Magnesia cleaning at home without harm to the body

The modern lifestyle of a person often leads to the fact that his body begins to suffer from the influence of negative external factors - poor ecology, frequent exposure to stressful conditions, a sedentary lifestyle, inadequate quality of food, etc. In addition, bad habits like smoking or drinking alcohol can aggravate the condition. All of the above primarily affects the nervous system and the gastrointestinal tract, which causes a huge number of diseases.

body cleansing with magnesia at home reviews

This article will tell you in detail about how to get rid of such adverse effects, why you need to do this and how to clean with magnesia at home. Recommendations will be given on the use of magnesium sulfate to cleanse the digestive tract and liver.

Why cleanse the body?

Before you consider what the essence of cleaning with magnesia at home is, it is extremely important to understand the nature of the toxins that poison the body. So, in the process of human life, toxins are formed in his body. Doctors give the following definition of this term: toxins are poisons of biological origin. It is conditionally possible to divide them into two groups:

  1. Exotoxins are harmful substances that enter the human body from the external environment.
  2. Endotoxins are substances that arise in the process of life. As a rule, such toxins are formed at those moments when a person is sick. So, with liver pathologies in the body there is an accumulation of bilirubin, ammonia, phenols, and with diabetes - ketone bodies.

Most toxic substances that enter the body (through air or food) are excreted by organs such as the liver and kidneys. But under poor environmental conditions, these organs lose their ability to cope with such a task at the proper level, as a result, they themselves need to be cleansed.

body cleansing with magnesia at home

Doctors recommend periodically cleaning themselves of accumulated toxins. There are many methods, but one of the most popular is cleaning the body with magnesia. At home, to perform such a procedure is not at all difficult, but in any case, a doctor's consultation is necessary.

When you need to think about cleansing the body?

There are a number of conditions that may indicate that the body needs internal purification. These include the following:

  • unexplained fatigue;
  • lethargy;
  • irritated skin;
  • allergies
  • the presence of a minor infection in the body;
  • bags under the eyes;
  • flatulence;
  • menstruation problems in women;
  • lethargy and impaired concentration of attention.

If such conditions are not associated with any disease and overcome a person extremely often, then you should think about cleansing the body from the inside.

Now that it has become known why this procedure should be performed, it is necessary to study the features of such a tool as magnesia, its mechanism of action, and also to understand how it can be used to cleanse the body.

home cleaning magnesia contraindications

What is magnesia?

Magnesia (magnesium sulfate) is a substance that can have a hypotensive, sedative, anticonvulsant, antispasmodic, antiarrhythmic effect. The drug is able to regulate metabolic processes, reduce the amount of acetylcholine in the nervous system, relax smooth muscles, lower blood pressure, etc.

In addition to the above, magnesia is the so-called antidote for poisoning the body with salts of heavy metals. And also the drug can be used as a laxative.

Mechanism of action

When taking magnesium sulfate, it is possible to remove excess fluid from the body, free the intestines from accumulated feces, speed up metabolism, and cleanse toxins.

It is worth remembering that magnesia has a laxative and choleretic effect. The drug begins to act in about 30 minutes. However, the most noticeable effect is achieved after two to three hours after ingestion of magnesium sulfate.

Release Forms

This product can be purchased in powder form. It is this form that is best suited for cleaning with magnesia at home.

There is still a solution of magnesium sulfate in ampoules. In addition, you can find the drug in the form of tablets.

In order to cleanse the intestines, liver or gall bladder with magnesia at home, you should consult your doctor. A specialist will be able to recommend one or another form of release, talk about methods of use, calculate an individual dosage, and also describe in detail the possible side effects.

Body preparation

For carrying out cleansing procedures, it is important to prepare for this in advance. For a week or two, you should start a diet that prohibits the use of fatty, salty, canned and smoked foods. In addition, you will have to abandon bakery products, meat, spices, pasta and alcoholic beverages. Only products of plant origin should be introduced into the diet. It is recommended to use them raw, boiled or steamed.

body preparation for cleaning

During the preparatory period, attention should be paid to heavy drinking. At least two liters of pure water should be drunk per day, and also a rosehip decoction should be consumed in small portions.

Bowel cleansing

To clean the intestines at home with magnesia, it is necessary to purchase a preparation in the form of a powder for subsequent preparation of the mixture. The cleaning solution should be prepared as follows: 20 grams of the powder is diluted in 100 ml of warm boiled water.

bowel cleansing with magnesia at home

Such a solution must be taken for three days. According to reviews, cleaning the body with magnesia at home should be carried out in free time from work. It is best to choose a weekend to begin the cleansing period.

So, after waking up, you need to prepare a solution and drink it on an empty stomach. As noted earlier, the effect can occur both after half an hour, and after a longer time (two to three hours). After taking the medicine, you must refrain from breakfast for three hours. Ideally, eating is only possible an hour after the last bowel movement. On the first and second day of cleaning with magnesia at home, the bowel movement can occur several times. This should be remembered.

