Windows cannot connect to the service. How to fix it

Infrequently, of course, but sometimes users of computer systems based on Windows are faced with an unpleasant situation. The system reports that Windows cannot connect to the service responsible for some process. Consider the most common error options and the corresponding methods for fixing them.

Windows cannot connect to the service: probable situations

It is believed that among all the errors that occur, the most significant failures to be fixed are two main ones: the inability to start the system event notification service (the second name is SENS) and the system component responsible for installing any type of software in the system. It is easy to guess that in the second case we are talking about the Windows Installer service, although not only this component, but also other varieties of installers can be used as the installer.

windows cannot connect to service

In the first situation, the problem is that when the notification component is disabled, the system simply restricts the rights of a user who is not logged on as an Administrator. This applies equally to problems related to the Windows Installer service being disabled. Hence the simplest conclusion: these components must either be turned on or restarted.

The simplest way to fix a failure

So, let's look at the simplest situation. If the user knows exactly at what point the failure occurred (before that everything worked fine), you can try to simply restore the system. Please note that now we are not talking about the reasons that caused the failure or change of settings due to viral exposure. Checking for threats is not discussed. The user must understand that this is the primary concern in terms of security.

windows installer

To roll back the system, go to the "Recovery Backup Center", where to use the appropriate section. In this case, if there is no control point in the presented list, you need to expand the list through the line of showing all available points (use a different rollback point). We select the time before the first message that Windows could not connect to the SENS or Installer service appears, and roll back the system (the reboot will happen automatically).

Troubleshoot System Event Notification Service

This problem is almost the most common. Viruses and some programs installed on the system could disable Windows services, change their startup or settings. We assume that there are no viruses in the system, and recovery does not help.

disable windows services

To resolve this problem, you will have to completely reset some settings of this system component, for which you will need to run the command line on behalf of the Administrator. This is done by typing cmd in the Run console, a quick call is made using the Win + R keys. The following should be written on the command line:

  • route -f;
  • netsh winsock reset.

For fidelity, the two above commands are used, but in most cases you can enter only the second. After the commands are triggered, a reboot will be required.

Problems with the Windows Installer Service

The situation with the installer is somewhat more complicated. There can be two options for the development of events: either the user does not have administrator rights, or the service is simply disabled.

how to start windows service

For the first situation, the most logical solution would be to log in to the system under the administrator account or assign administrative rights to the current account. However, such a solution may not work, and the system will inform you again that Windows cannot connect to the installer service. This only means that the component itself is in an inactive state.

Fix installer issues

Now let's see how to start the Windows Installer service (the solution is applicable for all services and problems with their disabled state). In this case, although we are talking about a specific component, understanding this issue may come in handy later on when correcting other errors.

local windows services

You can also access the management section for these components in the Run menu by writing the command services.msc in the console line. You can also enter this section through the computer control menu.

windows installer service

After logging in, look at the right side of the editor, where local Windows services are located. Here you need to find the line with the name of the component you are looking for (in our case, this is the Windows installer) and look at the type of startup set. The value must be set on the manual type. If it is different (usually the automatic type is set), double-click to call up an additional settings window. On the corresponding tab, from the drop-down list, select the desired value, and then save the changes made. In principle, in most cases it is not necessary to reboot the device, but for the sake of fidelity it is better to make a full restart, and then see how the system will behave.

We could also try to change the similar settings in the system registry, which, in general, duplicates the parameters set in this section. But such a method is more time-consuming and lengthy, and even in the absence of special knowledge, it is better not to climb into the registry without the need.

Correction of errors using an automated utility

Finally, if the above methods of resolving the problem did not help, which happens quite often, and a notification that Windows cannot connect to the such-and-such service appears again and again, you can use the automated remedies provided for Download and install on the official Microsoft support page.

windows cannot connect to service

In this case, we are talking about a small program called Microsoft Fix It. Another method for resolving the problem may be downloading from the same resource the installation distribution kit of the installer, followed by integration into the system. True, it should be done exclusively by the administrator, possibly even through the command line.


In conclusion, it is worth noting that here were considered only two of the most common situations and the simplest methods for resolving problems. In some cases, when using the command line to reset the parameters of the applied commands, there can be much more, and after their execution you will still have to delve into the network settings. This solution was not considered only because it is much more complex and most users simply will not come in handy. In the simplest version, one command is enough, a maximum of two. Additionally, one could check the integrity of system components through the sfc / scannow command, but, as practice shows, it is applied, so to speak, just in case.

By the way, for some reason, according to statistics, such problems most often appear in the version of Windows Vista, which is already criticized for the fact that even with the installed updates it still remains unfinished and "raw."


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