Is it possible to wet extensions of eyelashes? Home care eyelash extensions

Almost every woman dreams of long and thick eyelashes. Thanks to them, the eyes become bright and expressive. Unfortunately, not all girls have such wealth. Therefore, more and more women are building eyelashes in beauty salons. But in order for them to please you as long as possible, you need to provide them with proper care. In this article, you will find out whether it is possible to wet extension eyelashes, what should not be done so as not to spoil them, and how to carry out procedures for the care of artificial hairs.

Eyelash Extension Procedure

In order to ensure proper eyelash care, you need to know how and why they are attached. The procedure itself is not complicated. You choose the desired length and density of the cilia, after which the artificial hairs are glued to the natural ones using special glue. The whole process takes about one and a half to two hours.

Is it possible to wet extensions

Over time, the grown hairs will fall out. This is due to the fact that the life cycle of natural cilia is 3 months. It grows for about 1 month, after which it is at rest for 6 weeks, after which the process of rejection and prolapse begins. Due to artificial cilia and glue, the life cycle of natural hair is reduced.

Features of care for artificial cilia in the first day after building

In order for the extended hairs to last as long as possible, it is necessary to observe several simple rules in the first hours.

home eyelash extensions

Firstly, if you are in doubt whether it is possible to moisten the extended eyelashes, then remember that this is strictly prohibited. The glue dries within a day, and if moisture gets on it, then it can lose its properties and the artificial hair just falls off.

Secondly, do not do steam baths for the face. They can also cause rapid loss of hair extensions.

how to wash

Thirdly, try not to injure the cilia once again. Do not touch them, try to sleep on your back or on your side.

How to care for extended eyelashes

Do extended eyelashes mascara

In order to ensure proper care for extended eyelashes at home, you must adhere to the following rules.

  1. Wet artificial hairs as little as possible. This does not mean that you do not need to wash your face at all! You need to clean your face, but do it with great care, and use a cotton swab in the area of โ€‹โ€‹eyelash growth.
  2. Do not sleep on your stomach, face buried in a pillow. So you injure the grown hairs, which will entail their rapid loss.
  3. Regularly comb artificial hairs. To do this, purchase a special brush, or (in extreme cases) use a toothbrush. But note that only dry cilia can be combed.
  4. In no case do not curl eyelashes, otherwise they may break.
  5. Remove makeup only with non-greasy specialized products. So you will be sure that the extended eyelashes will not peel off.
  6. If you plan to use mascara for dyeing extensions, then buy cosmetics for artificial hairs.
  7. Do not remove cilia yourself. This should be done by the master.

in the bath with extended eyelashes

As you can see, home care for extended eyelashes at home is quite simple. It does not involve laborious procedures. Just change your habits.

All the pros and cons of eyelash extensions

So, you decided to go to the beauty salon and do the appropriate procedure. Before this, you need to study in detail all the pros and cons of eyelash extensions.

Before listing all the positive and negative aspects of this procedure, it is necessary to understand that doctors and cosmetologists do not consider it dangerous. Extension rarely causes allergic reactions and is allowed for people who wear contact lenses.

Pros and cons of eyelash extensions

The advantages of the extension procedure are as follows. Thanks to the artificial cilia, natural is less exposed to mechanical stress (hairs do not need to be dyed, curled and pulled). Sometimes women, having built up eyelashes, do not apply makeup to the eyes at all, because the look is already quite expressive.

The disadvantage of this procedure is the frequent correction and the impressive cost of building. Depending on the materials used and the professionalism of the master, extended eyelashes last 2-5 weeks. After you remove the artificial cilia, it may seem that your steel is thinner and weaker. All because you are accustomed to the length and density of the grown. Over time, you adapt to your natural hair.

Is it possible to apply decorative cosmetics on extended eyelashes?

Most ladies who plan to make their look expressive with the help of artificial hairs often have the question - โ€œdo the extensions of the eyelashes mascara?โ€. Masters in beauty salons negatively relate to their coloring. All because of the fact that it is difficult to predict how mascara affects glue. Perhaps it will cause premature hair loss.

In extreme cases, it is allowed to apply mascara, just immediately think about how you will wash it off. This should not be an alcohol-containing product that does not contain oily additives. Remove makeup carefully without injuring the hairs. It is strictly forbidden to use waterproof cosmetics.

If eyelash extensions are performed by a qualified master, using high-quality materials, then you should not have any questions about applying mascara.

How a bath and a sauna affects extended eyelashes

A bath or a sauna does not have a beneficial effect on extended eyelashes. All due to the fact that the adhesive softens under the influence of high temperature, which can cause premature loss of artificial hairs.

In general, you can go to the bath with extended eyelashes, only not more often than a couple of times a month. An exception is the first day after building. During this period, you should refrain from visiting "hot" places.

Very often in saunas there are pools that you really want to plunge into. But before you do this, remember whether it is possible to wet extension eyelashes. Under the influence of water, chlorine (which is added to the pools) and the heat of the sauna, you risk being left without artificial hairs in a few hours.

How sea water affects artificial eyelashes

Waxed eyelashes at sea always deliver a lot of inconvenience to their owners. All due to the fact that they are very undesirable to wet. Since salt water can dissolve the glue on which the artificial hair is attached, and after a couple of days the cilia will begin to thin and fall out.

To prevent such a nuisance, try not to plunge, dive or fall under the spray of waves. Of course, not everyone will like it, but beauty requires sacrifice. If you are still in doubt whether it is possible to moisten the extended eyelashes in sea water, then before going on vacation, you should consult your master.

When and why is artificial eyelash correction done?

A few weeks after building up, each client starts to lose artificial cilia along with her relatives. Sometimes this is due to the physiological characteristics of the body, and sometimes it is the result of improper care for the grown hairs (women do not know how to wash, use low-quality cosmetics, etc.).

Therefore, as soon as the extended eyelashes are fairly thinned, you need to go to the master, who will either remove the remaining hairs or make their correction. After this procedure, the eyes will become beautiful and expressive again.

Is it possible to wet extensions

As you can see, extended eyelashes are not only beautiful, but also very troublesome. Girls and women who decide to acquire long and expressive hairs around their eyes should be ready to change some habits (change their sleep position, take a shower carefully, stop rubbing their eyes, etc.), and purchase new cosmetics (non-greasy, alcohol-free and various oils), to refuse frequent visits to saunas, baths and pools. Representatives of the fair sex get used to such inconveniences very quickly, therefore, an increasing number of ladies of any age are increasing eyelashes.


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