Chichagov's healing system: health can be restored!

The New Martyr, Metropolitan Seraphim Chichagov, had not only a spiritual education, but also a medical one. Along with serving in the church, he was an icon painter, composer, and medical practitioner. The healing technique he developed is based on the fact that the human body is a perfect mechanism, which needs to be restored not by the “parts” that have fallen away, but in its entirety. The Chichagov system has not lost its relevance today. In addition, more and more people are taking self-healing of the integrity of the body as the most true direction of recovery.

chichagov system

Leonid Mikhailovich Chichagov considered the work of the stomach to be the nodal moment of maintaining health. Protection from harmful microorganisms, as well as the biochemical component of the blood, the degree of its viscosity and density, depend on its functioning.


The causes of the disease are interpreted by the Chichagov system as follows: improper functioning of the stomach does not protect the body from infection, which enters the bloodstream through the intestines. From this moment, the person’s temperature rises.


- "Do not bring down the temperature with medicines!" - convinced sick Chichagov.

- The recovery system for colds excludes food and water for this period.

- Suck a grain of salt every 30 minutes.

- Taking a pill of the diuretic drug "Lasix" (for a child - half).

- On the skin of the body, at the locations of the spleen and liver, it is necessary to draw iodine nets; as they disappear, do them again.

- On the second day, when the temperature drops, every two hours drink 5 drops of propolis tincture, dissolved in 50 g of water.

- Drink the same solution once in the morning, afternoon and evening for another 5 days, until the infection is completely eliminated from the body.

Varicose veins in the legs

chichagov healing system

Chichagov’s system explains the causes of the disease by the malfunctioning of the thyroid gland, which is no longer able to launch the necessary functions of the liver, including the rise of blood in the veins of the lower extremities.


- Every day from 20.00 to 22.00 (during the most active work of the gland) in the area of ​​the thyroid gland draw iodine nets, do so until iodine is absorbed and disappears from the skin quickly.

- Dissolve 4 aspirin tablets in one glass of hot water, dip 2 rolls of bandage into the solution, remove, slightly squeeze and bandage the legs from the bottom up, starting from the tips of the fingers like stockings, remove after an hour (the procedure is carried out for several days).

High blood pressure

chichagov system 1 part
Causes of the disease: as a result of poor work of the stomach, the kidneys can not cope with the amount of work on fluid filtration. Urea salts enter the bloodstream and the vessels narrow to prevent the salts from entering the head. The so-called renal pressure is the top digit, the bottom is the heart.

Chichagov's Wellness System:

- 1 part of the treatment consists in taking a hot bath for the feet;

- Part 2 - make an iodine grid in the region of the heart.


The Chichagov system explains the causes of the disease by the poor functioning of the kidneys, namely, the insufficient excretion of urea salts, which causes the vessels of the brain to spasm to prevent the ingress of salts.


- tablet "Lasix";

- 5 tbsp. l fry sesame seeds without oil, add 1 tbsp. l salt and grind in a coffee grinder - take the mixture, slowly dissolving, in a volume of up to 1 tbsp. l during a headache.


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