Soothing herbs

It has long been noticed that some natural remedies help calm the human nervous system. Moreover, by the way, it is much more effective than many preparations of official medicine. And in our time, when the rhythm of life is especially stressful, one often wants from the heart to slurp valerian. However, some sedative herbs may cause the patient to have allergies or other adverse reactions. Therefore, you should not choose folk remedies yourself, but first consult with your doctor.

Recipes of traditional medicine will perfectly help the patient restore the mental and physical strength of his body, relieve tension and stress, and also prevent insomnia.

Most often, valerian root extracts are used for such therapeutic purposes. This is an excellent sedative , the antidepressant properties of which have given it a special demand. It is simply indispensable for all sorts of nervous stress and overexcitation.

Tinctures from hypericum leaves collected during flowering also have antidepressant properties. They help with sleep disorders and depression, and are also an excellent choleretic agent.

Peppermint is a very common plant, the flowering period of which occurs at the end of summer. Teas or decoctions of this medicinal herb restore sleep, soothe, and also have antispasmodic action and just a very pleasant taste. However, it should be noted that too frequent use of mint drinks can for some time slightly weaken the sex drive in men.

Lavender is an evergreen plant with a charming aroma, the flowering period of which falls in mid-late summer. However, it can be collected from May to the end of July. For medical purposes, mainly inflorescences are used, which are best collected at the beginning of the flowering period. Lavender remedies help fight neurasthenia, palpitations, insomnia, and headache. It has a light diuretic property.

Chamomile is a very common plant. It has a healing property if it was collected between May and July. Decoctions of it anesthetize, soothe, help relieve inflammation, and also has some disinfectant properties. Great for flushing wounds. It also helps relieve eye strain.

Hops are usually grown on special plantations. Very useful plant. It has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal properties, can help with allergies, and is also useful for the digestive system. Soothes, improves sleep.

Often make infusion or tea not from one, but from several herbs. Next are a few recipes for such decoctions.

Take the dried valerian root, chopped cones of hops, St. John's wort and thyme - just one tablespoon each, mix and pour soothing herbs into enameled or glass dishes, and then pour two cups of boiling water there. Insist an hour. Soothes, strengthens a dream.

Melissa wine will be not only an excellent drink, but also a good remedy, which is recommended by traditional medicine. Herbs need to be taken in the amount of 1 tbsp. spoons, you will also need a glass of white wine. Pour the dried lemon balm leaves with wine, leave to infuse for exactly two weeks in a cool and dry place, shake once a day. After two weeks, strain. And take about 30 g three times a day. A good remedy for various nervous disorders and insomnia.

Those who do not sleep very well at night, or even see nightmares in a dream, will be helped by soothing herbs, from which special tea can be prepared. You will need lemon balm and chamomile - a tablespoon, St. John's wort - half a tablespoon, and about a third of Art. tablespoons of peppermint. Pour half a tablespoon of this mixture with a glass of boiling water, leave for about 15 minutes. Then strain and take a couple of hours before bedtime.

Psychological tension is well relieved by tincture of angelica (angelica) on wine. The root of this plant needs to be chopped, pour 30 g of it with white wine with a volume of about half a liter, insist for a day, occasionally shaking. Take a tincture you need a quarter cup twice a day.

Not only adults suffer from sleep and nervous system disorders. Soothing herbs for children are most often motherwort, chamomile, lemon balm, oregano and valerian. Preschoolers sometimes sleep poorly, and school-age children, because of their sensitivity, are often overexcited or irritable. Soothing herbs in such cases will be very helpful.


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