everyone to her. Bubu was laid in another room, since she herself was not her own. When they entered her, the window was wide open, and Henrietta herself was already dead.

Russian Soviet poet

Sokolov was not immediately told about this. He was taken to a hospital where they reported what had happened. Yuri Levitansky forced Vladimir Nikolaevich to drink a glass of vodka, but this did not help. For a few weeks the widower simply lay down. It is interesting that after this the Sokolov family received a call from the KGB and informed that Vladimir Nikolaevich would be expelled from the Writers' Union, as well as that a car would pick him up to go to a psychiatric hospital. Not having time to recover from one shock, Sokolov’s relatives were cast to the other extreme. My sister quickly ran for a doctor who confirmed the sanity of V.N. Sokolov. The poet affectionately called his first wife Buba and often told his relatives that only she was his true soul mate.


Many of Sokolov’s poems are dedicated to his native land. The most noticeable and bright are the following: “At the station”, “Evening at home”, “Best years I have lived”, “Star of the fields” and “Outskirts”.


Sokolov’s work and work were noticed and appreciated. He did a great job not only as a writer, but also as a talented translator. In 1977, the writer became the holder of the Order of Cyril and Methodius in Bulgaria. In 1983, Vladimir Nikolaevich became the laureate of the USSR State Prize, the International N. Vaptsarov Prize, the International Lermontov Prize, as well as the first laureate of the A. Pushkin State Prize of Russia. In addition, Sokolov Vladimir Nikolaevich owned many state awards of the USSR and the Russian Federation.

Sokolov Vladimir Nikolayevich poetry

In 2002, the Central District Library in Likhoslavl was named after V.N. Sokolov. A memorial stone to Sokolov was also erected near the library.

Books by Vladimir Sokolov

Sokolov Vladimir Nikolaevich - a poet who left behind a great literary heritage. The publication of his books began in 1981 and lasted until 2007. In the poet’s books, the instantaneous and freedom of writing, which became Sokolov’s calling card, is clearly visible. He writes poems that combine different genres: drama, lyrics, tragedy and epic. The poet’s books appeared quite rarely - one delicate collection in 4 years. This is due to the fact that he was very demanding and scrupulous about his work. The last years of the poet's life are filled with tragic verses. The last book published during his lifetime was the collection "Poems of Marianne." At the end of his creative life, the translation from Bulgarian into Russian no longer brought the poet his former joy.


In 2008, in order to perpetuate the work and life of the poet Vladimir Sokolov, the documentary “I was a poet on earth. Vladimir Sokolov. " The premiere of the film took place after the 80th birthday of the poet on the channel "Culture". The storyline of the film unfolds in a dialogue between the widow of the poet Marianna Rogovskaya and his student Yuri Polyakov. The film recites the best poems by Sokolov. The tape also shows the surviving fragmentary shots from the poet's life.

Sokolov Vladimir Nikolayevich personal life

In the last years of his life, the author published two collections: “A Visit” in 1992 and “My Most Poems” in 1995. The latest collection includes the volume of Sokolov’s work for half a century. But the “Visit” is full of thoughts of the author about the tragedy of the era and the moral necrosis of the population.

Last years

Sokolov lived on Astrakhan Lane and in the famous writer's house on Lavrushinsky Lane. The poet spent the last years of his life in Moscow. After Buba’s death, the whole family seemed to be pursued by evil rock. The poet began to drink heavily, and a terrible tragedy happened to his son. Soon the mother became very ill, Vladimir Nikolaevich had to climb out of the window to give the mother a present. He died for natural reasons in the winter of 1997. The poet was buried at the Novokuntsevsky cemetery (Moscow).


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