How to force yourself to clean the apartment? How to make a child clean his room?

To create comfortable living conditions in a house or apartment, a person needs to systematically clean. For many, this is not the most joyful event. How to force yourself to clean the apartment? This is what will be discussed in the article.

About cleaning an apartment

Not only active, but also passive vital activity is able to turn the environment into real chaos. Living in a mess is always fraught with all sorts of difficulties, such as:

  1. Long search for necessary items.
  2. Far from the best state of things.
  3. The impossibility of quick fees and much more.

In addition to tense everyday moments, a negative mood that naturally arises if a person fails to cope with the task in the planned period can bring no less serious troubles.

Why do you still need cleaning:

  • To avoid delays that can cause delays.
  • To prevent a sloppy appearance due to haste gathering.
  • To ensure a positive attitude for yourself and your family members in the morning and for the whole day.

how to make yourself clean the apartment

What if death cleaning is like

No adult sane person will deny the need for systematic cleaning. However, for most people, activities aimed at bringing the environment in order are a heavy duty, which one wants to renounce and still how to avoid it. This approach is widespread, although no one will deny that after cleaning the mood improves significantly, and life becomes much easier and more enjoyable.

How to force yourself to clean the apartment? This is always a hot issue. Despite the variety of modern technical means, which allow you to spend 5-7 times less time and effort on cleaning than 10 years ago, it is very difficult for a person to force himself to pick up a vacuum cleaner.

The very fact that in addition to the cloud of compulsory everyday affairs, on which, for example, study or earnings depend, it is also necessary to get out, is often annoying. It is in human psychology that the key to all doors is hidden, which will radically change the way people think about cleaning and order. So still, how to force yourself to clean the apartment?

how to make yourself clean

Habit is second nature

Everything that a person considers natural for himself does not cause him any doubt, hostility, discontent. The simplest example is habits. After drinking coffee in the morning, an avid coffee lover sets the tone for his day. Taking a coffee drink is absolutely not an obligatory measure, however, a person knowing that a cherished mug will allow him to quickly get out of sleep, gain clarity of mind, just bring pleasure, will not neglect the opportunity to cheer up, even if he is late for somewhere.

How to force yourself to clean the room? It is very simple: you need to develop an ordinary habit in yourself, linking the cleaning with some obvious positive emotions, with a specific benefit that will allow you to reliably motivate yourself.

Having invented your own “ritual”, you can turn cleaning into a pleasant process that will bring real pleasure. For example, a romantic fashionista girl who is having problems with order can take the time and make out the closet by folding out and hanging all the clothes in colors. On the one hand, this lesson is more fun. However, if you dig deeper, the described process is an important part of what is so necessary to ensure a well-groomed appearance and quick collection of the cleaning process.

how to get a teenager to clean his room

Features of cleaning in an apartment and a private house

How to force yourself to clean an apartment or a private house? The cleaning principles do not have categorical differences, however, it is worth taking into account the amount of space that needs to be put in order. If, having arranged a general cleaning of the apartment, you can cope with it during the day, then it is simply unrealistic to clean and wash a large private house with the help of one person in one day.

How to make yourself clean? What is the best way to organize this process? First of all, you need to make a schedule of planned events. You should not expect that, having allocated one day a week, you will be able to put everything in order at once. This is a big mistake. This approach will not allow you to get any results, except for a breakdown of the back and headache.

There are 7 days in a week. The optimal solution would be to evenly distribute a couple of hours of every day on any one room. As you know, Monday is a hard day. To break the stereotype, one must act on the contrary. For each person, there is a certain process in the general complex of cleaning activities, which brings pleasure. It could be, for example:

  • washing and replacing curtains;
  • tile cleaning in the bathroom;
  • care for cooking utensils;
  • shoe cleaning;
  • ironing.

How many people, so many opinions. But the competent organization of the cleaning process during the week, combined with developed habits that bring pleasure, can completely change a person’s attitude to order.

how to make yourself clean at home

Order around the house

With a living area, the issue is more or less resolved, but how to get yourself to clean up near a private house?

The order in the house is the key to a successful stay of residents, but the mess on the street can ruin a good mood in two ways. As a rule, with the advent of spring, every housewife plans to equip a flower bed, renew garden paths overgrown with last year's grass, plant lawn grass and other similar events. In fact, everything ends with one or two sorties on the estate. This can happen for several reasons:

  1. The main work takes a lot of effort.
  2. There is no support from relatives.
  3. Not enough enthusiasm and inspiration.

To put in order the yard, garden or vegetable garden, you must follow the proven scheme:

  1. Make a plan of planned activities, avoiding excesses.
  2. Allocate time in such a way so as not to feel overwork after each approach.
  3. Motivate yourself with something meaningful.

Often, relations with neighbors complicate the cleaning process on the site. People who have everything "to the bulb" have been, are and will always be, but an attempt to attach a neighbor to the cleaning, as they say, is not torture. You can present some garden decoration or perennial plant as a presentation to the residents of the neighboring house. Perhaps people lack the usual impetus for action.

how to make yourself clean the room

How to be with relatives

Separately, the question of cleaning assistance arises for large families with children. Any child would like to find out how to make her sister clean the apartment without reminders. Parents usually solve cleaning issues with their children in two ways:

  1. Deprivation of something important for the child.
  2. The promise of something long coveted.

Both in the first and in the second case, motivation acts to avoid and to achieve. This approach has the right to be, but is far from ideal, because in the absence of more or less control, the cleaning will stall. It is the duty of the parents to develop a natural feeling in the children about the importance of their cleaning responsibilities. In the case of the youngest children in the family, older sisters and brothers should set a good example. This task, of course, is difficult, but achievable: it is enough for adults to demonstrate a responsible attitude to cleaning.

Especially severe cases

It is important that there is a behavioral model in front of the eyes of the children, working for both the female and male. In this case, the question of how to make a man clean up will not become topical. Many mature men and young people are of the opinion that cleaning is a completely female occupation and not a male occupation. Fighting such a life attitude is difficult, but possible. The key word in this case is understanding. All family members are equally required to clean, regardless of gender and age. This thought should be conveyed to everyone.

how to make cleaning near a private house

How to “tame” a sloppy teenager

Special attention deserves such a category of citizens as adolescents. As many protests and conflicts as a girl and a boy endure inside themselves during adolescence, not a single adult person experiences.

A universal way to make a teenager clean his room does not exist in nature, since all people are different. However, some relevant tricks can be adopted, so, you can try to convey the following thoughts to a teenager:

  1. The mess is out of fashion now.
  2. Successful people live in exceptional conditions.
  3. The order in the environment also determines the order of thoughts in the head.

At least one of the three theses will work for the model of behavior that a teenager is trying to adhere to.

how to make sister clean

Children need a special approach

Any parent knows how to get children to clean, but not everyone knows how to do it right and not harm the psyche of a small person. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to develop in a child such a desirable habit of cleaning up after himself. Do not systematically read notations in a formidable tone, threaten with the deprivation of pocket money and other frightening actions. It is important for a child to feel control and parental authority, but not as an attack, but as a given, as something natural. Only in this case, cleaning and all kinds of help around the house will be perceived by children properly.

How to make yourself clean at home? This question is not simple, there can be many answers to it. Only one thing is clear - there is no way to do without willpower!


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