Reviews bowel cleansing with magnesia at home

According to people who have tested on themselves magnesium sulfate as a means of cleansing the intestines, the drug really copes with its main task. After a course of administration, the intestine is completely empty, and along with this, all toxic toxins are excreted.

According to reviews, the main thing is not to neglect such moments as the preparatory stage of cleaning and the timing of taking the drug. It is not necessary to carry out cleansing therapy for too long, because three days of regular procedures are enough.

Liver cleansing

The liver is an organ that processes and breaks down substances that enter the body. In addition, she is responsible for blood filtration.

liver cleaning with magnesia at home

When the liver is overloaded with toxins, its natural working cycle slows down. Often a person overloads it by drinking alcohol, fried and spicy foods. Subsequently, serious malfunctions in her work may occur. Therefore, periodically it is worth thinking about its purification, which magnesia can perfectly help. However, as in the previous case, it is important to consult a doctor before using the drug, who, having assessed the current state of the body, will be able to give the necessary recommendations.

Cleaning the liver with magnesia at home is slightly different from the method described above. However, it is also necessary to start with a week of preliminary preparation, which includes the rejection of meat, fish, as well as heavy, fried and spicy foods.

After a week of preparation, you can begin the treatment procedure. In the morning (on an empty stomach) you need to take a solution prepared from 20 grams of powder and 70 ml of warm boiled water. After that, you should move to bed for two hours. It is necessary to lie on the right side, placing a warm heating pad under you.

During the day, eating is prohibited. However, do not neglect heavy drinking. For these purposes, you should pre-prepare for yourself 2 liters of purified water, and, if possible, a rosehip broth. Such a liquid helps to eliminate toxins from the body.

After the procedure, you should responsibly treat your diet. The next day and for three days after cleaning, only vegetables (raw, boiled, steamed) are allowed, except cabbage and potatoes. Further, on the fifth day, non-acidic fruits and skim milk products can be included in the diet. If there are no malfunctions in the body, then in the future you can switch to a normal diet, daily diluting your diet with new products. However, do not immediately pounce on fried foods, spicy foods, alcohol, and more.

If such therapy is carried out as a prophylaxis, then the procedure should not be repeated more often than once a month. Speaking about the treatment of liver diseases, such a cleansing must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. A specialist will help determine, based on the current state, how many procedures may be needed.

Reviews on cleaning the liver with magnesia at home

For many, this procedure is partly painful, as it requires a person to adhere to a strict diet for two weeks. However, reviews of cleaning with magnesia at home suggest that the body really becomes much easier.

magnesia cleaning at home

Thanks to the healing effects of the drug and an auxiliary diet, a person allows the liver and the body as a whole to restart, so to speak. In two weeks, almost all the waste products that have accumulated over a long time come out of the body.

However, it is worth noting once again that people who have tested this method of cleaning themselves recommend that the procedure be carried out in their spare time from work (on vacation or a day off).

Gallbladder Cleansing

In general, for cleaning the gallbladder with magnesia at home, there are no fundamentally separate rules or recommendations. If there is a need for such a procedure, then it is necessary to use the recommendations for cleaning the liver, which were described above.

During this, not only the liver itself, but also the bile ducts are cleansed, which helps to bring most of the internal organs to normal.


It is imperative to remember that magnesium sulfate is not a dietary supplement, but a drug. Therefore, it is worth taking it seriously.

Speaking about contraindications for cleaning with magnesia at home, it is worth highlighting the following conditions and diseases:

  • kidney problems, including stones;
  • diseases of the respiratory system;
  • exacerbation of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • individual intolerance to magnesium sulfate.

In addition, it is forbidden to carry out such cleaning for women bearing a child. Nursing girls are sometimes allowed to take this drug, but it is carried out under the supervision of a doctor and only if the risk for the baby is less than the need for procedures along with magnesia. Girls should also refrain from brushing during menstruation.

Side effects

Such a procedure is not always easy. Some people may also encounter side effects of the drug, especially if the dosage has been disrupted.

In general, the following series of side effects from magnesium sulfate are distinguished:

  • vomiting and nausea;
  • inflammation of the digestive tract;
  • cramps
  • arrhythmia;
  • hot flashes;
  • impaired attention and mental concentration;
  • dizziness;
  • flatulence;
  • diarrhea;
  • fatigue and stuff.

It is extremely important to read the instructions for the drug and consult a doctor before taking magnesia.


Magnesium sulfate (magnesia) is a drug that is widely used to remove toxins from the body. Many argue that this is an effective tool, after which you can really feel yourself easier and cleaner inside. However, it happens that magnesia can be harmful to the body. That is why it is important to consult a doctor before use, which, based on all indicators, will help determine the feasibility of such a procedure.


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