Restaurant "Chicha" in Moscow: address, reviews about Peruvian cuisine

Have you ever heard of Peruvian cuisine? Have you tried it? In Moscow there is an opportunity to get acquainted with the features of this extraordinary culinary trend. Restaurant "Chicha" presents it to everyone.

restaurant chicha reviews


A fashionable place is named after a popular drink. Chicha is sold everywhere in Peru.

What distinguishes this institution from others? The fact that for the first time in the capital in one menu contains all the directions of Peruvian cuisine. Chicha Restaurant is located in the very center of the capital, but only having crossed its threshold, guests immediately find themselves in the hot and emotional Latin America.

The brand chef personally traveled to Peru and spent a month there in order to study the features of Peruvian cuisine in her homeland. And then he visited some of the trendiest restaurants with this cuisine in London. Thanks to this approach, he managed to realize the idea reliably and honestly. The chef in charge of Japanese immigrant food was an intern in Lima.

There is something unusual in the organization of space. This is a restaurant with an open kitchen and a spacious summer terrace.

All this led to the fact that in the evenings there are practically no empty seats, so tables need to be booked in advance. Even with a little delay, the reservation is removed and given away to other guests.

The Chicha restaurant in Moscow is a project of Boris Zarkov; Vladimir Mukhin is in the position of chef. They are familiar with the residents of the capital on the White Rabbit project.

chicha restaurant


The menu looks more like a cookbook, in which dishes are collected in separate chapters. If we talk about classical Peruvian cuisine, then there are three main areas in it:

  • Nikkei - the culinary traditions of immigrants from Japan.
  • Chifa - a direction of gastronomy created by immigrants from China.
  • Creole is a legacy of the Spanish conquistadors.

Each event in the history of Peru has left its imprint in the culinary traditions of this country.

“Chicha” is a restaurant of Peruvian cuisine, so the menu is a little scary with an abundance of incomprehensible words: “tiradito”, “saltado”, “tostaditos”, but it all sounds fascinating.

chicha restaurant in Moscow

Creole dishes are ceviche, cousine casserole, casuela thick soup. Nikkei is a dish made from fish with added fruits, vegetables and special spices. Chifa is fried rice, wontons on thin dough made from rice flour. Native American gastronomic roots have potatoes, corn, hot peppers, and fresh fish.

For dessert, they will offer sweet potato cheesecake with passion fruit, corn cake with coconut ice cream and lime, and chili truffles. Everything is unusually tasty.

Chicha is a Peruvian restaurant in which dishes are not copied, it would be too boring, they are passed through the chef’s unique author’s vision and seasoned with brilliant technique.


The collection of drinks in the bar is designed to satisfy not only the thirst of guests, but also their curiosity. First of all, these are Peruvian cocktails, prepared both according to classical recipes, and created as a result of bold experiments.

There is so much unusual! For example, a bright green cocktail made from guarana and coca leaves. It was these plants that were once used by the Indians as power engineers.

The following unique blend has been known since the Inca Empire: corn chicha, pink ulluko tubers and pisco grape vodka - it tones incredibly.

chicha peruvian restaurant

The cocktail, known as the national treasure of the country, can be tasted in several original variations. This drink is called Pisco Sauer.

The wine list of the restaurant is quite rich, it contains a wonderful collection of wines of Chile, Argentina, South Africa, Australia, Spain and other countries. There is champagne and sparkling wines.

Trying all the amazing dishes and drinks at one time is simply impossible. This means that the Chicha restaurant will obviously have to be visited more than once.


In general, the situation can be called concise. Spacious cozy rooms, soft sofas and armchairs, warm shades and a lot of natural wood in the decoration, large windows and pleasant light. Unusual interior details give atmospheres: paintings, living plants, wine cabinets, small figurines, tree trunks painted with bright paint. I want to examine every detail, study, they create a very special mood.

chicha restaurant peruvian cuisine

Guests can choose a place for themselves near the open kitchen, at tables in a cozy room, near the bar or on the summer terrace.

Music perfectly complements the atmosphere, but sounds quiet at the same time, which allows you to conduct conversations comfortably, without raising your voice and without straining your hearing.

Restaurant "Chicha": reviews

On the popular Tripadvisor Internet site, where guests leave feedback on cafes and restaurants, this establishment received a fairly high rating - four points. Guests praise a calm, pacifying atmosphere, consider the pricing policy acceptable for a restaurant of this level.

As for the cuisine, a number of dishes are delicious, some say that food is not for everyone. Visitors praise the friendly and cheerful staff, celebrate the spectacular presentation of dishes.

This place is advised to those who are ready to decide on an experiment. But still, some guests are a little disappointed with the interior, as they expected to see something more exotic, they also comment on the size of the portion.

Restaurant Address

Chicha Restaurant is located at 31 Novinsky Boulevard, Moscow. This is the Novinsky Passage shopping center. Phone number is +7 495 725 2579. The nearest metro stations are Barrikadnaya and Krasnopresnenskaya.

For those who prefer to use personal transport, near the building of the shopping center there is a convenient parking lot.

You can reserve a table through the convenient form available on the restaurant's website, or by the phone number indicated above.

Chicha restaurant in Moscow is a great place for a romantic date, meeting friends or a pleasant family evening.


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