Hennessy (cognac) - history, classification and taste

Hennessy is the most famous and best-selling cognac in the world. It is sold in more than 100 countries, and its annual production turnover reaches about 50 million bottles. The popular brand presents to connoisseurs of elite alcohol an impressive assortment of inexpensive drinks, affordable base blends and immodestly expensive cognacs with a 100-year aging period. Hennessy is a first-class cognac, a standard of quality, impeccable taste and respectability, which has passed the stellar path with a length of 250 years.

The story of the legendary drink

The noble drink owes its origin to the Irishman Richard Hennessey. As the captain of one of the battalions of the army of Louis XV, he was injured in battle and was sent to the hospital for treatment. By fate, he found himself near the city of Cognac, known at that time for the production of magic brandy, which, according to local residents, could put even a hopelessly sick person on its feet. The wonderful taste made an indelible impression on Richard, inspired to create a similar drink. However, he did not succeed in realizing the plans at once - the officer was waiting for the service. And the birth of Hennessy (cognac) was postponed indefinitely.

Hennessy Cognac

In 1765, having earned the rank of retired captain, Richard returned to Cognac and founded a small cognac company. Taking advantage of the temporary shortage of whiskey, he organized supplies first to the Emerald Isle, and then throughout Britain. Over time, the taste of cognac was also appreciated in France. Having been praised by Louis XV, the brainchild of Hennessey reached the shores of the United States, Russia, Australia and China. Soon, his fame spread throughout the world and found a response among millions of alcoholic gourmets. In 1813, the son of Richard Jacques patented the brand Jas Hennessy & Co, under the auspices of which the legendary cognac is produced to this day.

Star classification

Today, the Hennessy brand , whose cognac sets the tone for the entire alcohol industry, is known throughout the world. The secret of his success lies in special production technologies and in the will to victory, which are passed down from generation to generation, from father to son.

In 1865, in order to combat counterfeit products, cognac, originally sold in barrels, was first delivered in bottles. At the same time, the cult form of the bottle was also invented, resembling a grape cluster in outline. At the same time, Maurice Hennessy invented the legendary stellar classification of blends, the amount of which determined the age of brandy alcohol. The number of stars indicated the minimum exposure time. So, Hennessy Very Special received three stars, and Hennessy VCOP - four.

Versatility Hennessy

Hennessey is marketed in several categories, distinguished by age, cost and taste. The basic blends include: the most famous cognac Hennessy XO (confirmation of that), Hennessey VS, Hennessy VSOP. To the more expensive are Hennessy Paradis and Richard Hennessey. The highest level is occupied by the collection representatives of the brand: Hennessy Timeless, Hennessy Ellipse, Hennessy Private Reserve, the price of which can reach 700-800 thousand rubles.

Hennessey VS (Very Special)

This is the most sought-after cognac in the world with a aging period of more than two years. It is distinguished by a sparkling amber color and a soft, velvety taste, saturated with floral, oak and nutty shades. The expressive vanilla aftertaste completes the range of sensations. The cost of a bottle of 0.7 liter is 800-1000 rubles.

cognac Hennessy xo reviews

Hennessy VSOP (Very Superior Old Pale)

A light amber drink with a multifaceted palette of taste: a wave of vanilla, cinnamon and cloves is followed by a light smack of smoke, which is immediately replaced by honey and grape notes ending in an avalanche of aftertaste with the participation of almonds and fruits. Hennessy VSOP cognac is made from 60 types of alcohol, whose age is 6-12 years. The price of the drink is 2-3 thousand rubles (0.5 l).

cognac Hennessy vsop

Hennessey XO (Extra Old)

Cognac of this category can be safely called a masterpiece of the alcohol industry. It is based on a combination of a hundred types of alcohol, the exposure of each of which lasts at least 20 years. The drink is distinguished by a deep amber-red color and a perfectly balanced taste, in which there is nothing superfluous, intrusive - just notes of cinnamon and oak, the strength of which is softened by shades of dried fruits, flowers and cocoa. The avalanche of feelings completes the long, spicy aftertaste. Buy cognac Hennessy XO 0,5 l. possible for 12-13 thousand rubles.

Brandy Hennessy xo 0 5

How to drink

It is customary to drink cognac slowly, leisurely, enjoying every sip, a rich palette of taste and a pleasant aroma. It is for this reason that a noble drink is served in special dishes - snifters (from the English word sniff - to sniff). The snifter has the shape of a wide glass on a short leg, sharply tapering up. The dishes make it possible to fully enjoy the smell of elite alcohol. Hennessy (cognac) is consumed slowly, warming the glass with the warmth of the hand, from which the whole bouquet of its luxurious aroma is revealed. Good brandy is usually not eaten, although in the entire history of its existence, the drink has acquired national characteristics of consumption. So, the Russian people are used to seizing it with lemon or chocolate, while the French have developed the rule of three β€œC” (Cafe, Cognac, Cigare) - coffee, cognac, cigar.

Cognac Hennessy: how to distinguish a fake

To protect yourself from buying a fake famous drink, you need to know some rules:

  • The color of the present Hennessey is saturated, amber, while its pirate counterpart resembles in appearance tea with lemon.
  • The shape of the bottle of the true brainchild of R. Hennessey is wide, with a pot-bellied base.
    Hennessy cognac how to distinguish a fake
  • A special brand mark is engraved on the original bottle - bunches and leaves of grapes. It is also applied under the sticker on which the aging time is indicated.
  • The brand name is engraved in the bottom of the bottle of genuine Hennessey brandy, while you will not find such an inscription on a fake.
  • Pay attention to the cork. It must bear the brand name, logo and degree of exposure. Cognac, on the cork which is missing at least one of these elements - fake.

Use only original Hennessy cognac. How to distinguish a fake, we told you. And having tasted the true β€œHennessy”, you will become a fan of it for a long time!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C45842/

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